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New Book! The Tao of WordPress

New Book! The Tao of WordPress

I’m excited to announce the launch of my 3rd book, The Tao of WordPress! Every page of The Tao of WordPress is carefully distilled, refined, and focused on WordPress. I wrote this book for beginners, students, designers, admins, enthusiasts, and anyone who wants to rock their own WordPress-powered site.

In clear, easy-to-read text, the book guides you through the most important, useful, and awesome things you can do with the World’s #1 publishing platform. The book covers hosting, installation, configuration, security, optimization, SEO, customization and everything in between, including entire chapters on plugins, themes, and techniques.

eBook: The Tao of WordPress

The Tao of WordPress delivers 8+ years of experience and knowledge rolled up and distilled into a simple, concise guide. Learn how to use built-in settings, plugins, and themes to build your own sites and rule the Web. Discover how to get the most out of WordPress by using it for what it is, effortlessly and intuitively through the Admin Area. Take the journey to unlock the power of WordPress and use it like a zen master to build anything you can imagine.

Check out the Demo Get the book »

Special launch code! Save $5 on any purchase using code: WPTAO

20 responses

  1. So does this mean there’ll be no more updates to Digging into WP?

    • I believe, this should be considered a different book since there is a separate members area for it.

      • Robyn Gallant

        There may be a separate members area for it but the contents are the same as Digging into WP. So, please answer question from Rob D. Will there be no more updates to Digging into WP? Will we now have to purchase new book in order to continue to get updates. Honestly, the book is not easy to follow if it is not kept up-to-date.

        • Actually the contents are not the same at all — as Vitaly mentions it’s an entire new book, with it’s own focus, design, and content.

          To clear up any confusion, I wrote a new book on WP called the Tao of WP that’s aimed at beginners, students, and basically admins/users in general. Digging into WP is aimed more at intermediates and goes into more code and advanced techniques.

          I hope this helps!

    • Not at all, we’re planning the next update for later this Summer :)

  2. added on my to buy list ;) already own digwp and your htaccess book, so if its the quality of these im sure it will sell well ;) how can i reach you via email?


  3. Added to my “wish-list”.

  4. Dennis Mortensen

    Do you have a discount to buy both The Tao of WP and Digging into WP pdfs ?


  5. Is there a preview of the table of contents available online? Thanks

  6. I’ve got this book but I haven’t had the chance to read it yet, hoping to this this weekend!

  7. I have learned some important concepts from your book. Many thanks

  8. hi

    good book , may be purchase it , is there any chapter sample to read to decide it’s suit for me or not ?

  9. Surendra Mishra

    I have reviewed the demo of book, it’s really very helpful for wordpress site protection.

  10. just bought it ;)

    the streamlined version of 2012 is nice, great starter ;)

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