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Find the Perfect Theme

Find the Perfect Theme

I’ve been working with WordPress for about 2 years now. I’ve set up dozens of websites for both myself and clients and finding the perfect theme has always been a bit of a chore. Don’t get me wrong, I love that there are so many to choose from, but now that there are over 100 companies that make WordPress themes outside of the big market places like TemplateMonster and ThemeForest I quickly got tired of clicking through all of them to find the perfect theme.

The problem is even worse for anyone looking for application type themes such as classified ads, directory themes, daily deal themes, or the like. As WordPress increases in popularity, these themes are in higher and higher demand, but finding all of the options so that you can choose the best one is getting tough. Did you know there are at least 17 different themes out there just for Classified Ads? No one else does either.

As Sweet Brown said… “Ain’t nobody got time for that!”

Eventually, I realized that I couldn’t be the only person out there who goes through this mindless drudgery of finding the perfect theme for myself or a client. I decided to start a website that compared application-type themes together (here’s my first serious post comparing business directory themes).

This post met with quite a bit of success (as you can see in the comments) and so I decided to bring together as many application-type themes as possible on my site so people wouldn’t have to go searching all over the digital universe just to find what they are looking for.

Screenshot: There is a theme for that (website homepage)

One thing led to another and after a lot of work and a lot of modifications, I have collected over 1750 themes from over 100 theme companies at my new site, There is a Theme for That. Themes can now be searched based on keywords, category, purchase options (single themes vs theme clubs), popular features, and price making finding the right theme a breeze. If someone still can’t find the perfect theme, they can just contact me through the site and I’ll do what I can to point them in the right direction.

Creating a theme directory is not a unique concept of course – there are dozens of other directories on the web. What IS unique about my site is that it’s kept up to date. My team regularly monitors theme companies to keep up with new releases as well as themes that are deprecated. My convinced that we have the freshest index of any other theme directory of this type out there.

To date we have over 300 business themes, over 200 magazine themes, and over 100 ecommerce themes (more ecommerce themes than any other marketplace on the web!). We’ve also put together some helpful resources for the WordPress community like our list of WordPress theme companies that offer affiliate programs, and our list of theme companies that we’ve indexed which are in addition to our theme reviews, theme comparisons, and news posts.

Displayed theme results

Overall, I’m VERY happy with how the site has turned out and I hope that the rest of the WordPress community embraces it to help them find the perfect them. I’m firmly convinced that no matter what the web application, “there is a theme for that” and that my new site is probably your best bet for finding it! I know that I find myself using the site all the time myself :)

Special guest post by Matt Hall

4 responses

  1. I *love* the idea but two genres I constantly search WordPress themes for are not met. Those are: genealogy (think vintage & antique) as well as a theme for an author. Not one who sells their own e-books. An author who publishes via a publishing agency.

    Also I suggest you make the thumbnails bigger. It’s too hard to see what the layout of the site is via the current size.

    On Chrome, the drop down paragraph(s) are great but show every HTML tag used.

    Again — the idea is wonderful! I just need those two genres.

  2. Hey Lynda,

    Thanks for the feedback. You’ll be happy to know that we’ll be adding some new categories in the near future, as well as fixing a few bugs.

    If there is anything else that you think we could do to make the site better, please leave a comment here or contact me through the site itself.

    – Matt

  3. Harshh Vardhan

    There is a theme for that has actually helped me in finding themes for some of my so called wild ideas (not actually wild though). I personally like the “clone” category (good themes that can be used for clients) and “affiliate marketing” category for my own use.

  4. Thanks for the feedback Harshh, I appreciate it. Glad you like the unique categories we have on there : )

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