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Notification List for v3.3 Printed Books

Notification List for v3.3 Printed Books

Digging into WordPress v3.3 is now available, and more printed books are on the way. It can take some time for the books to be printed and delivered, so we’re setting up a notification list for people who want to know when the new books are back in stock.

To get on the list, just leave a comment on this post and we’ll send you an email when the new v3.3 printed books are available for purchase.

For more info on the latest version, check out the announcement post.

260 responses

  1. Can you send me an email reminder?

  2. Looking forward to the new book.

  3. Add me to the notification list.

  4. Please add me to the list.

  5. Definitely add me to the list.

  6. Please add me to the list as well- excited to see the new updates.

  7. Add me to the list as well, please.

  8. I’d also like to be added to the list. I have the first version and love it. I’m looking forward to V3. Thanks!

  9. Let me know when the bad boy drops :)

  10. Please add me to the list, I can’t wait : )

    Thank you

  11. Can’t wait for that new book

  12. Please add me to the list for notification of the print version.

  13. Hi Chris,
    Please add me to the list. Eagerly waiting to buy the book!


  14. I definitely want to be on the notification list! Thanks!

  15. Great work guys!

    Definitely keen to get a copy of the new book!

  16. Let me know!

  17. So very badly want this book.

  18. Sounds good

  19. Would love to have the book! Thanks!

  20. Please let me know when the book is done.

  21. Please notify me when the book is ready!

  22. Thank you! Let me know when it’s ready.

  23. Add me to the list please.

  24. Looking forward to hearing more about the printed books :) PS thanks for the update!

  25. Hi, please notify me too :)

    I have a question, if it possible to pre-order the print book?
    I ask this because I need to use the book for my current urgently wordpress project.

    With the pre-order, I can download the PDF version immediately.
    And the print version coming later is okay for me.

    Thank you.

    • Hi Bow, at this point we can’t do pre-orders mainly because we don’t have all the specifics about the new printed books. If/when pre-orders are available we’ll announce here at

  26. Add me to the notification list too please.

  27. Please add me to the contact list. Thanks!

  28. Super excited for this! Add me to the list, please.

  29. Add to the list please.

  30. I must know!

  31. I’m leaving a comment right here. hurrayyyy! i’m on the list!

  32. Would like to order print edition when it’s available. Hope it’s available soon. Thanks.

  33. Please notify me when the printed version of Digging into WordPress 3.3 becomes available :)

  34. I must have this book.

  35. Add me to the list!

  36. Philip Valentino

    great news new version due, been awaiting…

  37. Let me know when the print edition is available. Thanks

  38. I would most definitely like to be notified when this becomes available!

  39. I’d like to be notified when the print edition is available, thanks!

  40. Keep me in the loop, please. Would love to hear- keep up all the great work

  41. Id like to be notified when book is printed.

  42. Would love a notfiication. Thanks!

  43. Please let me know when the printed version of the new edition is out.

  44. Can’t wait!!!

  45. count me in..

  46. Please add me to your list. Looking forward to the book. Thanks

  47. Please add me to the notification list.

  48. Would like to know when this comes out . Thanks

  49. Please let me know when the new book is ready.

  50. Please let me know when you have copies available to ship. How much is the printed version and do you ship to the UK?

  51. Dominic Whittle

    Add me to that email list.

  52. Please add me to your list.

  53. Notify me as well. Thank you!

  54. Pls notify :D Thnx :D

  55. List please, thank you!

  56. Please add me. Thanks!

  57. I’m new to WordPress and need all the help I can get! Thanks~

  58. Please let me know when it is available

  59. add me. i need this book!!

  60. Please send me a notification.

  61. Christian Zumbrunnen

    I almot bought the previous version of the book, but knowing I wouln’t really have the timo to enjoy it, I waited.
    That I could “update” for free, convinced me to get the book this time. Just waiting for the printed edition.

  62. Kindly let me know of its availability with shipping to Russia. Thank you.

  63. Please send me a notification.

  64. want the book!

  65. Would be interested in getting a printed copy =)

  66. add me to the list please

  67. Looking forward to the book.

  68. Can’t wait

  69. Definitely looks like a great resource.

  70. Please add me to the list. Thanks.

  71. Would love to have the book!

  72. Really looking forward to grabbing a physical copy of this book.

  73. Let me know when the book is printed please.

  74. Please add me to the list. Thank you!

  75. Please add me to the notification list. Thank you!

  76. Please add me to the notification list.
    Thank you.

  77. Please add me to the notification list.

  78. Please let me know when the book is available.
    You quickly became my #1 resource for all-things-web.
    Thanks for all you share.

  79. Nice tasty WordPress book: When will you adorn my table for a coding banquet with Knights from the realm.

  80. Please add me to the wait list for the book.

  81. Please add me to the list for a printed version of the latest.

    I look forward to reading through it. Thanks!

  82. Please add me to the list for the printed version.

  83. Please let me know when the printed version as available.

  84. Add me to the list. Please email with updates!

  85. Add me to the list please!

  86. Daniel Khoo Kelvin

    Add me to the list. Please email with updates. I am going to get one.

  87. Please notify me! Buying PDF now.

    Willy T. Koch

  88. Please add me to the list!

    Many thanks!

  89. Please add me to the list.

  90. Great work guys! I’d love to know when the printed books are ready. Thanks

  91. Printed Book Notification. Thanks!

  92. Please add me to the notification list. Thank you!

  93. I already have the old version, i want this one as well

  94. I want to be on the list!

  95. Can’t wait to buy the book, add me please :)

  96. Yay – bring on the new book

  97. Commented!

  98. I’m in

  99. Christopher Geary

    Woo, I’m number 100 :D

  100. Please contact me!

  101. Would love to hear more from you when this book gets back in stock!

  102. Definitely want the new version!

  103. Would love to be on the list, been hunting this book since you guys released it! Keep missing it though, haha.

    Keep inspiring!

  104. no-brainer purchase; please let me know when it’s ready

  105. Add me please :)

  106. Just want to know when the new version will be out! +1 list!

  107. Email me pls…

  108. Throw me on the list please. Thanks!

  109. And from the previous comment, you can tell that I really need it. :-)

  110. The book looks beautiful.

  111. Please put me on your notification list.

  112. Notify me once the printed version is out for sale. Thanks!

  113. Please let me know when the print edition is ready

  114. Please notify me of the new book release!

  115. Let me know when the printed book is available. Thanks.

  116. Please notify me when you get some more printed copies in! Looking forward to hearing from you! Thanks.

  117. Definitely looking forward to the printed version. Hope its not a long wait.

  118. Looking to be added to the info list for the new version please. Thanks!

  119. Is it possible to purchase the printed version and have it shipped when ready and meanwhile get the pdf version? When is the print version expected to be ready?
    Thanks so much.

  120. Excited about the new printed version. Add me to the list! :)

  121. KimGreenAtlanta

    Please notify me when the print version is available. By the way, I just bought the pdf version. Is there any discount for pdf owners who want to buy the print version?

  122. Unfortunately not possible to discount the PDF version, which we include as a free bonus for people who buy the print edition.

  123. I’m really excited to read your book! I love to get the hardcover version though. I feel as if its easier to read when its right on your desk. By the way I looks at the sample pdf and it looks really easy to learn. Really excited!

  124. This will be great addition to my bookshelf. I look forward to it! Hurry please!

  125. Looking forward to this book! I’m knee-deep in WP and need to get it right, not just working! Thanks for all your hard work.

  126. Hi everybody!
    add me to the list please! love your book!

    greetings from spain!

  127. Add me to the list! Love to have it.

    Greetings from the Netherlands.

  128. Let me know!

  129. I love a copy of this book. Let me know when it is available.

  130. Roque Jay Maneja

    I want this book. Please let me know when it’s ready and available. Thank you very much!

  131. Please add me to your notification list =)

  132. Please add me to the list. Cheers!

  133. Amy Jane (Serendipity Scrapbook)

    One more for the Notification, Please.

  134. I would like to be notified as well. Looks good so far!

  135. Eddie VanArsdall

    I would get the 3.3 book, so please add me to the list.

  136. Please let me know when the book is available!

  137. Please let me know as soon as printed version is available. Greeting from UK. Only recently come across your site & CSS -TRicks very impressed

  138. I’d like to be notified when the printed version is available. Thanks!

  139. Please let me know when it is available. Thanks!

  140. gray ghost visuals

    1 butt scratcher…no wait the list please and thanks

  141. Please let me know when it is available!! Thank you so much

  142. Please Let Me Know When It’s Available. Thanks!

  143. Please add me to the list!

  144. Please add me to the list!

  145. Put me on the list please!

  146. I would like a book. Thanks.

  147. I would love to purchase this book.

  148. I’d like to purchase the book. Let me know when it’s available.

  149. I’m all in. Want a book bad!

  150. Please count me in, ta!

  151. Looking forward to it, thanks.

  152. Add me please…

  153. Thanks .. Please add me to the list :)

  154. I would like to buy a hard copy of your v3.3 book.

  155. Please add me to the list. Looking forward to the printed book!

  156. email me for the printed version, thanks!

  157. Please add me to the notification list for printed version, thanks!

  158. Me three.

    If it isn’t too much to ask, I’d also like to know who handled your print job. I have a project that really needs color and a spiral binding but I’ve been dreading price quotes. You can see from my email address that my industry is totally unrelated to yours and also, that I’ve been published for quite some time.

    Anyway, thanks, looking forward to getting this, it comes highly rec’d.

  159. Please notify me when the printed book is available. Thanx.

  160. Lease send me too.

  161. Please add me to the list, looking forward to it. Spiral bound…nice.

  162. Please add me to the list.

  163. Please add me to the list as well.

  164. Please add me to the list!!

  165. Please add me to the list

  166. Add me to the list! I want one.

  167. Let me know when it’s ready!

  168. Yup, add me to the list of tree killers… I need paper on this one!

  169. Can’t wait…Thanks!

  170. Put me down for the book!

  171. I’d love to pick up a printed copy up when it is available.

  172. Ok. When will it be available?

  173. notify me of new book

  174. Agustin Giannastasio

    Please, add me to the list. Thx!

  175. Looking forward to it.

  176. Put me on the list. I can’t afford missing to get this version.

  177. Add me to the list, please. Thank you and I appreciate all the work.

  178. Yes, please add me to the list. Thanks.

  179. Please add me to the list.

  180. please notify me when the book is available!

  181. Thanks for the hard work. Please add me to the list for the hard copy!

  182. got the PDF, but would love to have traditional book format as well.

  183. Please add me.

  184. Definitely add me to the list! I am holding off purchase of the PDF copy for the print/PDF combo.

  185. Please notify me when the book is available. Thanks.

  186. WayneRichardson

    Hey, Chris and Jeff…
    Love your books…
    I am an original purchaser and have purchased a printed copy of every edition. Please let me know when the latest printed version is available for purchase.

  187. Let me know when the book is available. Thanks.

  188. Notify pleeze.

  189. Please notify me when the printed edition is available. Thanks.

  190. me too please

  191. Let me know

  192. Put me down for one!

  193. I would like to know the printed books are available….

  194. Let me know when the book is available

  195. Please add me to the list. Thanks.

  196. Eagerly anticipating the book. Thanks.

  197. waiting on printed book :)

  198. Add my name to the list. I’m ready as soon as the ink dries.

  199. Add me to the notification list.

  200. Please add me to the list. Thanks.

  201. I want in as well :)

  202. Would like the printed version too. Thank you.

  203. michael mentessi

    Dead tree version please! :)

  204. David Faltermier

    Add me to the notification list, please.

  205. Would love the stay flat version! Please add me to the notification list.

  206. Lisa Mirabile

    please add me to the notification list.

    Is it possible to buy the pdf now and apply that purchase price against the price of the upcoming book (since the pdf will come for free w/ the print version)?

  207. Dustin Bounds

    One more for the notification list, thanks!

  208. I’m interested and will grab this. Here’s hoping you ship to Canada.

  209. Sascha Möser

    Would love the printed version! Add me to the notification list, thanks!

  210. I would like a notification, thank you!

  211. +1 for the list! Thanks!

  212. ready for a printed version!

  213. Please add me to the list. Your WP Book is a great resource and i’d love a paper copy

  214. Looking forward to the printed version.

  215. Any idea of a date?

  216. Looking forward to printed version. PLEASE ADD ME TO THE LIST. YOUR HAVE GREAT WP RESOURCES.

  217. Ted Altenberg

    Sign me up for notification of printed version please! In the meanwhile, I have a tech support Q about syncing between devices, but I’ll email that to y’all off-screen. Thanks, all, I LOVE the book! :-)

  218. Please add me to the list!
    I will wait until the printed version comes out before I purchase.

    It’s great to finally get a WP (PDF) book that’s updated with each new
    version. I have had to dump a lot of old WP books since the information is outdated.

  219. Sign me up for notification of printed version please!

  220. Count me in. Looking forward to joining the Digging Into WordPress club. Thanks!

  221. Please notify once the printed version is ready for order. Thanks!

  222. Anxious to check out the new book! Please let me know when it’s available.

  223. Email me

  224. Please add me to the notification list also. :-D

  225. G’ day!

    If the discount coupon time period is over, you should not advertise this on your site, methinks:

    Early-Bird Special… This week you save $5 off

  226. Please add me to the list. Thanks!

  227. Sherika Williams

    Please add me to the notification list for when the printed(9780983517801)books arrive. Thanks

  228. Add me to the notification list, please.

    Thank you!


  229. ditto

  230. Please add me to the list.


  231. Peter St.Jean

    Add me to the list, please!

  232. Please add me to the list. Thank you.

  233. Please let me know when the print edition is available again.


  234. Looking forward to getting my hands on the new book. Great work, guys!

  235. Please add me, thanks

  236. Add me to the notification list
    may be book in french…

  237. Paul Bernards

    Please add me to the notification list.

  238. Please add me to the notification list.

  239. I’m in!

  240. Hi, please add me to the notification list. Ta.

  241. Please add me to the notification list. Thank you.

  242. Notify me, please!

  243. Can you let me know too please? Thanks!

  244. Paul van der Heyde

    Please add me to the notification list.

    Do you know the delivery rate to Belgium?

  245. awesome site.. can’t wait for the book

  246. Please let me know when the printed books are available.

  247. Please let me know when the printed books are available.

  248. Please add me to the notification list.


  249. Add me to the notification list, please.

  250. Denise Jacobs

    Gentlemen, add me to the list as well, please :).

  251. Please add me to the notification list – thanks.

  252. Put me on the list?

  253. Please add me to the notification list. Thanks you!

  254. add me to the list please

  255. Randy Preising

    Add me to the list, please.

  256. On the list, mates!

  257. You got me hooked on Lynda
    Now – Hit me with the Hard Stuff !!

  258. Betsie Younger

    Hi, I’d like to be put on the notifications list as well.
    Thank you

  259. New printed books are now available! Visit the sidebar or book page to get a copy.

    Thanks to everyone for your interest in the book. We’ll be sending an “official” email notification to everyone on the list. For questions about the book, contact us and we’ll try to help.

Comments are closed for this post. Contact us with any critical information.
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