DigWP Version 3 Sold Out

Just a quick post to let everyone know that printed copies of Digging Into WordPress version 3 are now sold out. The current plan is to update the book for WordPress 3.1 and then print up another batch.
Thank you to everyone who already purchased a printed copy of Digging Into WordPress version 3!
30 responses
Has the email for the .pdf update been sent? I did not receive mine if so.
Do you have a projection on when 3.1 will be released as well as your revised book on that version?
Congrats on the sold out copies. Looking forward to the next version. Keep up the great work guys.
I’ll grab a copy with the 3.1 update. Thanks for this update!
please charge us for the 3.1 PDF update. i felt guilty taking the 3.0 update for free, as i got so much outta the 2.9 copy i bought. relieve my guilt and have us previous purchasers pay something for 3.1. aka, thanks for the great resource.
Bet you wish you did the book sooner, huh? ;-) I remember all the concern and due diligence you did before taking that big step and it paid off in spades! How cool is that!? I look forward to more good things to come in the future.
Keep up the good work guys and congrats!
Dang it!! I didn’t want to wait! :) Keep up the Great work Jeff and Chris! Look forward to 3.1!
To celebrate the release of version 3.1, I think there should be a coupon code for newcomers (hint, hint) :)
I want (need) the book right away and am happy with the PDF but really want a printed copy sometime- now that the printed copy is gone, what happens to us that buy the PDF now and then want to turn around and get a printed copy? I take it we’ll have to pay the same as if we’ve never purchased it before?
how do we get access to the theme clubhouse for bookowners?
Congrats Jeff and Chris!! This is an amazing , well oiled machine. Love the pdf can’t wait to receive the printed book.
I think you have to review the part about post thumbnails. In particular there is probably a mistake in the tip at page 153, using just in the loop, after enabling the feature in functions.php, didn’t worked for me. I had to use, instead, the post_thumbnail() function in the loop to get the thumbnails displayed in posts as well.
Sorry I forgot to mention that to me since there are a plethora of changes in WP, you’d better re-write some sections instead of just mention those new features at the ending chapters.
BTW I still think your book is the best learning tool for WP around nowadays.
You say, “…we’ll need some time to update the book. After that, it’s a matter of roughly 4-6 weeks before the books are printed and ready for distribution.” Do you have a guess as to how long “some time” is? :)
Hi Chris,
I just bought the PDF. In the download message, there is a mention of a “download” email, where I can click to confirm the “free lifetime subscription”.
I have NOT received any email at all. Would mind sending me that link?
Mary Doo -
hey, why not let people pre-order the 3.1 book/pdf combo now, and then just ship the book when it arrives, and then they can read the 3.0 version now. I’d rather not buy both.
yeah, I got that. I just want the price of the pdf I buy now to go towards the physical book when it comes out if possible. make sense? Otherwise I’m buying the pdf now and then get it for free later.
never mind. i figured it out :)