Posts tagged: updates

Digging into WordPress v3.3 Update
New version of Digging into WordPress now available! The DiW v3.3 update covers WordPress 3.3 & 3.2, with fresh new sections and updated content throughout the book. Similar to the latest versions of WordPress, DiW 3.3 refreshes the look and feel of the book, with updated graphics and screenshots, streamlined content, and new bonus versions of the PDF. As the 9th Edition of the book, Digging into WordPress 3.3 is more fluid, focused and current than ever. This is a free update to everyone who owns either version of the book.

Notification List for v3.3 Printed Books
Digging into WordPress v3.3 is now available, and more printed books are on the way. It can take some time for the books to be printed and delivered, so we’re setting up a notification list for people who want to know when the new books are back in stock.

What to do when WordPress Auto-Update Fails
Ahh yeah, WordPress just rolled out another update to version 3.1.1. If you’re able to upgrade via the Admin, updating your site(s) should be a piece of cake: just log in, click a few buttons, wait a few minutes, and done. The convenience of automatically updating the WordPress core, plugins, and themes is awesome, but things can go wrong once in awhile and auto-updates can fail.
If this happens, getting back on track is a bit tricky, so here’s a quick guide to help restore site functionality and ensure a proper WordPress update.

Digging into WordPress 3.1 Update
We’re stoked to announce that Digging Into WordPress is now updated all fresh for WordPress 3.1. This is the book’s 8th major update, with new material for WordPress 3.1 and extensive revisions and new content throughout.
Without a doubt, the new version of Digging Into WordPress is more focused and current than ever.

Should Clients Update Their Own Sites?
A common question for new WordPress designers/developers is how to handle plugin upgrades and upgrades of WordPress itself. To illustrate the meaning behind this question, consider the following real-life example. I recently logged into a client site for maintenance to find that someone had “attempted” an upgrade of WordPress, but that it had failed:

New System for Updates and Downloads
As part of our ongoing mission to always find new ways to improve our operation, we’ve set up a new system for downloading DigWP book updates.
The new system is much more user-friendly and is designed to simplify things and make the upgrade process easier for everyone.

Version 3.0 Launch!
It’s here! Digging Into WordPress Version 3.0 is here and it’s packed with lots of awesome WordPress goodness, including an entire new chapter on WordPress 3, plus lots of updated core content, and a super-sleek new cover that I think is a huge improvement. You’ve got to check out the book’s sweet dark/black cover, expertly crafted by Chris: