Posts tagged: plugin

Plugin Spotlight: Postalicious
The social bookmarking service Delicious has always been friendly with WordPress. In fact, right from the settings of your Delicious account you can set up a blog posting “job” which will literally post your links directly to your blog with no further intervention on your part. Easy peasy.

WordPress Plugins That Are Useful for ANY Site
The whole notion of plugins is that they provide special niche functionality that not every site would need. But that is just theoretical, as most new features that have ever been added to the WordPress core began life as a plugin. If the plugin was useful to enough people, it was built in.

Breadcrumbs in WordPress
Breadcrumbs are such a standard design pattern these days I find it surprising there isn’t a build in WordPress function for displaying one. But no matter, that’s what plugins are for. A quick Google search brings up a couple. Yoast has one, so you know that one is pretty good. The other popular one is the NavXT plugin, which I actually used recently on a project and can fully vouch for it.