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DiW Book Winners!

DiW Book Winners!

Congratulations to the following three winners of our July 4th Book Giveaway:

Each winner receives a free copy of Digging into WordPress, including all of the free themes and lifetime updates. We’ll be sending your download links immediately.

AND: as the first name picked, Seth also wins the huge stash of authentic WordPress swag! Congrats :)

Thank you to everyone for entering and also for sharing some great ideas for the book. We’re working diligently on DiW v3.0, so your suggestions are extremely helpful (and appreciated).

9 responses

  1. Congrats guys!

    Do you have a release date for the book yet?

  2. This Summer! :)

    We’re working on it now, and want to take the time needed for a quality job rather than just crank it out. As a release date begins to emerge, we’ll post an update here at :)

  3. John Schibelli

    Just want to say thanx for selecting me as a winner. I started digging in and very well done. I can’t wait for the next one. Very well put together. Thank you for all your hard work.

  4. For the DiW v3.0, I’d love to see tricks on how to make sure one’s WP theme is compatible with the latest WordPress version. This will be a great tip for some of us newbie.

  5. Hi!

    I love this site and CSS-tricks.. almost bought the book right now, but I have 2 questions/concerns:

    1) If you’re going to update for 3.0, I’m uncertain as to whether I should just wait for the update before buying/reading it.. any good reason not to?

    2) I’m really into starting to use WP as a CMS for non-blog sites. As that chapter is not part of the preview, I wanted to know how much it was discussed; I know it’s not the focus of WP nor of the book, but stil…


    • Hi Richard,

      1) Everyone who buys the book gets free lifetime updates. So when new versions roll out, you’re the first to get it. We are updating the book for WP3 and plan to release this Summer. No good reason not to get it now ;)

      2) The book contains an entire chapter on extending WordPress, including a section on WordPress as CMS. More information here.

      • Hi!

        Thanks for your reply. I realize that there’s a chapter on using WP as a CMS in the book, but it’s not the focus of the book (and I’m not suggesting that it should be), so I was just wondering if there was going to be more on that aspect in the update or not.


  6. I was so excited to win. Your book is very easy to follow and I’ve already learned new things. Can’t wait to see the new version. Thanks!

  7. Hey, I also wanted to say thanks for choosing me as a winner…especially being 1st picked. I’m lovin’ my WP swag! Haha. But really, it is greatly appreciated and I have been loving every second of the book. Keep up the work guys…you’re awesome!

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