55 Resources for WordPress Beginners
Thanks to Devesh over at WPKube for putting together this super-useful list of resources for those first getting into WordPress. From books to blogs and blogs to themes and plugins, you’ll find plenty of awesome WP resources. Check it out!
WebHostingBuzz Winners!
Congratulations to the three lucky winners of our recent WebHostingBuzz Giveaway! John David Hunt, Rodney Weis, and Ji each will receive an entire year of free hosting at WebHostingBuzz. Thank you to everyone who participated!

WebHostingBuzz Giveaway
We’ve teamed up with WebHostingBuzz to present you with a superb hosting giveaway for 2013.
WebHostingBuzz is providing the following great prizes: three lucky winners will pick up an entire year of FREE hosting that includes 750 GB Disk Space, 15,000 GB monthly Bandwidth, a free domain name and more.
Browser Detection WordPress Plugin
There are two main routes for detecting browser identity: client-side or server-side. You can do feature-detection for client-side detection, or use PHP and the user-agent server-variable for server-side detection. That said, if you’re using WordPress, this plugin makes server-side detection SO easy.

Display Blog Posts on any Page (with navigation)
By default, your latest WordPress posts are displayed on the home page, with older posts available via post navigation on /page/2/
, /page/3/
, and so on. In this DigWP post, we’ll explain how to display your blog posts on any static page using a custom WP_Query loop that works beautifully with post navigation.
BitNami Stack for WordPress
If you’re looking for an alternative to MAMP/LAMP/WAMP/etc., check out BitNami’s WordPress Stack. It’s basically a free, pre-configured version of WordPress that includes all of the required software (Apache, MySQL, PHP, etc.). WordPress is just one of the many BitNami Stacks that make it easier to deploy your favorite open source software. Also available in the Mac App Store.
Most Popular WordPress Plugins
Interesting and useful infographic showing the top 30 WordPress plugins available from the WP Plugin Directory, which amazingly contains over 22,000 plugins! (Probably over 30,000 by the time you read this). Update: 404 link removed.

Best of DigWP.com
Chris and I launched DigWP.com back in 2009, and since that time have posted many WordPress tips, tricks, and techniques (well over 300 posts!).
So as 2013 fast approaches, it’s a great time to look back at the best of DigWP for each year, 2009 through 2012 — 4 years and counting!
Printed Books on Sale
Save $15 on printed copies of Digging into WordPress thru the first week of January. Use coupon code DigWP2012HoHoHo
during checkout for instant savings. Happy Holidays!

Plugins & Tools for WordPress Developers
I recently spent some time updating my growing collection of WordPress plugins, and during the process discovered some great resources for my WP “developer toolbox.” These are some super-useful plugins and tools for debugging, logging data, working with translation files, analyzing performance, and making otherwise difficult tasks efficient and manageable. May they serve you well!
Elegant Theme Winners!
We’re happy to announce the three lucky winners of our recent Elegant Themes contest! Congratulations go to Filipe Carvalho, Joel Schilling, and Sallie Goetsch. You’ll each receive a free membership to Elegant Themes. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Top 100 WordPress Resources
Jimmy Atkinson from the WHdb Blog posted an incredible round-up of the top 100 WordPress resources, and DigWP.com is on the list! If you’re looking for a way to dive into the world of WordPress, definitely check out Jimmy’s post — so many awesome WordPress resources all in one place — it’s an honor to be included!
Black Friday Sale on Printed Books
Book sale! From now thru Saturday you can save $15 on v3.4 Digging into WordPress printed books. Just use discount code DigWP2012BlackFriday
during checkout for instant savings.