Elegant Themes Giveaway!

To celebrate the season, Elegant Themes is giving away three free memberships to their entire theme library — an impressive collection of 78 awesome WordPress themes yours for free!
Enter to win
To win one of the three memberships, just leave a comment on this post letting us know the name of your favorite Elegant theme(s). We’ll announce the winners next week. Good luck!
127 responses
I love Lucid. It’s so… Elegant :)
I like eStore and Gleam.
Very difficult to choose from those great themes…
I like Nova the most. -
My favourite is Glider – though it looks a lot more like Tumblr than WordPress!
I like Notebook. It’s a good fit for my site on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. :)
My Favorite Elegant theme has got to be Notebook. Such a simple and elegant design. And I think it just fits for any type of blog! thats what makes it more awesome! and the fact that its free it is widely used. I think its one of their best works in free themes.
I must say that I am in love with like the bold and clean, but stylish, lines and curves of Nimble. Just by looking at it, I can think of many different sites it would be a perfect fit on – from a personal weblog to a business site.
I would like to win :)
Elegant themes tiene excelentes temas. Uno de los mejores a mi gusto es e-store
Saludos -
I like Chameleon best
May the force be with you…
like DailyNotes most,it’s elegant and perfect for a personal blog,
I’d like Notebook very much :) It’s simple and very good looing. :) Thanks.
The bright orange, responsive Nimble is clearly my favorite!
I think my favorite is nova
I will win this thing! :)
I love the open clean look of Lucid.
Lucid has to be one of the best! With Nova possibly coming in hot on its heels
Very difficult to choose.. but I’ll say Lucid :)
Thanks for this great giveaway. -
I like Lucid.
Hard to say, I think Elegant Themes have a theme for everyone’s taste, the kind of themes you like to show off with to your friends and business relations.
DeepFocus is one of my favorites. Stay focused Elegant Themes ;). -
My favourite theme is Memoir! =)
I LOVE Lucid!
I like all of them, but I am currently designing one based on Origin. Another is going to be Lucid. Yet another is Aggregate.
Nimble is pretty sweet…
I like Nimble, followed closely by Webly.
Hard to choose one, but I’m liking the Nimble theme.
My faorite is The Source.
My favorite is The Source.
My favorite is Magnificent. Love it!
I like the Chameleon theme.
Deep Focus is rad!
I love the aggregate theme!
The theme that I like from Elegant Themes is “SKY”. Thanks!
I like the Notebook theme for it’s fine (html5?) transitions
Origin, latest one from ET is my fav atm
I liked Lucid because it looks clean and responsive. Responsiveness makes it look nice on mobile and tablet platforms.
Love Magnificent!!
Aggregate <3
Nova :)
I Like ‘Memoir’. Great theme for a personal blog!
Nimble is my current favorite.
The ones I enjoy the most are Modest and Flexible. :)
Modest, just like me :)
Simple Press!
Modest is the best m/
For me, it has to be Chameleon.
Origin – great for my portfolio. It’s such a beautiful clean grid!
Karma, Karma, Karma CHAMELEON!!!!
Nimble is my fave. Thanks so much!
All the themes look amazing, but my favorite is SimplePress.
My FAVORITE Elegant Theme is Deep Focus. Awesome job guys!!!
“Modest,” of course. :D
I like Memoir :)
Nimble is great and I would to love your themes!
I love Nimble.
Just started my own site! So excited. I think Lucid or Magnificent is my fav! I love clean and easy navigation. If I win, this will be my first install into the world of blogging. Yippee.
Chameleon. Definitely Chameleon.
My favorite Elegant theme is Lucid. Thanks DigWP for arranging this giveaway.
I like the responsive Chameleon Theme. I think it looks cool!
I very much like DeepFocus I think it would compliment my next project very well :)
Oops. Don’t you hate it when you’re not paying enough attention before you hit submit?
For me Trim theme remains the favorite. It is lightweight and easily customizable.
For me Nimble is awesome.
I like Origin and eStore.
I like to all ET but mostly Lucid and Origin.
I love the simplicity of “Boutique” theme
The theme Nimbe is my favorite for its simplicity and ability to serve multiple devices.
I really like Memoir. Works really well with large background image
I like Quadro.
My favorite might be Notebook – a Tumblr theme that doesn’t look like a Tumblr theme, and yet displays everything so elegantly.
I love Lucid so much :X
Hmm. There are many I like. Nimble might be my favorite at the moment, but that could be subject to change if I won all of them :)
The best theme is Aggregate…. Just perfect!!!!
Excellent initiative! I’d like to win, anyway go
Origin definitely!!
I like Lucid! But I think all of them are really nice.
Right now Nimble is my favorite ET theme. It’s so minimal, simple and in addition responsive. The transitions effects are so elegant.
I love Chameleon best, especially the navigation stacking.. however havent bought the theme
Love your themes. Want to win!
I built a client a site with Chameleon, and that remains one of my favorites. (She loves it.) The full-screen Gleam is amazingly seductive, but when you inspect it up close, it turns out to be pretty difficult to navigate. Everything since Evolution has been pretty impressive, and most of the themes are beautiful. Overall better for end users than for developers, but I recommend them to the students in my MediaBistro WordPress classes.
I really like Nimble. A very well built, modern theme.
Nimble – so clean & — ELEGANT!
Chameleon. That is a theme you just can’t go wrong with!
Some very Elegant themes ;-)
My fave theme (cuz I cant choose them all) is: SKY!
Elegant Themes have several that are great in their portfolio.
If I need to choose only one, TheSource could be a nice option :)Cheers,
I love the new full-window “Origin” theme!
My favourite theme is absolutely “Gleam”!
I love them all. But is I have to choose, my favorite one is definitely Bold
Hi i think Origin is one their best…
I absolutely love InStyle and would like to win.
Thank you. -
I like ElegantEstate. It’s so smooth, clear and clean.
All the themes are really great!
My Fave has to be TheStyle. It has so many possibilities.
DelicateNews is my favorite ElegantThemes theme. Thanks!
All the most beautiful Themes
And I especially like the eStore
Thank you. -
l love Origin
Tough to pinpoint any one as a fav, however, evolution impresses me and probably can be used for different sites as well
Aggregate is my favorite!
… a collection of items that are gathered together to form a total quantity – Aggregate
Origin, a responsive gem for tablet & mobile.
eStore that’s the one for me. No doubt it. It is so beautyfull!
Magnificent is…well…magnificent :-)
I love Chamelon ..
Gleam! It is perfect for models, actors, and photographers! :)
I like Lucid.
Businesscard… Nice clean front page.
I think eGamer and thesource are the ones that popped out at me. I bet you can guess what project a client has me working on and what I have on the brain right now ;)
i like Nimble
Convertible has my attention… such an elegant & flexible landing page.
Nice thems
I really like “Flexible” and “Origin”. “Gleam” is pretty nice too.
I like “Origin” for the way of portfolio presentation.
I am intrigued by Nimble!
Very difficult to choose from those great themes…
I like Nova the most. -
Mamma mia! So hard to choose…
Chameleon is the one i would find myself more comfortable, also in terms of customization.Bravi! Nice themes.
I choose Aggregate as my favorite theme.
These themes are awesome. It’s very cool that you are giving them away for free. Themes have saved me a lot of time.
NOVA. Hands down…The best…(Although all of them are really cool)…
Thanks! -
My favorite theme is ElegantEstate. As the co-founder of a real estate web marketing company, the theme takes care of so much leg work right up front, leaving me to focus on the stylistic changes and our customers happy. The customizations abilities to the site are nearly endless, and I’m very pleased with the way everything is presented – nice and clear!
My favorite theme is LightBright.
Tanveer -
I played with Nimble, and now I can’t get it out of my mind.
In this competitive world of premium themes, Flexible makes a strong point of contention by being definitively minimal and modern at the same time in ElegantThemes’ portfolio