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Digging into WordPress 3.1 Update

Digging into WordPress 3.1 Update

We’re stoked to announce that Digging Into WordPress is now updated all fresh for WordPress 3.1. This is the book’s 8th major update, with new material for WordPress 3.1 and extensive revisions and new content throughout.

Without a doubt, the new version of Digging Into WordPress is more focused and current than ever.

Version 3.1 – Better than Ever

Lots of new stuff for DigWP 3.1:

  • Complete guide to WordPress 3.1
  • Extensive updates & new material throughout the book
  • Updated Loops chapter with better information
  • Continued fine-tuning of text, layout, format

All that plus tons of little tweaks and edits that synergize to improve overall quality and accuracy. The book reads, looks, and flows better than ever, giving you a richer, more rewarding WordPress experience.

Get the PDF

The PDF version is available now. For $27, you get over 400 pages of full-color WordPress action, plus free lifetime updates, exclusive themes, and everything else. It’s the best deal for a solid, in-depth WordPress book.

Check out the demo Get the book!

Already bought the book? Awesome. To get the new version, log into your account at our new Members Area and download at your convenience.

Early-Bird Special

This weekend you save $5 off the PDF with this discount code:


Just use that during checkout to get Digging Into WordPress v3.1 + all the trimmings for only $22.

Discount good thru Monday April 4th, 2011.

Printed Books

The print version is on the way! Here’s what we know so far:

  • Spiral-bound, full-color printing (426 pages + cover)
  • Each book includes a FREE copy of the PDF version
  • Each book includes our exclusive themes and free lifetime updates
  • International shipping will be available

We don’t have any specific numbers or dates at this point, but we’ll post an announcement here at when the printed books are available. We also have a waiting list to get notified as soon as the new printed books are available.

Bonus Surprise!

Version 3.0 printed books are officially sold out, but we found one remaining copy lurking in the shadows. The book is in mint condition and ready to ship, so we’re giving it away FREE to one lucky winner. If you want the book, just leave a comment explaining one thing you love (or don’t love) about the WordPress 3.1 update. We’ll announce the winner sometime next week. Good luck! :)

Thank you!

All of this wouldn’t be possible without you, so Thank you for making Digging Into WordPress so awesome.

54 responses

  1. Great news on the 3.1 update!

    I love most things about 3.1 but ran into one thing I didn’t in the last update – the removal of the “class” drop-down on the link menu in the editor.

  2. I just dont like the admin bar. It’s obscuring my view on this 13′ MacBook and I just don’t have the time to look into the codes and remove it. Maybe with your book, I could learn how. Would be nice to have it.

  3. Nice to know DiWP is updated to 3.1! Actually I’ve liked all the features of WordPress 3.1… Internal linking is much easier now and post formats has opened new dimension. And regarding the Admin bar fact, you can deactivate it from the Dashboard :)

  4. Nick Plekhanov

    Congrats guys on DigWp 3.1 Update.

    Two things i like in WordPress 3.1:

    1. new Post Formats feature
    2. simple way of linking to you internal pages without having to troll back and forth between your older posts and pages that you may have forgotten about – INTERNAL LINKING.

    Hope to win print copy.

    Thanks guys for great work, here at DigWP. Keep up good work.

  5. Justin Givens

    Woohoo! Excited about the new release of the book. I can’t wait to order it.

    I don’t like the admin bar at all. Just a wait for real-estate.

  6. I for one love the new Admin Bar in 3.1

    If you find it is cluttering your page you can remove it by going to your profile and and check the options.

    Keep up the good work guys!

  7. DanielQuinteroSegura

    Amazing!…thank you very much!!! I’m already downloading it!.

    I want the old-mint-condition-mighty-book pleaseee!… What I love of the new 3.1 WP is the new posts features! I still don’t “dig” enough on it!… :)
    I hate the admin bar… annoys me.

    I’ll indeed keep on supporting you guys!

    Superb Work!

  8. Hi, what i really like is the admin bar.. I have thousands of posts in my site and it’s faster and easier for me to edit each post or anything from the new bar.

    I can’t believe I didn’t die without this feature

  9. The Admin bar is fabulous! The PDF looks great on the iPad 2!

  10. I like the Admin bar- nice addition. Makes multiple users have access without going to the panels pages. Reflects users roles as well.

    I’d love the book – getting pretty hard not having a copy on the desk and reading the pdf.

    ps thanks for the updates and hard work. plus the blog has also been a good source for info as well. you are part of my rss feed list!

  11. MatthewJenkins

    I love the admin bar.

    But for those who don’t, it would be pretty easy to make it slide out only when you hover over the top 5 pixels of the viewport.

    I already have the hardcopy. I just stopped by to see if the All-Ajax theme had been updated in any way. There’s no date or version in the style.css file.

  12. The admin bar option to hide it is awesome ! Long life to perishable ;)

  13. pauldewouters

    a note about registering a widgetized area: you don’t need to use “if function_exists”, as its only a check for backwards compatibility.

  14. The “Helllo Dolly” plugin is really sweet. Oh yeah, the admin bar too.

    • Gotta love that “Hello Dolly” plugin. Its so good that I have it in the plugin list of every site I own :P

  15. I don’t like the admin bar too, have to add codes in functions.php to disable it everytime.

  16. I’m going to sound like a broken record here, but the Admin bar is pretty slick.

    Most of my customers are on WordPress sites, and for some reason they can’t remember how to log into the Dashboard, so having the quick edit links at the top is a time, no, life-saver.

  17. I like custom posts. While I didn’t really like the Admin bar at first, I have actually used it to get to my Dashboard and to check comments.

  18. I love that you can hide that hideous admin bar :D

  19. I quite like the admin bar to be honest. Having coded a number of extra links and functionality into the admin bar, it has become quite a useful tool for quick navigation of my site.

    Thanks WordPress team for providing an overall well designed CMS for us to work with!

  20. Hello, folks! Very good job.

    What I like about WordPress 3.1?

    Mostly, that some useful features built-in and you can turn them on/off internally and get rid of several plug-ins which is always risk of broken site, or security/stability if you miss one. The other thing I like, most valuable, I think: all my sites upgraded fluently without any nags. Internal linking and post formats is awesome, also. Maybe not so cool AJAX pagination in admin panel.

    PS. Admin bar is time/life saver if you working on wpmu with multiple sites. Believe me! ;)

  21. AlessandroPascoli

    Giggity giggity goo !

  22. Sophia Jeanne

    I dislike the new Admin bar, because I think it’s kind of ugly, and the ‘Appearance’ link doesn’t link to the theme editor, which makes it rather redundant to me.

    I like the idea of Post Formats (which I implemented on my blog this week, thanks to .net magazine), but it’s still (obviously) in it’s infancy. I haven’t had an in-depth look at it yet, but it seems like to actually make any use of them (so that you can tell you’re looking at a different type of post on the front-end) is more complicated than it needs to be.


  23. Justin Daniel

    Post formats by far

  24. I like that the 3.1 update makes it easier to link to other posts in my blog.

  25. Loving the work at DiWP,

    With regards to wordpress 3.1 i’m appreciating the new posts feature, now to start trying to crank out a few more sites

  26. Joel Schilling

    There is nothing I like or dislike…for me it works fine as did all past versions…

  27. Congrats on new and improved book covering 3.1 … the thing i’m love’n so far with 3.1 is the MultiSite Network features and how all the sub sites place nice with user and user meta tables … Go WP, Go! cs

  28. I’m new to your site, found it when I Googled “Optimizing WordPress Permalinks” and found your excellent post, it helped me no end, thanks.

    Now I’ve found this website I’ve got a lot of reading to do :-)

    Love the idea of the book, I’m going to get my name on the waiting list.

    3.1, no problems from me, think its great.


  29. i still dont like the media library:(

  30. I like the internal linking feature. This makes things a lot easier.

  31. I didn’t think I’d like the admin bar at the top of the home page, but once I got used to it being there, I love it.

  32. Helen Hou-Sandi

    Love the admin bar – makes managing/navigating/editing one of thousands of pages/posts on a multisite install a breeze. With some custom adding and subtracting of items and things like the Snack Bar, almost everything I need to do while logged in is one click away.

  33. Great news about the new book. Looking forward to it. I liking the ability to customize the way admin menus are handled for custom post types.

    I have missed ordering the book twice now, although I’ve bought the PDF. I really hope I win the book.

    Thank you for the spectacular work you do.

  34. Thanks for updating the book so regularly and keeping the updates free although it involves a lot of work… it’s really really cool, keep up the good work!

    For the feature I love: yeah that admin bar is sweet :)

  35. Anything Graphic

    LOVE the book. Would love getting a printed version even more :-)

    I love everything about 3.1 and there isn’t really anything I hate. The only thing that bothers me is when you are building a site that requires a member to login. It doesn’t automatically redirect the member to the page that they were on.

    That’s about it :-)

  36. I don’t like the admin bar at all. Luckily I can disable it. Would love the free copy.

  37. I like the new post formats option. Here’s to hoping I win the book :)

  38. I appreciate custom post type archives that came with 3.1, e.g. has_archive => true or string when you register your custom post type. Came handy in a recent project actually.

  39. I’m not sure whether or not I like the new admin bar, but I guess I do like it because it makes it easier for clients to update the website quickly without having to touch all the advanced Wp features…

  40. Hi — The custom post types is the best feature of WP 3.0, and 3.1 tightens it up a bit and makes it a bit smoother to use. That’s the geeky underbelly of WordPress. From a user standpoint, I love the idea of internal linking. Great feature!

    (And from an SEO standpoint, the canonical URL headers are a great feature added more-or-less recently. Mostly overlooked, but an advantage to everyone even if you don’t know it’s there!)

    I hope the book is still selling well for you. You have some stiff new competition on the book front (which shall remain nameless here) — but that’s plugin and dev focused, while you folks have a broader base. Room for both I say! ;-)

  41. Just bought my 3.1 PDF and am as giggly as a schoolgirl, I’m so excited!

  42. MatthewJenkins

    Custom post types is my favorite feature too.
    Yet the more I use them, the more I realize I don’t actually need them. Most uses can be covered with the built in Posts and Pages.

    While I LOVE LOVE the admin bar to no end, you cannot use it to edit the page when the DigWP theme All-Ajax is installed. :(

  43. Chris Ellison

    I too like the admin bar. I like being able to spot a mistake on a page or post and clicking “edit page/post”, instead heading to the dashboard and finding my way to that particular page/post.

  44. The Admin Bar…. I don’t particularly love it but my clients do so… rock on admin bar!

  45. Junior D'haese

    I like everything about WordPress. It keeps getting better and better.

  46. I don’t what I like the most, there are so much to like in WordPress ^^

  47. I love WordPress, but still have a long….. way to learn how to create my theme.

  48. At first I didn’t care for the admin bar, but once I got used to it I really like having it!

  49. Paul te Kortschot

    When I started as a css’er / designer knowing almost nothing to little about the working of the core “WordPress” I one day desided to dive in, and started to create my own theme for my site. I work with WordPress for 3 years now, and thought is was time to extend the power of it around my work instead of molding my works around it.

    Once I almost bought the book, but than I noticed that the shipping cost of the book was more than 70% of the cost. So I decided to talk to my misses about it first… since we all know, they are the boss. Winning that battle some while after, I desided to order the book…. Sold out! I almost bought the PDF, but I have some kind of book fettish, and need to smell and touch the stuff that enlightens me, and decided to wait for a new release…. Lost of decisions here =).

    I can only imagine the quality of the content in the book, but it must be really good comparing the awesomeness on this site and Chriss’

  50. Paul te Kortschot

    Oh! Just noticed the fairy tail had to be about 3.1 likes or dislikes. Since I was rather content with my story above and it being true I’ll close with….

    “I, Paul from the Netherlands, love 3.1!”

    Hoping that and my first comment will be enough to enter the contest.

    Note to self: don’t mention you’re from over seas after you win a contest that involves shipping stuff.

  51. Charise Van Liew

    I may be posting too late to qualify for the contest, but…

    I’d have to say the advanced taxonomy and custom fields queries are the bomb in WordPress 3.1. It’s hard to only list one thing!

  52. One thing I liked about the book is that the first time I saw it online, I can’t get my eyes out from it! When I eat, it reminded me of the book. When I sleep, it reminded me of the book. I just need the book now because its just awesome!

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