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About is home for the book, Digging Into WordPress, written by Chris Coyier and Jeff Starr. Here you will find lots of awesome free WordPress resources, themes, and techniques to improve your site. Check us out for high-quality tutorials, tricks, tips and much more.

Books and blogs are the perfect compliment to each other when it comes to learning web technologies. The book provides the main story, with complete information on setting up, customizing, and rocking with WordPress. The blog provides additional tips, tricks, tutorials, code snippets, and other resources. Digging Into WordPress brings you the best of both worlds.


Co-Author: Chris Coyier

On Twitter: @chriscoyier

Chris Coyier Chris Coyier is a real-world web designer who has been reaching for WordPress to power client sites for many years. He subscribes to the theory that not only is WordPress capable of powering any website it is almost always the right choice.

Chris’ other projects:

Co-Author: Jeff Starr

On Twitter: @perishable

Jeff Starr Jeff Starr is a professional developer, designer, author, and publisher with over 10 years of experience on the Web. He works with WordPress on a daily basis creating high-quality plugins and themes that focus on performance, security, and web standards.

Jeff’s other projects:

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WordPress Themes

In addition to the book and blog, we also provide a number of free WordPress themes (for everyone) and several exclusive themes (for book owners).

You can learn more about our themes and check ’em out at the DigWP Theme Clubhouse, where you may download any of the free themes. To download any of the exclusive themes, log in and visit the Members Area.

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People who own the book may log in to the Members Area to download current versions of the PDF/eBook, themes, and all extras.


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From the Blog

With over 300 pages of hardcore WordPress action, the book is already overflowing with content, so the blog provides a place to post additional material, techniques, tutorials, and so on.

To date, there are over 400 posts here at, with plenty more on the way. Here are 10 favorites to get a taste of the blog:

Grab the feed and visit the archives for more great content!

Thank you

Thanks for checking us out, feel free to drop a line with any feedback or questions — Happy WP’ing!!

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