Posts categorized: Plugins

You Don’t Need Any Plugins to Stop Comment Spam
I think one of the biggest WordPress myths is that you need a bunch of plugins to control comment spam. Pretty much all of the posts out there on preventing WordPress comment spam are telling you to install some list of “must-have” anti-spam plugins. Some authors insist that you need only a few “choice” plugins, while others advise you to load up on everything you can get your hands on. Such advice is all well-intentioned, I’m sure, but it’s all based on the assumption that plugins are actually necessary to control comment spam. They’re not. WordPress is well-equipped to handle the job all by itself. Plugins may provide additional anti-spam functionality, but they are by no means essential to running a spam-free site.

New Poll: How Many Plugins do You Use?
Time for a new poll! This one is something that many WordPress developers and designers think about: how many plugins is the right number of plugins?
Of course there is no one correct answer, but it will be interesting to see if there is a particular number of plugins that most people are using.

Plugin Wishes Come True
Just a quick update to the post I wrote about plugins I’m too lazy to write. Steve Whiteley put together a plugin for Subtitles that is exactly how I envisioned it. For my wishes about avoiding widows in post titles, Shaun Inman had the solution years ago. (Shaun’s site is down for me right now, but I’m sure won’t be for long).

Rude Things Plugins Can Do
I heart plugin authors. Their work is generally amazing, a huge benefit to the community, the reason why WordPress rules so much, and deserving of much worship. That being said, plugins can do some pretty rude things sometimes…

Poll Results: Goodbye Dolly
Back in July, we asked the WordPress community whether or not the Hello Dolly plugin should be included with WordPress. Several months later, over 1,200 people have voted, and here are the results:

Ideas for WordPress Plugins I’m Too Lazy To Write
… or slightly more accurately, ideas for plugins that I don’t know how to write =)

Plugin Spotlight: Postalicious
The social bookmarking service Delicious has always been friendly with WordPress. In fact, right from the settings of your Delicious account you can set up a blog posting “job” which will literally post your links directly to your blog with no further intervention on your part. Easy peasy.

Advanced WordPress Targeting with body_class_plus()
Since WordPress 2.8, we can target specific types of page views with CSS using the new body_class()
tag. Designed for use within the <body></body>
element, body_class()
outputs various class attributes according to the current type of page view. This makes it easy to apply page-specific styling such as current-page navigation highlighting and other nifty CSS tricks.

WordPress Plugins That Are Useful for ANY Site
The whole notion of plugins is that they provide special niche functionality that not every site would need. But that is just theoretical, as most new features that have ever been added to the WordPress core began life as a plugin. If the plugin was useful to enough people, it was built in.

Goodbye Dolly? (Take the poll!)
Out of the thousands of plugins available for WordPress, there is one that all WordPress users are familiar with: Hello Dolly. As far as I know, the Hello Dolly plugin was the first WordPress plugin and has been included with every version of WordPress. The plugin is so familiar that many WordPress users don’t even think about it. They either activate the plugin or delete it without giving it a second thought. But if you actually stop to think about it for a moment, the following questions seem inescapable: