Posts categorized: Site News

Digging Into WordPress v2.0 + Print is Back! (Oh, and a fresh new design!)
Version 2.0 is here! If you have already purchased the book, you have already gotten an email with a link to download the 2.0 version of the book. If you have been waiting for the print version to come back in stock, the time is now!
We sold out of the print version the first round in a matter of weeks. Right about that time, WordPress 2.9 was coming out, so instead of just reprinting more we decided to update the book and print new copies with that fresh information. That is exactly what we have done. The all-new Chapter 11 of the book deals with new stuff in WordPress 2.9 (and how to use the new features). That chapter will also be the home for future version-specific updates to WordPress.

Sold Out
The first printing of the print version of our book is sold out. We are in the process of updating the book to add all the new stuff up to WordPress 2.9.1, as well as some new secret awesome bonus stuff. We’ve decided to hold off on the second printing until that is ready (next month). When it is done, everyone who has already purchased will of course be getting it as a free update.

The Book, in Print!
If you have been waiting to buy the book until the real print version is available, today is the day! The print version of Digging Into WordPress the book is now available here. We’ll probably talk more about the journey through the entire process of creating this book at a later date, but for now, let’s check out the book!

Find Typos? Other Mistakes?
Going the self publishing route with our book meant that we didn’t have a big fancy book editor going over our text. We of course strive to be the best writers we can be, but we are clearly better WordPress wranglers than we are wordsmiths. If you find any typos or any other kind of mistake in the book, you can submit them here in our new Errata section. We’ll be incorporating all fixes into subsequent releases of the book (which as book buyers, you get for free!). Much appreciated!

It’s Here!
Jeff and I launched this blog back in May of this year, after we decided we were going to self-publish the WordPress book we were working on. After weighing all the options, we decided going it on our own was best because we would have 100% control over everything. From the content of the book, to the layout and design, to the blog, sales site, everything. Today, it all comes together!

Welcome everyone! Chris and I are very excited to finally have this site launched. This site is going to serve as an outlet for us both to share WordPress related articles, be it news, tips and tricks, best practices, in-depth explanations, new plugins, reviews, and anything else WordPress related! Feel free to explore the archives already, there are a few good ones in there already. We have plenty of stuff lined up too, but right away we’d like to ask: