Posts tagged: giveaway

Book Giveaway!
To celebrate Thanksgiving, we’re giving away three copies of Digging Into WordPress! Winners will receive full access to the Members Area here at to download current versions of the book and all exclusive themes and bonus material.

Book Sale and Giveaway
To celebrate the new design and book update, we’re giving away 5 free PDF copies of Digging Into WordPress and having a Fall Book Sale!

WebHostingBuzz Giveaway
We’ve teamed up with WebHostingBuzz to present you with a superb hosting giveaway for 2013.
WebHostingBuzz is providing the following great prizes: three lucky winners will pick up an entire year of FREE hosting that includes 750 GB Disk Space, 15,000 GB monthly Bandwidth, a free domain name and more.

Elegant Themes Giveaway!
To celebrate the season, Elegant Themes is giving away three free memberships to their entire theme library — an impressive collection of 78 awesome WordPress themes yours for free!

4th of July Book Giveaway!
In celebration of the 4th of July and our one-year anniversary, we are giving away three copies of Digging into WordPress! To enter, just tell us what you would like to see in the upcoming version 3.0 of the book. We are working on the new version right now and will be updating the book with new information plus everything you need for WordPress 3.0. It’s gonna be awesome!