Digging into WordPress v3.3 Update

New version of Digging into WordPress now available! The DiW v3.3 update covers WordPress 3.3 & 3.2, with fresh new sections and updated content throughout the book. Similar to the latest versions of WordPress, DiW 3.3 refreshes the look and feel of the book, with updated graphics and screenshots, streamlined content, and new bonus versions of the PDF. As the 9th Edition of the book, Digging into WordPress 3.3 is more fluid, focused and current than ever. This is a free update to everyone who owns either version of the book.

DiW 3.3 Features
Here are some of the highlights for the DiW 3.3 update:
- WordPress 3.2 & 3.3 – new chapter content covering latest WP
- Refreshed graphics updated graphics throughout the book
- Restructured & streamlined – updated content for better flow
- Hyperlinked chapters – all references and sections now linked
- Meta information – added to PDF versions (full, wide, & lite)
- Print & PDF – available in PDF and print editions (soon!)
- Widescreen version – new widescreen version for large screens
- New Lite version – BONUS “lite” version of the PDF that’s more portable (for mobile/tablet devices)
Plus updated links, new popouts, plus tons of little tweaks and edits that synergize to improve overall quality and accuracy. The book reads, looks, and flows better than ever, giving you a richer, more rewarding WordPress experience.
For more details, visit the Errata & Changelog page. Current members can log in to the Members Area immediately to update the new version (for FREE). New to the book? Learn more and check out the free demo.
Get the PDF
The PDF version is available now. For $27, you get over 400 pages of full-color WordPress action, plus free lifetime updates, exclusive themes, and everything else. It’s the best deal around for learning how to WordPress :)
Already bought the book? Awesome. To get the new version, log into your account at our new Members Area and download at your convenience.
Early-Bird Special
This week you save $5 off the PDF using this discount code: WordPress2012
Just use that coupon during checkout to get Digging into WordPress v3.3 + all the trimmings for only $22. Discount good thru until the end of this week.
Printed Books
The print version is on the way! Here’s what we know so far:
- Spiral-bound, full-color printing (416 pages + cover)
- Each book includes a FREE copy of the PDF version
- Each book includes our exclusive themes, free updates, and all extras
- International shipping will be available for this edition
We don’t have any specific numbers or dates at this point, but we’ll post an announcement here at DigWP.com once specifics are available. We also have a notification list to receive an email once the new printed books are available.
New Korean Translation!
After much hard work, the team over at Webactually released a beautiful translated version of Digging into WordPress in the Korean language. They really did an excellent job putting everything together and customizing the experience for Korean readers. Here are some unofficial behind-the-scenes photos (click thumbnails for full-size images):
Huge thanks to everyone at Webactually for making it happen. If you speak Korean, you can Learn more here!
Bonus Surprise!
Leave a comment for a chance to win a free printed copy of Digging into WordPress! As soon as the new books are in, we’ll pick a winner and send an all-expense-paid 9th Edition (including all the extraz). Good luck! :)
74 responses
Hi there,
I went to the member’s area, and apparently i’m not registered. I also don’t remember being given the opportunity to register when I bought the book. Any ideas?Thanks for all your work on this!
Would love to win a copy of the book. I’ve been putting off buying a copy, but I’ll have to do that soon if I don’t win! Great stuff from what I’ve seen. Keep it up!
Same here, went to get new password using the email I purchased with and couldn’t find it as a registered user.
Thanks for any help!
Excellent job again boys! Big fan of the book.
Congrats on this new update! I have seen a version of an old printed edition and it is a thing of beauty. Would love to have a version for myself.
Keep up the good work!
Whoohoo! I’ve been looking forward to this! I can’t wait!
I love this book and I use it constantly. Thank you so much!!
Thanks abundle for continously updating the book and allowing free downloads still for owners!
Congrats on new v3.3 update and here is hoping it peaks on NYTimes Best Seller list :>) … and ditto on here’s hoping to win printed book … yippee to contests and lucky commenters! cheers – chuck scott
Cheers for all the hard work you guys are putting in.
ooh, would love a printed copy! I’ve had the PDF since v1 I think :)
Thanks for the update! I got the pdf version, but wish I had a hard copy for those moments that I need to step away from the screen! Thanks again!
:) I’ll be waiting for my printed copy.
_e('Saludos.', 'digwp');
I hear this is the best book on WordPress! Looking forward to getting my hands on my first copy when it’s released.
Thank you
Never bought previous versions of this book, but i think i’m gonna buy this one, you guys did a great job ;)
This is a great book, i want to read the book… :D
I can’t help but feeling this isn’t a good book, but you can always try to change my mind, if only there was a way…
Nice job on continually updating a book. It must be hard work for you guys trying to keep up with all the WordPress updates.
Great i’ve been waiting for it.
Thx -
Just bought the PDF. Looks just like the kind of book with the current info I need and the visual interest to keep me going through it! Thank you.
Nice :)
And well timing – i’m planning to learn some wordpress new hings in this month :) Lifetime upgrades are gr8 :) Bought the book in march 2010, and there are still new versions :D
Really Happy for update and well done ! ;) I hope to get printed ver. Either !
I’m very pleased that you guys kept your word on the continuous updating of the book… really 3 thumbs up :) A forth one for the largescreen and lite versions! That was an excellent move.
Thanx -
Wow, the cover of the korean book is fun :D
Good luck to you and me on the new update :)
I bought an old version and the members area isn’t recognizing the email I used for the purchase. How can I register?
Congrats on this new update guys! Would love to have a version for myself.
Keep up the good work!
I can’t wait for my printed copy! -
Thanks for the update! Look forward to reading.
I had been putting off buying the PDF but I just did now – thanks for the “early bird” code. Can’t wait to read it :-)
I only got into wordpres last year but now I’m up to my eyes in the loop and themes. Each day I’m learning more and more.
I so very badly want(read need) this book.
Would love to win a printed copy of the book! Thanks for the opportunity.
Just found you via Namecheap’s Facebook page. I’ve been blogging on WordPress for over five years, but have been feeling that I really need to raise my game and take better advantage of the platform. Looks like your book will do that for me. Would love to win one!
I have been wanting to but this and i finally did today. Thanks for the great work guys.
thanks for update
iam Really Happy for update -
Been waiting to purchase the book, would love to win a printed copy. The PDF copy can tide me over until then.
Good work guys keep updating. Any idea about availability of printed book in India ?
Great job. I like cover of korean book. Thanks for your update.
Would truly love to dig into wordpress, especially with the greater functionality of this ever improving product. It has made my life much easier in terms of getting sites up and managing them
Like there’s times I’ll do anything for a Scoobie Snack – Shaggy
Or a great book like this one!
I think I’m gonna get this one (finally!). I’d love to get the printed edition though. Still old style and I really appreciate good looking books.
Just bought pdf version.
But also love to get printed edition. -
I’d love to win the book! Thanks for putting together a fun contest. Regardless if I win or not, this is definitely on my reading list! Can’t wait to check it out. :)
Wow! For about a year now, I have desired the fortune of owning a print copy of this book. My computer vision is terrible and as you mentioned, there’s nothing like a tangible, spiral bound, book of knowledge.
I was checking back to see if there was a release yet of the printed copy and saw this post. There is no book on the market as comprehensive, concise and beautiful on wordpress I can find other than DIG. I have worked with WP, but have just started on two projects that are wordpress intensive and would love to finally own a copy of this masterpiece.
If the updated print version is not going to be available for while, is there any hope in the world of finding an old one to buy or simply any other way I could get ahold of some printed WPDIG?
I’m signing up for the notification and really look forward to purchasing! Before it sells out, as I’m sure it will!
This is awesome news, guys!
I am happy that you did all the updates so fast.
Fingers crossed. -
Nice work guys keep it up. I would love to get printed edition, Any idea where I can find in India..??
Excited to get into wordpress.
I’ve always wanted to learn how to code themes in WordPress, and how to get the most out of it (tweaks and all).
I really wish I win this ‘Bonus Surprise’ of the printed ‘Digging Into WordPress 3.3’ + all the extras!
Thanks for the bonus surprise; I really love the idea.
I need to get this book, especially for the clients I migrate from Blogger to WP. I have WP for Dummies but it’s a couple years old and not exactly relevant any longer.
Seen like interesting book. Update me if printed book already available :)
Thanks for allowing past customers download the latest version. What a help when a new version of WP comes out. This helps me out so much!
Wow, you are really doing your best at keeping this book on topic with all the new goodies.
Great work
Thanks for the timely update!
I must say that I’ve been impressed with this book. I’ve been using and developing themes for WP for years and I’ve learned several new techniques just in the first few chapters. Well done!
This looks like a great book to win. I am just starting out with WP and, while, you can find most things searching online, it takes a lot of time and then you have to check that what you have found isn’t out of date. Having a printed book is an extremely handy ready reference and you know how up to date it is. Hope the print edition is available soon.
This is the best book about WP.
That’d be great. I’m italian… and with the mess there is here right now it would be a breath of fresh air for my brains.
Yay… Love this book! Thanks for the update and the chance at the print version!
Thanks for allowing past customers download the latest version.
I would love to be added to the printed copy list! Thanks in advance!
You’re doing a great job! Thanks for helping me improve my WP habilities… I really thinks it’s the perfect book for all levels.
Muito bom o livro recomendo o/
Tenho o meu desde o início do projeto… estou só no aguardo o user/pass para adquirir os upgrades.
Great work on this! I can’t wait to read the new chapter!
Nice work on that, still not finished my e-book version of “Digging into WP 3.0” but it’s really great :)
Sent you an e-mail – hopefully I’ll be able to login and grab a copy of the new pdf-version before long.
Would be great to win this prize. Can never have too many books on wordpress.
Would be great to win a copy of this.
Chris and Jeff I always enjoy you love on teaching people on web technology from your blogs.
Recently I start learning how to setup up cms (like modx and wordpress). I just wish I have known that to set up a cms like modx or wp, all I had to do was create MySQL table, install cms and let everything take care of it self . Yes among other things like setting up sever environment such as xaamp.
I use to think you had to do some voodoo web magic to set up a related sql table to get it to work but no just create the table.
ha reminds me when I finally understood what people meant when they say they don’t like JavaScript they mean they dislike the dom or when you learn how to layout web page with floats. You think when are we going to get a proper layout mechanism. Which you know there are 3 propose css layout mechanism such as: Flex box, Grid Layout and Template ASCII layout.
Man all those a ha moments. :)
I couldn’t recover my password through the Member’s Area – I don’t appear to be registered. I’ve sent a mail with proof of purchase but haven’t had a response yet…
Really looking forward to getting the update!
Thanks in advance,
Iain. -
What a great prize! Thanks for keeping the pdf up to date as you are – great stuff!
I would LOVE a printed copy!
Thank you so much!