4th of July Book Giveaway!

In celebration of the 4th of July and our one-year anniversary, we are giving away three copies of Digging into WordPress! To enter, just tell us what you would like to see in the upcoming version 3.0 of the book. We are working on the new version right now and will be updating the book with new information plus everything you need for WordPress 3.0. It’s gonna be awesome!
So here’s the deal:
Three winners, chosen randomly. To enter, leave a comment telling us what you would like to see most in version 3 of the book. We’ll let the contest run for about a week and then announce the winners.
BONUS: The first-picked winner will also receive a boatload of official WordPress swag, including buttons, stickers, and some flattened pennies! (If the first winner does not want the swag, it will go to the next winner, etc.)
Check out this fine collection of WordPress propaganda:

Good luck and happy 4th of July! :)
Don’t forget to vote: HTML or XHTML for Markup?
248 responses
I assume you’ve already picked this topic out, but I’d like a pretty in depth section on custom post types in the 3.0 edition.
For version three of the book I would like to see information on developing themes for WP 3.0.
+1 for this one.
I would love to see a detailed section on this as well with possibly a walk through ? keep up the awesome work
I would love an in-depth tutorial on creating a site with a couple of different custom post types and taxonomies, including forming connections among them. Happy holiday!
A lot on custom post types – when to use, how to use, pros/cons vs. other solutions, etc.
I would love to see how to implement the new features from the default theme in to my own theme. So custom background, header logo etc.
I think it would be really great to see a section on the worst security and performance practices and how to fix them.
For example, the default table prefix for the MySQL databases in a clean, manual WordPress installation is usually wp_. Because of this, SQL injections are so very easy for the wrong people. It would be cool to see methods or plugins with instructions to fix these kinds of unintentional mistakes.
More sensible WordPress security measures. Plus the disadvantages of some of the security advice given.
I’d love to see an in-depth section on WordPress Multi-site and how it all works and implementing it etc.
Yes, my first interest also.
-theme development
-custom posts
-using subversion -
Theme Development please.
I would definitely like to see how to use custom post types and some details on setting up WordPress for Multisite configurations (WordPress MU).
A walk-through of a theme development, step by step, perhaps with an example site.
i’d like to see the detailed introduction to the new features include in the wp 3.0.
In the next version of the book, the focus should be on caching and speeding up the blog :)
I would love to learn how to make a dropdown menu from the new wp_nav_menu function.
I would see more info on possibilities of what can be built using wordpress.
Would love a section custom post types as well! Yay, hope to get a chance to win this book!
I really wanted to be different to try and make my comment stand out from the crowd, but….
In depth WP3 custom post types, and custom taxonomies for sure!
…maybe I should have typed that in CAPS to grab attention!? ;)
Pretty much agree with everyone above. An extensive look and study into custom post types and taxonomies. Hope I win!
Distributed version systems (such as hg, git etc.) & wordpress: Goals, design schedules, backup solutions.
I guess would be nice if we will see some things like advanced filters and maybe something about multisite in wp3.
I’m interested in some sort of beginner’s guide (for those “Aha, so that’s how it’s done!” moments) and theme development.
try wpbeginner dot com ?
Thanks for that one, didn’t know it existed …
I just found out about the book and came to buy it in hope to learn how to customize websites.
I have found relational data to be a weakness of WordPress, Using tags and custom fields all gets a bit complex. I have attempted to use Magic Fields / Pods etc.. not very straight forward. It would be interesting to see if there are any better approaches..
I would like an explanation of the main differences in theming for pre 3.0 and 3.0., also I think it would be interesting to learn more about theme options, and if it can be done differently with 3.0.
Please include the new multi-user function, particularly how to use it where the child blogs are visited with separate domains, rather than just subfolders of the parent domain.
Well, themes dev, maybe focused on Other than blogs websites.
I would like to learn more about multisite support in the new WordPress also about custom types posts.
I think even for the occasional developer many of the new additions to WP 3.0 have been covered quite in depth. However, the one feature I’ve really struggled with is Multi User – indeed, I’ve given up. Along the path, though, I’ve come across all sorts of tips, such as being able to override the forced method (sub-directory or sub-domain).
Therefore, I think this would make a particularly good addition to the book.
Oh, a bunch of stuff:
1. Overview of the multisite feature and how it can be used effectively;
2. How to work effectively with the new custom post types;
3. Integrating WordPress with other apps and vice versa;
4. Working with data and how to integrate that data with your site (particularly user information and how to import/export)Look forward to the update! Best of luck.
The three things I would love to see in the next version of Digging int WordPress are:
an exhaustive walk through the multi-site toolkit;
how to make a top level page for a specific topic with a loop;
best practices for keeping your admin area safe in WP 3.0.
Thanks for a great resource!
I didn’t buy the book yet so I do not know what is really contained in it. But since I know the authors, I think that there is little I can suggest.
Perhaps an extended tutorial on how to use the new WordPress 3.0 features?
I’d love to see lots and lots of information on new custom post types and also love to see a good walk-through on the multi-site toolkit.
I would love to see a section on the new multisite features. Since all of the MU features are now a part of WordPress, there is a lot of new content that can be included.
I’d love to see more about developing premium themes/option pages, and the new nav menus.
Since WordPress 3.0 released, I felt curious about the new features contained in it. So I really want to get this book through this giveaway. Then I also want to learn more about WordPress tags and the taxonomy.
Thanks for a great giveaway…
WP 3.0 and optimizing the site with caching.
Wow, i just made my personal blog with wordpress, I hope this book can make my blog better.
I’d like to see a chapter dedicated to different caching options, as well as how to fully optimize your plugins.
Oh, and for some WordPress installations, at the bottom, it says there are ~10-30 queries run per page. I’d like to know how that could be and the reasons behind it.
Cheers. Happy 4th.
everything that can be ‘custom’ in wordpress.. post types, taxonomies, building plugins, security and maybe some more tricks about multisite and social functions through buddypress.
I would like to see step by step examples of features or effects. Like how to make a 3 column footer or how to make a random rotating header image.
Theme development & examples of what type of sites people can create with WordPress. I’m still surprised that people think it’s only for “blogs”
I am interested most in custom post types and navigation menus.
I’d love to read more about:
- custom post types
- menus with fallbacks
- styling the theme editor
- comment form & how to add a nounce if it’s not automatic
I’d like to see something about using the shortlinks feature.
I would like to learn more about how to make a dropdown menus with the new menu system in WP 3.0
I’d love to see a section on making Tumblr-style posts that are dedicated to images, links, pictures, etc. This could be with custom post types, or some other awesomeness you cook up!
I would love more info on custom post types, custom taxonomies, and custom data fields. I’m trying to incorporate them into my new sites, but there is very little documentation. I’m having trouble, specifically with generating templates to archive custom post types.
I would like to see tutorials / introductions to the new features of WordPress 3, using HTML5 / CSS3 in WordPress themes and theme development in general, focused more on CMS than on blog dev.
Cheers and congrats to the one-year anniversary!
I’m really interested in theme frameworks for getting going quicker. Maybe a section on choosing the right framework for the job at hand and the most important steps needed to get a functional and non-ugly site running quickly. That, and a more in-depth look at the new menu system and what can be done with it.
I would like a rundown of some of the new features in the TwentyTen default theme. The new loop stuff looks really powerful, but I haven’t had a chance to really dig into it yet.
hey there thanks for the contest! I would like to see more about security and locking down WP.
I’m interested in seeing more site efficiency comparisons effects with different plugins. It would be good to understand a little more on how wordpress processes plugins and how it effects overall speed of the website. With so many variations of the same functioning plugins available, understanding how it computes would definitely make choosing the right one for the right purpose clearer in terms of back end efficiency..
I would like to see a chapter on WordPress Multisite and its administration. Some tips on porting existing sites into a multisite setup would be nice.
I’d love to see a section on BuddyPress. Specifically, the BuddyPress “activity stream” seems like something that could be worked into a useful CRM solution (especially if it could be married to ecommerce activities completed by logged-in users). Something along the lines of Adobe’s Business Catalyst system.
I realize that BuddyPress wasn’t created with this kind of implementation in mind, but hey, bending open source platforms to accomplish your will is whole idea, right?
Great work on “Digging into WordPress” and your other sites. Thank you!
I would really like to see you book cover how to use WordPress as a platform to build full-blown web sites – features by feature. Tx.
As I’m just digging into the loop.php that ships with TwentyTen (and the Starkers theme) I must say – there’s too much going on in there for me to know what I can safely hack and remove. Perhaps a good breakdown of the new “improved?” loop.php and a guide on “rolling our own” if we choose.
The next theme I’m designing is a quasi-magazine theme, and I’m not sure where to commit as far as the best way to get some “featured” and “recent” (fancier) styling on the index page, but more simple “thumbnail and excerpt” content on “page 2” – perhaps some fleshing out of options for that sort of theme? Anything I see tutorial-wise right now doesn’t help me to see “what happens when they click ‘more posts'”…
OH, and perhaps a quick paragraph about “the new custom post types aren’t actually posts, they’re pages” – I randomly came across this from ottodestruct yesterday and it saved me TONS of future hours…
I think wordpress is an incredibly powerful platform; however, it can be scary to designers upon first look. It would be nice to see a step by step on how to build themes that incorporate all of the new functionality of WordPress 3.0 that isn’t just “Sample Website 1”. Make it an actual project.
A section on Multi-user functionality, please.
This is definitely awesome! Would really be great if I win!
Well, for the upcoming book, I’d like to see a really detailed explanation of the custom post types. Also, I’d like to see a lot of real life examples of different tricks, etc. that you used to make WordPress do what you wanted it to do.
Something about designing the comment section.
Would be interested in the new version of the book to read about how you can optimize the performance of WordPress
I would definitely like to see more on custom post types and using them to push the limits of WordPress as a CMS, and more about writing our own plugins.
I would like to see how to use the new features(custom post types etc) to build a real estate style site, and integrate with google map api etc.
Would love to see some details regarding multi-site usage. The pros/cons, management of multiple sites and perhaps security.
I would like to see more about customizing the admin area of WordPress. Ways to make it less intimidating to the users I work with.
Everything You Need To Know About Multisites :) The new multisite feature WordPress added to 3.0 to separate from MU.
I would like to you to add some information about the new theme options such as custom menu and header
Would be great if you go deep in usage of custom post type and the multisite feature. Also talk about the new menu theme options.
I’d really like to see more on the multisite feature. I wonder if it’s worth to use that on a server and then have your clients’ site just be part of the multisite.
Would love to see you focus on building a FULL CMS with WordPress, just to show all those haters how good WP really is.
Would love to see a pratical section of WordPress as a CMS :-)
Like to see using “WordPress As CMS” section in your next version. Many Thanks!
I’d love a copy, and I’d also love to see more about customizing WordPress to use as a tradition CMS.
Thanks guys for the great wp related ebook! I think wordpress is an incredibly powerful platform!
For the upcoming book, I’d like to see a really detailed explanation of the custom post types. Also, I’d like to see some information about the new theme options such as custom menu and header.MOST OF ALL, it would be NICE (NOT ONLY FOR ME) to see a step by step on how to build a REAL LIFE Wp-THEME as well, as rich options page for that theme, that incorporate all of the new functionality of WordPress 3.0. Make it PLEASE ;).
It will help all of us to put our hands in to practice…
Nice giveaway !!
I would love to learn more about custom post type and custom taxonomies. -
I would love to learn how to use WordPress has a complete CMS – specifically, how to create and modify custom pages/posts with HTML/CSS created outside WordPress, in programs like Kompozer.
Currently managing CSS withing WordPress is very tedious for me.
A section called . . “Pounding the Pavement With WordPress”
Revisiting the Basics.
Better yet . . “dealing with sleeplessness, irritability, and constant fear of failing”.
I’d really love to see some content on the multisite aspects of WordPress 3 in the next edition of the book please. Also, the obvious one – custom post types explained in-depth would be great too thanks! To be honest from what I’ve seen you have pretty much everything else covered, but this is the one big area of change for a-lot of people.
I know it’s been said, but I’d love to see an in depth section on custom post types, custom taxonomies, and (real) custom fields.
Also, with twentyten out, I’d love to see a breakdown of how they use the new codex.
How about menu info, too?
I would absolutely love to see some tutorials on editing and creating themes for WordPress sites in Dreamweaver CS5. Please, please, please!
I would love a more in depth on how to make wordpress into a membership site like myspace.com (social media sites) or an online store.
I would also love a more in depth of how to integrate seo into the site and actually get it to work well in search engine rankings. (I normally use seo but it doesn’t seem to be working out that well… most likely i’m not sure i’m doing it right)
Great book… It’s on my wishlist!
It would be great to see some Plugin Development sections!
Would love tips relating to Artisteer (don’t think this is in the book yet)- a lot of people use that, but there’s little education currently on how to do more with the themes initially built in Artisteer…
I would love to see an in-depth look at each action and filter hook. A resource of what variables are passed to each hook and how to access them. The wordpress codex is very incomplete in this area. Plus even their website does not list all that are available. For an example I was trying to find documentation on the trash_post and trashed_post action hooks. WordPress.org codex did not have them, but you can find them in the core files.
More on using the multisite functionality and configuring different domains.
I’d like to learn more about how to integrate WordPress 3.0 with BuddyPress to build a social network.
I´d like to have more info of making magazine themes. Featured articles, lots of different categories, image gallerys and so on.
I would like to see theme development and using WordPress as a CMS.
In Version 3 of Digging into WordPress, I would like to see information on how to use the new features in WordPress 3.o in developing themes and plugins.
I would like to see ways of using WordPress as a full CMS and how to customize for the newb.
Theme Development seems to be a must among the crowd, I’ll throw my hand up for it.
digwp 3.0 is going to be amazing! Can’t wait.
I would like to see coverage of the multi site features and installation.
I’d like to find some best practices for keeping your admin area safe and a more in depth view about accessibility.
I’d love to see stuff about an online store, and plugin development – two things I want to look in to, but don’t know how to do D:
Thanks for all your hard work, guys!
Theme Development, please!
-Full overview of the multisite feature.
-building plugins -
I’d love to see ways to make WordPress do things out of the norm
Unique blog post designs is a good example. Maybe using some plugin like BuddyPress to make some interesting setups?
And as sites like Facebook get bigger and bigger, guides on how to use WordPress to replace all of those
Would love to learn more about how to create and insert forms and other plugins, and how to customise plugins. I watched a demo about how to turn a static design into a theme too, and something like this would be great, but written down, step by step.
I’d like to see step by step guide about ceating themes.
I would love to see a chunk load on customising wordpress to be a real CMS.
I second (or whatever number I would be by now) the theme development overall best practices and features specific to 3.0. Thanks!
A section on the new features in WordPress 3.0 would be awesome (custom post types etc.)
I’d really like to see in depth pieces on WPMU and the different post types. That would be a godsend at this point. Thanks guys. Here’s to hoping I win!
Would love to see an in-depth description of the pros & cons of using a publishing platform created for blogging in order to power a non-weblog content-managed site, particularly considering the emphasis placed on custom post types in 3.0.
would like to see predictions for the future of wordpress.
madamerkf at aol dot com
Template tutorials and themes. :”] yeeeeeeeeees!
I’d love to see detailed descriptions on how to use custom post types!
Hey Guys,
Thanks for the opportunity to win some cool stuff! I’d like to see how to custom the contextual help text accessed under the Help tab of every screen in the WordPress administration to put in some specific instructions for clients.
I’d like to see in detail how WP3 will make it easier for clients to add content to their web sites
theme development (i love WP theme) in details, custom hooks, and third party API integration.
I’d like to see you guys explaining everything about custom post types in the v. 3. that’d be awesome!
i would see more info about configuration template.
Anything to do with integrating WP with a theme framework or more advanced MVC type PHP framework.
I’d be really interested to see how the new parent theme, 2010, works in more detail and how this affects how themes will or can be built from now on. Sort of how this new structure and set-up will help us theme in the future. Also more detail on the custom post types would be brilliant!
I’d like to see a lot about the custom post types, as well as some suggestions on how to combine them with meta values
I know it’s been said before, but I’d love detailed tutorials on integrating the new 3.0 features with existing themes.
i’d love to see some best practices for building from scratch. There are hundreds of little how tos, tutorials, and scripts, but sometimes I get half way done with a theme, and feel it could be done better.
Some starting best practices from the pros would be huge for starting from scratch.
I would like to read more about those topics:
- writing / chosing good plugins
- using wordpress to build an online community : what are the must-have / recommended plugins to use for forums, message board, planning, etc.
Thank you!
Karine -
I’d love to see more about custom fields how the best ways to use them.
I would like to see info on using WordPress as a content management system.
I would like to see more maneagable php functions for begginers.
everything I can think of has already been mentioned. :) I’m mosty interested in theme design & development & learning more about the new 3.0 features, especially with real-world examples.
I would love to see a section about setting up multiple sites from a single install of WP 3.0!
I’d love to see some stuff with the multisite functionality – sharing users, setting up a community of blogs, upsides/downfalls… stuff like that.
Alex -
A large jump into custom post types.
I work at a university and we’ve installed WPMU (now 3.0, I suppose) and would love to get more information on administering multiple sites efficiently, economically and with style (gotta have style or why bother, eh?).
I’d like to see how to use the new elements of WP3 to create a full featured CMS that might rival Drupal or Joomla.
I’d like to see sections on both setting up custom post types in 3.0 and the multi-site functionality.
That would be fantastic
I would love to see tutorial on creating a site from scratch, custom post types and maybe a WordPress based e-shop?
I’m really looking forward to seeing good ways to pull and display multiple post types and custom taxonomies on the same page, as well as possibly linking related fields (if possible) between custom content types.
Maybe an in-depth static HTML site to WordPress theme conversion…
I would like to see some tutorial content (maybe videos?) included in the PDF. For me it can help to see someone put it into practice after I read it.
Some more information on how to make changes in the database. I was saved this week thanks to your article about find/replace using phpmyadmin – I am sure there are other techniques that would be lifesavers that I just don’t know about yet :)
I’d like to see some possible e-commerce solutions using WP as the cms and administrative backend.
I would like to see how to change themes slightly for different sections of the site, and what other ways you can use wordpress
I’d like to see more information about decreasing the RAM load of WP, and other server tricks
I want to know how much you can do with custom taxonomies. I’ve got some neat ideas, but I dont know how deep you can go with it.
I would like to read up on taxonomies for sure. Also, a piece on developing themes for 3.0 would be sweet. Thanks and good luck on the book.
I’d like to see database integration tutorials with WordPress & other open source software like Gallery2 & PHPBB.
Ditto what other commentors have said: more info/instruction on how to convert an existing site into a WordPress theme.
Maybe a section where we can learn how to code a configuration panel for a theme, with menu options, colors and headers :D
Can you venture into integration with bbPress on one chapter? And what about BuddyPress?
I’d like to see more on different ways to use wordpress, cms.. portfolios.. [More than just a blog] section
Theme development and CMS and essential plugins to install. Thanks!
Creating a video gallery. The only way to currently do this is get a template (only a couple out there), or use one of the plugins that requires a youtube account.
Definitely a section on custom post types as well as admin panels for custom themes.
I’d like to see more information about using the multisite functionality in WP 3.0 to create a network of websites.
I really like the new custom posts and would really like to see/read some good information about that.
New feature in html5/css3 and especially microformats support in wordpress.
As a web designer, I’d like to see more focus on using WordPress as a CMS. Even though 3.0 is getting away from referring to it as blog system, one of the most talked about new features is the custom post type. It seems that a post type still refers to blogging.
the new custom menu management feature
I would love to see some info about integration of html5.
I would like to see more of WordPress as a CMS.
Best practices concerning breaking out loops. Also, language support using .pot files. And the new post-types concept. Would all be helpful!
I would be interested in the custom module development process
I would like to se a section about how you could tweak the backend of WP to fit your customers needs. -
I’d like to learn the details of custom content types in the new version of your book! Also, some details on tackling WP as a CMS for someone new to the CMS game!
Thanks for all your great work Jeff and Chris!
Multi-site for sure. You guys rock!
I think an in-depth look at the new Custom Post Types and how to use those to improve WordPress’s CMS capabilities would be much appreciated!
Really hoping to win a book!
Excuse me if my WP noob-ness shows through here, but how about some detailed info on WP plug-ins? Thanks for the opportunity to win the book!
OMG I have wanted this book for so long. I’ve only integrated one custom theme into wordpress (mine). I am working on a sweet redesign and it’s a quarter of the way through and would LOVE LOVE LOVE to know how to impliment a custom theme into WordPress the right way…
I’ve heard nothing but great things about DIW from lots of professional developers and I trust their word, but I’ve been low on funds as of late working on my projects, school, and unfortunately getting attacked by a dog in the face last week :-(
This would be perfect timing to grow my skill set!
I’d like to learn about Custom types, It’s a very impresive this new custom option in WordPress 3.0.
You are awesome! -
Thanks for this awesome giveaway! I would like to learn to create a custom options. Those look really awesome. Thanks :)
I’m jumping on the 3.0 Custom Post Types bandwagon.
I do websites for several photographers, and I’d like to create classy looking gallery pages. I haven’t looked at WP to do that, but that would be AWESOME.
Info about working with HTML5 and wordpress would be awesome.
For those of you who are interested in HTML5: I published a plugin that activates a most of the HTML5 specific tags in the writing module last week.
You can then just markup your theme with HTML5 and write the appropriate marked up content.
Definitely multi-blog/multi-site options.
For the version 3.0 of the book, I would like to read about multi-site support in WordPress 3.0, because I’ve heard that it wasn’t that simple.
And by the way, Chris and Jeff, you rock ! :)
I’d quite like to see some kind of guide on multi-domain web sites, preferably with some kind of emphasis upon making them as Search Engine Friendly as possible.
Information on how best to alter and theme the admin pages would be great, some kind of ‘how to stop WordPress admin looking like WordPress admin’ guide!
Something about Network functions (a.k.a. WPMU) and BuddyPress maybe.
I would love to see some in-depth reviews and a lot of pros and cons.
Especially custom post type and some plugin and theme development. :) -
I second, third and fifth the vote on BuddyPress tips and integration.
WordPress Security
- Database optimization (over and above caching – indexing hacks etc…)
- Upgrade gotchas for older plugins (i.e. how to update your plugins)
Keep up the great work.
I think something like that would be great!
Here’s another vote for creating your own themes!
I would love a chapter on creating a site/ page with multiple post types, and manipulating them.
I think you should do a big section on how to style comments. This part of wordpress has made me angry since the start. Even if you wanted to do a blog post on it, that would be good too.
Pros and cons of using custom menu against traditional methods). When to upgrade to 3.0 – problems with theme or plugin compatibility that may occur and how to avoid. Custom post types seems pretty straightforward but probably should be mentioned. That new loop. Quick runthrough of setting up WP as a CMS from a fresh install.
1. Buddypress integration
2. pros and cons of new custom post types + taxtonomies + new menu vs old category post organisation + menu functionality -
I love WordPress but have always struggled with creating a custom theme from my existing HTML and CSS. I am not proficient with PHP but have read enough to somewhat understand the loop and simple includes. I would love to see a book or screencast that walks through this process step-by-step.
I would like a nice breakdown of how the new TwentyTen theme works (i.e. loop.php, etc.) and some information about Custom Post Types and Custom Fields/Metaboxes and how to display Custom Fields in the list of pages/posts/etc. Also, a section on MU features and such would be great. Something like how to set up a blog community with the main blog becoming an aggregation of recent posts, comments, etc.
I like many other people it seems would like to see a detailed section on custom post types. However, further to this I would like to see more information on custom fields (using meta boxes?) and custom taxonomies within and related to custom post types.
I can see that custom post types are very limited without the benefit of custom taxonomies and custom fields. However, with these extra elements they could be incredibly powerful allowing you to build anything.
I would love to learn more about managing multiple sites with WP 3.0 including keeping it secure and managing plugins so all your sites run as fast as possible.
I’d like to see how to create a more full fledged website, not just a blog site.
I would like to see any info on the ways theme development may have changed for WP 3.0, if at all. How about listing some things to consider when developing themes for WP to ensure compatibility with future releases.
On a side note, I already own the PDF book but would LOVE to win a hard copy. Keep up the fantastic work.
Would LOVE to see an explanation on individual post styling! :)
I REALLY REALLY want the book!
Hey Chris,
Missed you at Wordcamp and actually made a fool of myself talking to someone else who had your name tag on. (we only met once at a meetup)
Anyway, yes to all of the above, especially custom fields/meta. I’d love a discussion on custom headers and building a child theme base on twenty-ten.
I would like to see some fine tuning of the Networking option where you can control the posts and pages available to visitors for ALL the networked blogs via one central control panel. For example, I have thirty-five different blogs networked together, but only want a visitor to be able to read five of them as a guest, but once they have registered (and are approved) then they would gain access to another five blogs. Then to access the remaining blogs, they would be required to purchase a membership that has , say five different levels, and each successive level of membership would gain them access to an additional five blogs’ content.
I already have a great membership plugin to handle the different levels of membership, I just need the control panel for them all where I can check a box for access to each blog based on level. You can see an example of this type of site (in it’s infancy) at SearchTopicsNow.com
I would love to see a detailed breakdown of how to set up and use the WP Multi-user integration. Thanks!
A really in-depth section on using custom taxonomies would be cool for me. Also i think multisite should be mentioned and elaborated on.
In addition to MU, already mentioned frequently, some items on using WordPress as a custom store. I already know one person who’s doing this, but there are some “ugly” parts to the design he came up with, ugly interactions, and cumbersome shopping cart actions, etc.
*wordpress 3.0 new feature coverage, in particular, custom post types
*security (basic / advanced steps)
*custom theme menu options (intergating with existing wp3.0 options, background, menus, etc.)
*the built in wordpress gallery function. when tweaked (hacked) can be just as powerful and easy to use as next gen. combined with custom post types, bingo!
*user/roles management.
*hide wordpress features from admin area (fields the user may not need to see) for particlar ‘user name’.
*customising a dashboard for a client (include your own rss feeds, maybe a support form, so they can email you direct from their dashboard, etc).
*adding a clients logo to login screen and dashboard (it makes them go bendy at the knees).
*including jquery the right way.
I’d like to see a section on creating an integrated WordPress CSS sprite menu. There are many tutorials on making sprite menus but I can’t seem to find one that details making one that is integrated with WordPress.
I think the biggest thing I would like to see is how I can use the WP multi-site function in WP3.0 to host several different domains (domain1.com, domain2.com, domain3.org). I’ve heard there are several types of plugins to do this, but if it’s possible I’d like to do it without.
Add my two cents for theme development. Also more on WordPress security.
would love to see MultiSite and hacking BuddyPress :>) cs
Creating custom content like you can in Drupal!!! PLEEEEEZE!
Custom Types. Specifically to create simple portfolios with the ability to do captions and page navigation!
Hi There,
I’d like to see a run through from concept to finished project.
A sort checklist that you can have next to your project to not skip ahad to far in the enthusiasm of the project. -
I would love to see a lot of JQuery. Web 2.0. It would be awesome to have a bunch of sliding areas, such as a comment button that drops the comment form down. Also, it would also be interesting to integrate a specific theme switcher for blog posts, background etc. This way the user can have a large range of options to make the theme their own, when it is not their site. This along with good content could spice it up! Cant wait for version 3!
I’m quite interested in learning the ins-and-outs of running multiple sites with one install
I’d love to learn more about how you’ve used WordPress as a business development tool. What do you offer your clients? What do they ask for? Things of that nature.
I know it’s not on the technical side, but it’s also essential to doing business.
I would to see how to develop and style a custom plug-in for use in the sidebar and admin area.
I would love to see a walk through on creating a theme… beginning to end.
Great book!
I would love to see how to integrate WordPress with forum softwares such as phpBB, vBulletin, etc.
I’d love to learn about custom post types–I’ve been using custom fields to create this functionality for a while.
I would love to see some more works on using jQuery stuffs and how to make a total AJAX based blog using WP.
I would love to see different examples of navigation and maybe a BONUS section on progressive enhancement.
Some tips on running multiple wordpress themes on the same install, and of course custom post types
I would love to see an advanced insight into creating Custom Post types and how and when to use them!
And I would LOVE a copy of Digging into WordPress!
I’d like to see information about the custom menu management features in WP 3.0, and also how to take advantage of the flexibility of custom post types to make things like image galleries, portfolios, and other things they could be used for in a CMS.
I’m not familiar with ALL the features that were included in the first book…My parents were going to purchase it for me as a birthday gift, but it was sold out. Then there was the release of WP 3.0 and heard you guys were updating the book and whatnot. I figured I’ll just wait it out. So, the things I’m looking forward to learning (again, not familiar with everything involved in the first book you guys released) are:
– Building a site from scratch and making it into a WP theme
– Converting an existing site into a full CMS based site
– Best Practices on security when using WP
– Glossary of WP terminology to refer to
– How to integrate a blog/news page on a current static site for the client to post
– Different options for integrating and setting up some sort of basic e-commerce store + checkout with maybe FoxyCart -
Just heard about your book recently and haven’t read it, so I guess that I’d just like more printed copies. :D
-dealing with varying scripts, i.e. trouble-shooting java in themes/plugins
-2nd the wish for seo and multi-site functionality
-2nd the wish for start to finish theme development recommended process
-ideas for different types of site functionality: social network, membership sites, forums, e-commerce, newsletters, mailing lists, surveys, social media, etc. -
I’d like a detailed walk-thro of converting an existing site to WP !!!
Custom posts.
I’m on the bandwagon of magazine inspired sites, where every post looks different.
In the new version I would love to see the whole new “enabling” the new features through the functions.php file. It kinda bugs me that we have to add some code instead of a simple check box maybe through the settings panel…although I DO understand and I can do it with ease knowing code…but I thought WordPress was all about ease…I would think the new features would be made more simple for those who DON’T understand code and they’d be implemented into the so famous “5 min install” that made WordPress so famous for those who didn’t know code
*custom posts specifically
*new menu featureHope I win :)
Just getting into WordPress after fiddling with other cmses and. Really interested in WordPress-as-a-cms-type stuff such as Custom Post Types, and will read with interest :)
Loving your work so far.
Would like to see some tips or recommendations on customising the admin area if possible please. Cheers! -
Plungins that add elements to the dashboard.
to be honest probably everything i would have wanted for the new iteration of the book is probably written somewhere up here … soo.. i would love to see it OUT! as soon as possible and on my desktop :D
not sure if this was mentioned yet, but custom fields is still kicking my ass.
It would be great to feature more CMS customization and private label features with example websites. A section on process, tools and workflow would be beneficial. Keep up the good work.
I’d like to see any new problems or changes for theme developers in the book. For an example, when WordPress 2.7 was released it had threaded comments.
I haven’t seen the earlier versions yet, but I’d love to be able to get my hands on a print version of those, or the new version.
Other than that, if it’s not in there, a run-through of creating a custom theme for a client. Like a case study maybe. Thanks!
I would like to see more about the WPMU integration that came about in WordPress 3.0.
Would love to see an in-depth section on adding Custom Post Types, but also on adding in Meta boxes to those custom post types in functions.php.
Oh and one more thing – a description (if it exists) that explains how to change terminology in the Dashboard – such as changing the word “Posts” to “News”, etc.
I think that it would be great if your WordPress book have the first “locale version” in Spanish. There are more than 500 millions Native Spanish Spoken People out there!!!
By the way… if you are interested, please drop me a note!!! I will be pleased to help you on this matter
Teaching Thai children to make websites using WordPress, as part of an English Language course. Imported books are expensive for most Thais, so we would love to have your book to add to our library.
Would be great to have all the new features in WordPress 3 with a detailed tutorial on putting a wesite together from start to finish with all associated files. -
It’s been said numerous times, but definitely custom post types and security. Thanks guys!
I’d love to see a step by step tutorial on building your own theme, as well as plug-in development.
Thanks and good job putting all this information together! -
I would definitely like to see more about customizing for use as a CMS, and workflow examples. I also like would love to see some examples of best practices for integrating javascript libraries. This is probably way out of the scope of the book, but a beginner’s guide to creating plugins would be rad (that deserves its own book for sure)
- How to most effectively use the built in functionality of the media library.
- How to use the integrate the new Menu features and integrate fancy animations with JQuery with WordPress 3.0.
- A section on when to use widgets, vs custom templates.