Book Sale and Giveaway

To celebrate the new design and book update, we’re giving away 5 free PDF copies of Digging Into WordPress and having a Fall Book Sale!
Book Sale
From now thru November 1st, save $7 on the PDF version of Digging Into WordPress. Purchase includes:
- PDF copy of Digging Into WordPress
- Free updates for the life of the book
- Supplemental Bonus Content (PDF)
- All exclusive themes
- Alternate PDF formats
- Access to the Members Area for current downloads at your convenience
Learn more about the latest version of the book, or enter to win a FREE copy :)
Book Giveaway
Each of five winners will receive everything listed above: PDF + all extras, updates, themes, and bonus material.
To win, leave a comment with your favorite feature of either WP version 3.6 or 3.7 (beta). Winners will be chosen randomly and announced next week. Good luck!
35 responses
My favorite update that’s coming in 3.7 is the automatic updater for the security fixes. I think this will keep a lot of people who run WordPress from getting hacked since a lot of people (for whatever reason) don’t keep their version of WordPress up to date, which leaves them vulnerable to hacks.
I think security has been really imprived in the latest versions, what means our websites are safer against a bad behaviour
My favorite update is the audio and video embed. This makes it easier for our podcast site. Faculty no longer have to work with a a plugin for their classroom podcast.
Thank you,
mz -
The new date arguments for WP_Query. Makes it a lot easier to get a selection of posts between a date range that isn’t necessary a month or week.
My favorite feature of wordpress 3.7 is automatic background updates.
Because I do not need to update it manually for security updates.
Better (nav) menus
Definitely auto-updates in 3.7. I’m loving that feature in iOS7.
Definitely, auto updates sound very interesting feature.
I’m really loving the MP6 admin design that is being rolled into 3.7. I’ve been using it ever since it was released as a plugin.
+1 for the background updates! I also liked the new video posting option in 3.6
Definitely the auto update in 3.7 – anything what saves time and makes live easier is more than welcome.
+1 Auto updates :-)
WP 3.7 – automatic updates will spare my nerves :-)
Definitely automatic background updates, I just hope it won’t mess up WordPress instalation or theme customizations.
I have to say that I am looking forward to the auto updater for the security fixes in 3.7. I is going to be a great benefit to all!
I really like the automatic updating feature – it will save me lots of time in the future!
I know I sound like everyone else but automatic updates are going to save me a lot of headaches. Maybe they’ll create a few headaches, too, but that’s just part of the fun! Thanks for such a great resource.
I’m appreciating the new media library. Also, I recently did a blog move and it automatically redirected the old posts to the new URLs. Fancy!
I also agree that incremental auto updates will be a good thing overall in 3.7 but I have to say I am liking the Post Locking and Augmented Autosave that came with 3.6 – great for sites with more than a single author.
My favorite update is auto-updates in 3.7.
I like the Revisions feature (combined with Autosaves). Being able to compare the various version made by different authors has improved the writing/creation process. A big boost to productivity! Cheers!
My favorite feature is the post locking since I run a multi-author blog.
The improved auto saving and embed features were things that I liked. I also like the improved security enhancements that are coming up!
WordPress 3.7 supports the usage of advanced date queries in WP Query. It was a much-needed feature and that’s my favorite too.
I really appreciate the revisions updates in 3.6, but looking forward to the auto-updates in 3.7.
I like the video and audio embed, that’s my favorite!
Automatic updates are the ticket. Hopefully that will help people not forget and get hacked as a result.
automatic background updates for security is my favorite.
Auto-update is a great improvement for security. +1 for this feature.
Auto updates is my favorite. Thank you!
As someone who manages a number of sites, the background updates will be most welcome for me.
Auto updates is the best from my opinion.. thanks
I’ve been enjoying the redone media library and improved revision section. Not only are they better looking, but easier to use too.
automatic background updates for security is my favorite.
The automattic security updates is a great feature in my opinion.