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DigWP Version 3.4 Update

DigWP Version 3.4 Update

Digging Into WordPress version 3.4 is here! The DigWP v3.4 update covers WordPress 3.4 (Green), with new and revised content throughout the book. This is the book’s 10th Edition, making version 3.4 more fluid, focused and current than ever. It’s also a free update to everyone who owns either print or digital versions of the book. Read on for a sneak peek and summary of the book’s features..

Sneak peek!

To show some of the cool features of Digging into WordPress, here’s a quick look at several choice pages from DigWP version 3.4 (screenshots taken from the Deluxe Widescreen Edition):

DiW 3.4 screenshot (1 of 5)Beautiful full-color design
DiW 3.4 screenshot (2 of 5)Focused content with plenty of bonus information
DiW 3.4 screenshot (3 of 5)Covers all the latest and greatest WP features
DiW 3.4 screenshot (4 of 5)Easy to follow tutorials with additional notes and resources to dig deeper
DiW 3.4 screenshot (5 of 5)Crisp, clean typography makes it easy to dig into WordPress :)

Book features

Here are some of the highlights for the DiW 3.4 update:

  • WordPress 3.4 – new chapter covering the latest version of WordPress
  • Print & PDF – available in PDF and print editions (soon!)
  • Updated bonus version – new widescreen and lite PDF/eBook versions
  • All AJAX Update – exclusive All AJAX theme now better than ever
  • Hyperlinked! – all chapters & sections hyperlinked for better usability

Plus updated links, new popouts, plus tons of little tweaks and edits that synergize to improve overall quality and accuracy. The book reads, looks, and flows better than ever, giving you a richer, more rewarding WordPress experience. So you can learn how to WordPress in style.

For more details, visit the Errata & Changelog page. Current members can log in to the Members Area immediately to update the new version (for FREE).

New to the book? Learn more and check out the free PDF Demo.

Get the PDF

The PDF version is available now. For $27, you get over 400 pages of full-color WordPress action, plus free lifetime updates, exclusive themes, and everything else. It’s the best deal around for learning WordPress.

Already bought the book? Awesome. To get the new version, log into your account at our new Members Area and download at your convenience.

Get the book!

Early-Bird Special

For the next week you save $7 off the PDF using this discount code:


Just apply that coupon during checkout to get Digging Into WordPress v3.4 + lifetime updates and all the trimmings for only $20.

Discount valid until October 12th, 2012.

Printed Books

The print version is on the way! Here’s what we know so far:

  • Spiral-bound, full-color printing (430 pages + cover)
  • Each book includes a FREE copy of the PDF/eBook + alternate versions
  • Each book includes our exclusive themes & free lifetime updates
  • International shipping will be available for this edition

We don’t have any specific numbers or dates at this point, but we’ll post an announcement here at We also have a notification list to receive an email once the new printed books are available.

Bonus Surprise!

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free printed copy of Digging into WordPress! As soon as the new books are in, we’ll pick a winner and send an all-expense-paid 10th Edition (includes PDF + all the extraz). Good luck! :)

95 responses

  1. Jones’in for a copy… My PDF is worn out

  2. I never got an account when I bought the book. Tried to reset password but my email isn’t in the system. Did I miss something?

  3. Thank you! This book is a MUST HAVE for any WordPress developer / designer.

  4. CorrindaCampbell

    In the absence of an ePub edition I like the wide-screen edition. Thanks

  5. This looks awesome! Looking forward to checking out the book.

  6. I’m tempted to take advantage of the special on the PDF version, but might be interested in adding the physical book later. Is there a discount on the hard copy for those who have already purchased the electronic version? Thanks for all of the hard work putting the book together – it looks great!

    • Hi Rodney, PDFs are included with the printed books as a free bonus, so if you’re planning on getting a printed copy it’s best to wait another few weeks if possible ;)

      • Thanks Rondy for asking that question, i was about to ask. I’ll wait for the book if i don’t win the free copy here. :)

  7. Dear Jeff & Chris,

    I humbly submit that this book needs to be made available as an epub edition. PDF files are to ebook readers and tablet devices what fixed-width websites are to mobile browsers: an exercise in pinch-and-zoom frustration.

    That widescreen edition sure is beautiful on a 27-inch display, but it’s unusable and therefore unreadable on my Nexus 7–unlike each of the other ebooks by O’Rilley and A Book Apart that I’m currently reading. The net result is that I’m less inclined to try read your otherwise superb content, which is bad for the both of us.

    Hopefully I’m not the only one who shares this opinion.


    • Thanks for the feedback, Art. For the next book update, we’re planning a complete overhaul aimed at further streamlining content and making it available in more formats (like ePub). You’re not the only one who has asked for ePub :)

  8. I’ll have me a hands on copy if there is one going spare!

  9. Thanks for the update and all you do to help the WordPress community grow and flourish.

  10. #WINN!

  11. An updated version…in print…would be sweet!

  12. I never in anything – change my luck ;-)

  13. Nicely done!

  14. Nice work, keep it going

  15. Alejandro Flores

    It would be sweet to win a printed copy. Awesome update for the book!

  16. The new book looks fantastic. Oh, I want one… a nice old-fashioned paper version that donĀ“t require batteries.

  17. When is the extended edition coming out? What about the Holiday box set with the blooper reels and interviews with the writers, where can I pre-order that?

    That’s my entry for the freebie ;-)

  18. Thanks for the update…owning the book would be nice

  19. Winner winner chicken dinner!

  20. ChristopherBell

    Awesome..thanks for the continued efforts in keeping this up-to-date (along with free updates for previous purhases). Great work!

  21. With the continued updates, this has been the best value for any development book I’ve ever purchased. These guys know their stuff, and how to take care of their customers!!

    (Now, if a print version found it’s way to my mailbox, that wouldn’t be a bad thing either!!)

  22. Looking forward to the book!!!

  23. Maurice Cherry

    The updates look really great! Can’t wait to check out this book!

  24. David Barkoczi

    Must have book!

  25. Philip Stancil

    Aspiring theme developer here, very excited about the new book coming out!

  26. I purchased the pdf about a month ago and would love to win a hardcopy. With the help of your book I was able to very quickly create my own theme and now have three (selectable) themes on my blog with plans to keep creating more. I’ve learned a lot in the process. Thanks for all of the great info and inspiration!

  27. Hate to sound stupid but what does “Each book includes our exclusive themes & free lifetime updates” mean? I bought the printed book a couple of months ago…how do I update it?


  28. DiW is my go-to book on WordPress! A snazzy print version on my bookshelf would be just doozy :-)

  29. Phenomenal book; definitely looking forward to seeing the update and widescreen version in a few seconds. A hardcopy would be sweet.

  30. Mattia Frigeri

    veeeery good. Got mine right now!

  31. Awesome, I can’t wait for the printed version!!

  32. Sweet! And with widescreen version once more :)

    I’d like to voice my looking forward to e-book reader friendly version as well though. I have a nice, steadily growing Kindle collection and PDF just doesn’t quite do it there.

  33. This looks great! I’d love a copy!

  34. Peter Shackelford

    Great work Jeff and Chris. I think it is time I considered getting the analogue version. Thanks for all you do for the WP and .htaccess community.

  35. Can’t wait to read the new version!

  36. This is my comment.

  37. Still needs updating on the Envato marketplace.

    • Yes, we uploaded the new version yesterday and received the following message from the Envato site:

      “Your file has been uploaded successfully. Please allow up to a week for it to be reviewed. You will be notified via email when the review process is completed.”

      So looks like next week at this point if everything goes accordingly.

  38. I’ll be in! Would be great to get my hands on the hard copy.

  39. Fingers crossed – pick me!

  40. Hmm, interesting, would have to take a closer look and probably buy an e-book. Trying to widen the work area from e-commerce to also classic web pages and web presentations and WordPress seems to be the only option.

    Would love to win a printed copy! Who wouldn’t?

  41. Adam Menczykowski

    Hey! I am just getting into developing for wordpress, this book is ideal for me! I hope I win this comments competition, thanks for all the hard work on writing this!

  42. I’m in…

  43. Looking forward to reading the new version!

  44. Looking forward to the new edition!

  45. I just bought the ebook and can’t wait for the print… Great Work!!

  46. Congrats on new edition. Looking forward to reading through it. Recommend it to all the students in my workshops.

  47. I’m in! Thanks!

  48. Looking forward to the hard copy soon. Gotta be in it to win it.

  49. cool! I bought this book and it has only been a great help, never leaving my desktop!

  50. I’d be interested in pre-ordering the print version so I can get my hands on the PDF now, and get the book in the mail when it’s ready to ship. Any chance?

    Looking forward to getting my hands on a copy! You guys rock!

  51. Cant wait for the new book to print. I want it so bad.

  52. Woohoo! That is awesome! I’m a hopeless newbie who wants to learn more so that I can not only support and design my own sites, but possibly branch out and do others as well.

    I’ll be buying the PDF anyway, but hope to win a hard copy too!

  53. Wow, awesome!
    Will definitely see if I can get my hands on this to help my work.

  54. Always wanted to build my own WordPress Theme, hopefully this book will help me do that.

  55. This is a great book and just what I am looking for…heading over to get me a pdf copy now. Hard copy would be great for working off – line :D

  56. Your book sounds awesome; I’d love to win a copy!

    Often when you purchase WordPress (or Web design) books, they become out of date within a few years due to a new version of WordPress, or other software, being released.

    This is the best thing I like about DigWP is the free lifetime updates, so it is always in line with the latest version of WordPress.

    I’m waiting for the print books to come out, as I don’t always have a great deal of time to read eBooks on the computer, a hard copy I can take around with me anywhere.

    Also I really love the WordPress tips and tricks which you post on the blog. Keep up the good work!

  57. I am excited to hear this!! Looking forward to the book as a recommendable resource to colleagues.

  58. Sign me up for a chance to win a free copy of an awesome book! I think I may just buy the PDF version right now, but I’d really LOVE to have a hardcopy to flip through…

  59. great work This looks awesome!

  60. Wow, awesome!

  61. Sign me up for a chance to get a free copy please. I’ll probably buy the PDF anyway but there’s no substitute for a physical book.

  62. When is the book coming out???

  63. I never win contests, but it is worth a try :)

  64. Looking forward to the print edition. There’s no substitute for a real page-turner.

  65. I’d love to check out the book too and hey! free PDFs :D So tempting, I just might pick up my own copy

  66. Do you have any early info on pricing for the print edition? Just wondering how it’s going to compare to PDF. And also – do you ship internationally (Europe)? Would love to be included in the contest!

    • Hey Michal, the good news is that the printed books won’t be going up in price; the bad news is that they are still pretty expensive at $75 + shipping. We do ship internationally :)

  67. i’ll put a comment here just in case you’re looking for a winner for all-expense-paid 10th Edition (includes PDF + all the extraz) :)

  68. I loved to get a printed copy of your book, I do not have the sort of money needed to buy one…

  69. just bought the pdf, can’t wait for the printed one, but if you want to send me as prize i will not send it back! :)

    +1 for epub version

    and by the way thanks for the awesome work!

  70. I have been watching this booking for a long time and figure it’s time to jump in.

  71. Just bought the pdf, would LOVE the book! :)

  72. Amy Eileen Koester

    I would love to win a copy of the book, so I don’t have to give up groceries for a week to buy one!

  73. Steve & Sally Wharton

    (1) Sweet, updated edition–Can’t wait!
    (2) Ring Bound for open flat ease of use: Brilliant! (Saves going into Kinkos, getting a book’s binding sliced off, then drilled for insertion in an old 3-ring binder from a cookbook)
    (3) Yay! …list looks better with at least three.

    Joy & whirled peas, Steve & Sally

  74. I am a believer! I would like my IPU guide to all things useful, a quick draw, and a “NEED” to move forward with learning WP code. Please send me an email as soon as V3.4 is ready to hit the tangible road. Cheers…LA

  75. Looks like a great book – missed out on the discount code (expired). Still thinking of buying it, keep up the good work.


  76. Hoping the print version is coming out very soon – any info yet? Thanks Craig

    • Yes! We just heard good news from the printer, the books are finishing up and on the way :) We’ll announce here at as soon as they’re available.

  77. I found a typo on page 34 of the latest .PDF download – v3.4:

    Page 34, section 2.4.7, paragraph 1, sentence 3: The letter “a” needs to be removed from the beginning of the sentence.

    And now for my question: Since I’ve bought the .PDF, how does it work when the print version comes out. If I want that too, do I buy it at full price or can I just pay the difference?

    Best regards,

    MN, USA

  78. Go problem, month ago i read that Digging2012 discount code will be good till end of december, wanted to buy pdf for christmas. Now i checked and code is outdated… Something changed or im just wondering in unicorn world?

  79. Hi,

    I bought your book with the email address above and never got updates after that. Can you please help me to see what’s wrong?

    Thanks in advance

  80. I definitely need the print book to launch my photography website!
    Do you think it will be released before christmas?

  81. Printed copies of DigWP are here! Congrats to ThatGuyKC for winning an all-expense paid copy of the printed book!

    And as a bonus surprise, we’re also giving away free copies of the PDF/eBook to three lucky winners:

    Congrats to all winners and thank you to everyone who participated!

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