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List of WordPress Developers & Designers

List of WordPress Developers & Designers

Looking for WordPress developers and designers? So are many people. Time is scarce these days, and we get quite a few folks asking about where to go for help with their WordPress site. Most of the WP peeps that we know are just as busy as we are, so it would be helpful to have a nice, healthy list of WordPress designers and developers all in one place that people could check out and find some good candidates. That’s exactly the point of this quick DigWP post (and the following comments thread).

Update! Check out the newer more current List of WP Developers & Designers »

Share your information

If you are a WordPress professional, available for hire, and would like to be included in our list of designers & developers, just leave a comment with a quick summary of how you can help clients with WordPress. Include as much or as little information as you would like, but please don’t get carried away with an entire resume or anything. Some essential things to include:

  • Name / Business Name
  • Contact Information (Twitter, Facebook, Skype, whatever)
  • What you do
  • Relevant experience
  • Link to portfolio or company page

Why do this? Because it will be great to have a resource for our WordPress-hungry visitors to check out. We’ve got an amazing readership & audience here at, and plenty of traffic, so hopefully this DiW List of WordPress Designers & Developers will reach many people and help everyone find exactly what/who they are looking for. It’s a win-win-win! :)

Looking for WordPress support? Something specific? Check out our post, Where to Get Help with WordPress, for some of the best resources for getting help.

182 responses

  1. twitter: @alanneese
    skype: alan.neese

    HTML5/CSS3/ASP/SQL Server/Wordpress.

  2. Michelle McGinnis

    Working with fantastic graphic designers, I build custom WordPress sites for businesses, help with the installation, and conduct training on how to use WordPress to manage content.

  3. Jaseem TS
    twitter: @cooljaz124
    skype: cooljaz124
    HTML5/CSS3/Wordpress Design / Development

  4. Adam W. Warner

    I’m a web development consultant specializing in the use of WordPress and WordPress Multisite. My development philosophy focuses not only on solutions, but also education, empowerment, and support for my clients.

  5. Adam Hansen /

    Contact me by:

    Email –
    Twitter – @ahansendesign
    Skype – ahansendesign
    Site –

    I am a full time freelance web designer who specializes in creating WordPress CMS web sites. I am currently located in Massachusetts.

  6. via twitter: @trepmal
    via email: trepmal (at) gmail (dot) com

    I do all sorts of small quick things with WordPress. I only say “small quick things” because that’s what I’ve got time for – I spend a lot of time with WP, but most of that is devoted to my office job.

    I am happy to help with any sort of quick question

    See for samples of my assorted geekery

  7. Pixel Insert

    Contact Information
    Twitter: katemag
    Facebook: katemag
    Skype: kate_mag

    -What you do: provide WordPress services
    -Relevant experience: WordPress site development for, etc
    -Link to portfolio or company page:

  8. Pippin Williamson
    Twitter: @pippinspages

    Expert WordPress developer with 3+ years intensive experience, focusing mainly on custom theme / plugin development.

  9. Michelle

    twitter: @tinymcreative

    Web developer, WordPress design & development, xhml + css (html5 coming soon), plus many other web dev skills not all related to this particular thread.

    – – Website development is my day job. I occasionally freelance as well.

  10. Lucian / FLDtrace
    Twitter: @fldtrace

    Website Design > WordPress custom CMS / Blogs > PSD to XHTML/CSS slicing > SEO

  11. Adam Trimble

    Custom wordpress templates and plugins
    100+ custom wordpress templates
    30+ custom wordpress plugins

  12. Andrew / ThemePals or
    Full list of our services:

    In a nutshell – just anything from WordPress Installation to themes and plugins development. Creative and responsible team with more than 2 years experience.

    Thank You.

  13. Angela Giese, Hanabi Web Services LLC
    Twitter: @angelagiese

    I’m a front-end web developer who loves helping out small businesses and non-profits by giving them functional, helpful, great looking websites that they can update themselves. I also do PSD to HTML/WordPress/Drupal , create web forms, install photo galleries, or create custom content management sytems.

  14. West Coast Design Co.

    Twitter: @wcdco

  15. Michelle Dancer

    WordPress themes and plugins, from your basic PSD2WP projects to advanced custom themes packed with features.

    Also offer training for new site admins and basic blog setup packages.

  16. Chantal Coolsma / WebPressed
    Twitter: @chantalcoolsma

    I am building websites based on WordPress. This can be sites using a ready made theme which will be changed or a complete self designed custom theme.

  17. Evandro Pastor

    Twitter: evandropastor
    Email: contato { at }

    Brazilian web designer working with WordPress since 2005. Specializing in attendance of blogs and websites for individuals, small and medium enterprises.

  18. Jim Gaudet

    ~ An IT Guy Relaxing in Costa Rica

    Working with PHP and MySQL for POS and CRM systems has helped me learn WordPress quickly. I have helped a few companies learn to use WP as well as create a custom theme for them.

  19. Lukasz Waszczuk

    Lukasz Waszczuk – Cleveland Ohio

    Contact Information:
    What you do: WordPress, Magento e-Commerce, SEO.
    Relevant experience: Web Design / Development

  20. Jonathan Christopher

    Name / Business Name Iron to Iron
    Contact Information @jchristopher
    What you do Full scale custom themes, theme modification, plugin development, plugin modification, Pods core team member
    Relevant experience Dozens of full scale themes, plugins, articles and more
    Link to portfolio or company page Iron to Iron

  21. Mike Winterthieme

    My company is Ten Foot Table and we develop websites using the Thesis theme on WordPress.

    Services: Website Development, Local Search Marketing, e-commerce, Website Renovations / Conversions, Search Engine Optimization, Website Management / Support / Hosting, and Consulting.


  22. Web Design Consultancy:

    Follow: @CasJam

    I’m a designer, developer and WordPress specialist. I build custom WordPress CMS sites for clients both large and small. I work with WP every single day, and love getting the most out of this amazing platform. I’m also the founder/designer of ThemeJam WordPress themes. Our signature theme is the Clean Slate theme.

  23. @freekrai

    WordPress plugin and theme development, integration of wordpress into existing sites and developing solutions powered by wordpress.

  24. My husband and I run Barrett Creative, where we design and develop custom WordPress sites, themes, and plugins. We also do general WordPress consulting. We’re currently working on our own parent theme/framework inspired by Hybrid.

    Twitter: @alisothegeek
    Personal development blog:
    Company website:

  25. Name / Business Name: Nicolargo

    Contact Information: @nicolargo

    What you do: GNU/Linux Opereating system expert, LAMP (Apache) or LNMP (NGinx) installation and optimization for hight traffic site/blog.

    Link to my blog.

  26. Chase Wiseman

    WordPress theme & plugin creation or customization. From design to live. Heavily customized WordPress admin features. 5+ years freelance experience under tight deadlines.

  27. Eric Munoz & Shawn Porter

    Site designs, Flash content, custom WordPress theme development, PSD2WP, PHP expertise. 6 years experience in the web industry.

  28. Jacob Dubail

    @jacobdubail –

    I design and develop custom WordPress themes. I also partner with a few great designers who do amazing branding/marketing/logo work, as well as great WordPress design.

  29. Thanks for the opp, Jeff! ;-)

    Judith Kallos @ The IStudio | Established 1995
    WordPress Consultant and Online Business Coach
    LinkedIn |
    TW | @IStudio

    All-Inclusive WordPress Consulting |
    Support Ticket WordPress Help |

    I assist folks to embrace WordPress and the online arena for all it can be.

  30. Mike Cannon

    Installation, support, training, security analysis. WishList Member Certified. Worked with WordPress for many years, been in industry since 1996.

  31. I’m a friendly developer, with good attention to detail building great websites that are clear and easy to use.

    Name / Business Name: Dasha / dashaluna
    Contact Information:
    Link to portfolio:

    What you do: Developing straightforward, clear websites based on professional ready-available themes

  32. Name: Alicia Wilkerson

    WordPress custom themes, plugin recommendations, basic plugins/widgets, custom post types, child themes

  33. Piet Bos – Senlin Online –

    I have been working with WordPress since 2006 and can take care of all facets of your website: design, development, website renewal/migration. One of my specialties is making websites that need to run in more than 1 language.


  34. Carina Javier /

    Contact me at my email or on my site:
    Custom wordpress themes/sites

  35. Catherine Azzarello

    Great idea, Jeff. Thanks!

    Catherine Azzarello, Azzcat Design

    Twitter: azzcatdesign

    I specialize in custom WordPress theme design and front-end development with HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery. I partner with other specialists (writing, photography, marketing, programming) as projects require.

    Additionally, I have over 25 years of print and identity design experience and can integrate your brand across media. Located near Portland, OR.

  36. Megan Coleman McElwain

    Megan Coleman McElwain | Megan Coleman Design
    TW: @megandesign

    I’m a Chicago-based freelance (front-end) web designer and developer. I design and develop custom WordPress themes and train clients to use them.

  37. Terry Ferguson / Frothy Goodness


    We design, develop, and market basic to advanced WordPress Sites – including directories and eCommerce solutions. We are wordpress SEO experts.

  38. Brian Holdman

    We offer site design and custom programming.

    We will install WordPress for you. Setting up plugins for SEO, backup and more that will give you a solid, reliable, search engine friendly site. FREE!

  39. Michael McKenzie

    Michael McKenzie
    CompRx and Web Developer focused on WordPress

  40. Jenn Schiffer / Pancake Theorem

    Twitter: @jennschiffer

    I’m a designer and developer that works extensively with WordPress. I’ve designed, built, modified, converted, migrated and maintained websites for personal bloggers, Grammy nominated musicians, large marketing companies and high-traffic hyperlocal sites – most of them on WP.

    You can find my portfolio on

  41. First Time Online | WordPress Solutions For Your Business

    About: First Time Online focuses on offering businesses web-presence advice and Web 2.0 solutions, customizing and implementing the recommended solutions as well. Tag Line: “…because your First Time Online, doesn’t have to hurt!”

    Contact Information:

  42. Curtis Blackwell

    Name: Curtis Blackwell
    What I do: I design/develop custom websites/themes.

  43. kevin | kevin C. webdesigner


    I do design and WP developments.

    Relevant experience: my folio will speak better than me:


  44. Liz Pike

    Defining Your Web Presence Pixel by Pixel
    Website & Graphic design, Branding, Social Media Marketing
    Specializing in the WordPress platform

  45. Philip / Artdev Group

    twitter: @artdev_eu

    We design and develop custom WordPress themes and plugins.

  46. O3 Strategies

    Twitter: @o3strategies


    We do custom website design and development using, of course, WordPress. We’re big fans of WordPress over here and use it as the base for any project we work on. We’ve done everything from custom themes to plugins to widgets.

  47. * Business Name: Groupmind Media
    * Twitter: @groupmindmedia
    * We offer full-service web Design and Development with WordPress, Consulting, Strategy, and Training, as well as Tracking and Analytics.
    * We specialize in Thesis Theme customizations!

  48. 7D Interactive LLC

    info [ at ]

    WordPress experience:

    Corporate WordPress setup, small to large scale. SEO, load balancing, custom plugins and custom theming. FAST support. Some of our notable WordPress clients include Choice Hotels International, MediPak, Sonic, Arbys and KFC of Virginia, various Real Estate brokers, marketing companies.

    About 7D Interactive:

    7Di is not your typical web services firm; we offer a complete, and reliable, all-in-one solution. We are solution-orientated and forward-thinking programmers that bring a combination of aesthetic skills, meticulous attention to detail and innovative use of technology to our work. We are constantly expanding our skills in groundbreaking ways to provide the best solution possible.

  49. James Chartrand - Men with Pens

    We’ll give you the short version first: If it’s WordPress, we can handle it.

    The longer version is fairly simple. With elite-level design and web development skills (not to mention high level marketing and copywriting skills as well), we take your needs, goals and hopes… and we give you the tools you need to get serious results.

    What kind of tools? Stunning design, ultra-clean coding and a WordPress system ready to help you reach your goals – all delivered with silver-platter service and the famous customer care we’re known for.

    Who are we? We’re Men with Pens, the world-class business offering you the design and development you need. View our portfolio here.

  50. Hi,

    I setup WordPress Sites with custom Themes for individuals and small businesses.
    I’m based in Australia and specialise in Ecommerce Sites, Custom Themes and WordPress training.

    Contact me at
    Portfolio at

  51. Chris M
    twitter: @christopherm

    Been building WordPress sites for several years.

  52. Art Thompson, Jr | Logical Things, Inc

    The elevator pitch: Founded in 2000, we design, build and host Branded Microsites, Landing Pages, Blogs, Eblasts and whatever comes next.

    Wanna connect?


  53. Name: Daquan Wright

    Contact Information: e-mail = coolelemental @ @ Daquan Wright

    What you do: user interface design and development (HTML/CSS/JavaScript/PHP/MSQL) + WordPress theming/development

    Relevant experience: Six years working in Photoshop/HTML/CSS and two for PHP/JavaScript

    Link to portfolio or company page: (it’s not developed at this point, but it will be when I have time (CS student)).

  54. Jitendra Kumar /

    Twitter: jitendra_kr
    Skype: jitendrakumar253
    Email: /

    I have been working with WordPress since 2007 and have in depth knowledge of blog setup, theme development, plugin development and extending WordPress in different ways. I have almost three years of experience working with WordPress and almost 6 years of experience of web design and development.

  55. Damon Cook /
    Twitter: @colorfultones
    Facebook: Colorful Tones

    Services: Full service design and development for existing or new WordPress installations. Strategy, migration, SEO, ecommerce, social marketing campaign, and a whole lot more. Email:

  56. We’re The Flip Group. We are a Dallas Web Design Agency with a focus on Branding, WordPress Development, and SEO (how you like that link building?)


    Our custom WordPress websites start at 10K. We serve well funded start ups and small to medium sized businesses.

  57. Aaron Rutley / Eleven Media

    Twitter : @AaronRutley
    Services: Custom WordPress themes from our studio in Melbourne, Australia.

  58. WordPress sites set up & hosted from £250 (small business brochure style site). WordPress Themes, CSS & HTML templates from PSD’s. Full bespoke design & build on request.

    All details:

  59. Great idea Jeff!

    I am an Australian-based freelance web designer, preferring to help small businesses with their website needs. I specialise in WordPress and jQuery to give my clients a unique web presence.

    I can be conatcted via:
    Twitter: @abrishca

  60. R.S. Consulting

    Linda Lancaster, R.S. Consulting

    Charlotte, NC
    contact –
    portfolio –

    I am a one woman firm that specializes in small websites for individuals, non-profit organizations, and small businesses. If you’re looking for someone who believes in great customer service, speedy response times, and the ability to “just make the magic happen” then you have come to the right place!

  61. Izuddin Helmi
    Twitter @iamizuddinhelmi
    Skype : izuddin.helmi
    Service : WP Concept Design, HTML, CSS, WordPress Theme Modification, Custom WordPress Theme, BuddyPress
    Experience: Working on several themes at Woothemes, Obox, BlogOhBlog, SoloStream, KreativeThemes, WPBandit
    Portfolio : my portfolio

    e-mail :

  62. Benjamin –
    Twitter /Skype – “groottros”
    Small business web and video solutions.

  63. Name: Shanna Cramer
    Business: The Web Shoppe
    Phone: 218-422-0000

    The Web Shoppe specializes in search engine friendly, custom designed WordPress websites for small to mid-sized businesses. Services include custom web design, web marketing, email marketing, hosting and website optimization.

  64. Ren West

    Twitter: @renwest

    I’m an administrator by trade. I run websites, keep them running, keep them live and fast. I can help design, debug and evaluate everything WordPress bloggers and users will need to create and manage a website. I run dozens of WordPress blogs on behalf of others, both personal and business oriented.
    My primary website is, which contains my portfolio.

  65. David Sutoyo

    Twitter: @dsutoyo
    Services: Design, HTML/CSS, WordPress development and theming

  66. Name: Oliver Helms
    twitter: obearone

    I’m a young wordpress Designer and Developer from Essen, Germany. I offer full-service web Design and Development with WordPress. Specialise in solutions for small business and property agencies.

  67. From simple to complex, from small to large client working with web since 1998. Experts in WordPress. We created, customized, adapted, integrated with other systems on the web and offline. We also created proprietary platforms for e-commerce, employment system and any other need in ASP or PHP.

    Creativity, reliability and know-how
    Some clients: Wal-Mart, Taurus, Futon-Company.
    More in:

  68. Lance Curtis, ImprimisXO

    I.T. since 1986 building websites since 2004. Primary service area is Northwest Arkansas (NWA-XNA).

    Website development with WordPress
    Local/Small Business Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
    Local/Small Business Search Engine Marketing (PPC)

  69. Tran Ngoc Tuan Anh

    Name: Tran Ngoc Tuan Anh
    Nickname: Rilwis

    I’m a WP developer with more than 4 years experienced with WP coding and plugins. The main thing I can do is customizing WP to fit client’s requirements. I also can handle some design problems with CSS, jQuery.

  70. David Radovanovic

    WordPress design and development without prejudice to the size of your business, aspirations or visions of grandeur. With 32 years background in creative advertising design, you’ll get a keen understanding graphic design, Web development and Search Engine Optimization., Inc.
    100 Dock Street
    Saugerties, NY 12477
    (845) 247-0909

  71. Name: Curtis McHale

    I design and build WordPress sites. Lots of frontend work, jQuery, PHP and plugin work.

  72. Chris Ellison

    Business Name: CJEllison

    Contact Information (Twitter, Facebook, Skype, whatever)
    Twitter: @cjellison

    What you do: WordPress installation, maintenance, and theme development.

  73. Taryn Wallis

    WordPress web design and development for small businesses with big dreams.

    Company page:
    Twitter: @phenomenoodle

  74. Name: Jonnya Freelance Creative

    Contact Information: Twitter @jonnyauk

    What you do: Bespoke WordPress theme design and plugin development.

    Relevant experience:
    I have been developing on WordPress for over 6 years and have been a professional freelancer for over a decade. I am also the lead developer on the Wonderflux theme framework.

    Drop by my personal website to find out more, and see some of my work.

  75. Name Vlad Sucitu

    Business Name: noidoi media production
    Twitter: @noidoi

    Clean, simple, light and functional WordPress Themes and Tweaks, beautiful, simple and really awesome design and layout for your webpage, .psd files into valid HTML5 and CSS3, cross-browser testing, etc. I believe that the Internet is here to be pretty, nice and useful.

  76. Gregoire Noyelle

    Gregoire Noyelle

    Twitter: @gregoirenoyelle
    Theme Development, Webdesign, WordPress MU

  77. Jakub Chodorowicz

    Name: Jakub Chodorowicz
    Area: WordPress installation, theme development, maintenance, jQuery, PHP, Django

  78. Simon Vreeman

    Twitter: @simonvreeman

    I can build websites based on WordPress, using a ready made theme or a custom theme. I also can help you with SEO. And I can give trainings on WordPress and SEO.

  79. Steve Rydz / Rydz Design

    Twitter: @steverydz

    WordPress is capable of doing much more than providing a blogging platform and I can help you achieve this.

  80. I run The UK Edge, a company focusing on building WordPress sites for small businesses and I also run Do It With WordPress, a WordPress tutorials site. I’m based in Tampa, FL

    I am available for WordPress site design and build, consultation and portfolio management. I can be reached at @dowithwordpress or through the contact forms on my websites.

    This list was a great idea. Thanks!

  81. Name:
    Tufan Tunc

    Contact Information:
    Twitter: @tufant

    What you do:

    I have WordPress support blog(Turkish lang.). I’m currently writing WordPress articles for new Turk WordPress users. I’m translate and publish WordPress themes and plugins to Turkish.

    xHTML/CSS, WordPress optimizations, theme development

    WordPress Support –

  82. Name: Level Level

    Twitter: @levellevel
    Address: Willem Buytewechstraat 45, 3024 BK, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
    What we do: Design & Development for WordPress, WordPress training & workshops, WordPress support, WordPress consultancy

    4+ years of WordPress experience.

    Please visit for an impression of our work.

  83. matt adams
    factor 1 studios
    Webdesign, development, planning, marketing & management.
    HTML5/CSS3/Wordpress Design / Development
    twitter: @factor1

  84. Beecher Smith-Stackhouse


    Development and Design. HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, JQUERY, AJAX, PHP, MySQL, WordPress Theme and Plugin Development.

  85. Name Simon Fairbairn
    Company Line In Web Design
    Portfolio Line In Web Design
    Skills and Experience With over 10 years experience of designing and building sites and marketing them online, we have the experience to give our clients a voice in the infinite conversation. We believe in the power of the internet and that everyone should have a beautiful, functional platform to share their message with the world.

  86. Name: Liz Bemis, Creative Director
    Company: Bemis Promotions

    What We Do: Bemis Promotions is a full-service marketing and promotion partner who offers complete marketing and promotion packages, tailoring our expertise to fit our clients’ needs, goals and brand. We work almost exclusively in WordPress to develop sites, themes and plugins to help our Clients with their promotion strategies.

    How to Contact: Visit our site to request a quote or contact us.

  87. Olivier Gobet. Sarl Gd6d
    Web solutions since 2000

    I’m Specialized in customized wordpress themes Designs, especially with Woothemes. I build sites for businesses, help with the installation, and conduct training. I have also made a DVD training on WordPress 3.

    I run wp-businesstheme, a selection of WordPress Themes for Business Websites. I’m based in France, near Toulouse.

  88. Superhighwaymen


    Website & Portfolio:
    Contact Email:
    Twitter: @superhighwaymen

    What We Do: We built beautiful, affordable websites in WordPress. We can also provide consultancy, SEO, hosting, etc. We’re based in the UK but work worldwide. To cut a long story short – if it’s WordPress we can sort you out!

    And thanks DIW!

  89. Name: Syed Balkhi
    Company: Uzzz Productions / WPBeginner
    Contact: Twitter: @wpbeginner or @syedbalkhi
    Company Blog:

    What we do: We help individuals, small businesses, and large corporations transform their ideas into a visually stunning site powered by WordPress with a Special “WOW Effect” that it deserves. All of our sites are built to encourage social media interaction among the audience, improve user experience on the interface, and provide semantic web markups for full on-page SEO optimization. We are also available to do custom backend UI, to create internal communication networks for larger corporates powered by WordPress.

  90. Westwords Consulting

    Business Name: Westwords Consulting
    Twitter: @petebocken & @westwords_paula
    Company site: Westwords Consulting
    What we do: Our goal is to be your bridge between technology and business and to provide the most appropriate and cost-efficient solution for your project.
    Services: Website design/development, WordPress development, project management, business application analysis & design, social media consulting, search engine optimization, consulting.

  91. – Heather – Lovebugs Photography Designs
    – Install and Customize wordpress and themes

    – I’ve been customizing wordpress sites for photographers mostly, but other creative types of sites as well. I’ve been doing this for 3 years. I don’t built custom sites from the ground up, but I do take existing themes and customize them to meet your look and needs.

  92. Name / Business Name – Mike Smith / GUERRILLA
    Contact, @blogdesigner on Twitter
    What you do – Create kick ass WordPress powered websites :)
    Relevant experience – I’ve spent 5+ years building websites with WordPress. Everything from regular blog setups to magazine style themes and full blown website solutions.
    Link to portfolio or company page –

  93. Name
    Basilis Kanonidis

    Business Name
    creative and interactive agency

    Contact Information
    Twitter: @Basilakis

    What you do
    We are creating interactive web sites based on WordPress. We aim on clean code. We create clean UI and develop plugins that will extend WordPress and make it the best platform for you and your brand!

    Link to portfolio or company page:

  94. Name: Designpx
    Info: We’ve been involved in WordPress customization for over 7 years and focus on delivering clean, optimized themes. We offer a free install with loads of bonuses, love working especially with the Thesis Framework and offer complete web design services. We also provide a blog with awesome WordPress tutorials.

  95. Seth Waite | @Seth_Waite (Twitter) | @SethW (Forrst)

    I install and customize wordpress sites as an advanced designer and intermediate developer. I also work with clients on getting their WordPress site to be more than just a nicely designed web page through marketing and seo. My site and portfolio can be found at

  96. Free & Easy Blog

    Free & Easy Blog
    Twitter: freeandeasyblog

    We provide free premium themes to whomever would like to take advantage of the service as well as providing tutorials, tips and help with WordPress. We have experience customizing themes and plugins. We can also consult you on the best route to customize the a themet to your needs.

  97. Chris Klongpayabal

    Chris Klongpayabal

    What I do: WordPress Themes from scratch, plugin work, php troubleshooting, existing theme modification, WordPress as a CMS. Relevant experience: I’ve designed many websites using the WordPress backend. I’m fluent in php and mySQL, so not only do I know how to design websites, I also understand how they work.

  98. Business Name: Traffic Light
    Contact Information:

    Traffic Light is a web agency based in Stockholm, Sweden. We build clean minimalistic sites on WordPress.

  99. Elio – I Love Colors

    Graphic & Interface design. WordPress development.

    We have experience on building WordPress themes from scratch but also using the Hybrid parent theme. We can create plugins focused on special tasks such as this Slider Shortcode available for purchase from CodeCanyon.

    For some live samples (in addition to ilovecolors itself) encompassing both design and development, check GraphicSnippets (scratch) and WPArgentina (Hybrid-based).

    Check the portfolio on Flickr ;)

  100. Freelancer.
    WP installation, support, training, plugin recommendations, maintenance, many other little things

  101. I am a developer specializing in WordPress designs, blog installs, and full content management systems. Based in Breckenridge, CO. (Design Credit: McGraphix Creative) (Design Credit: McGraphix Creative) (Design Credit: Toolbox Creative) (Design Credit: Toolbox Creative)

  102. Carlos Leopoldo

    Carlos Leopoldo

    Twitter: @carlosleopoldo
    Portfolio: and
    Contact me:

    I am a freelance web designer, I’m specialist in WordPress, I can create custom themes, plugins, optimize WordPress for best performance and SEO, I can make your site validates (X)HTML and CSS, also y can write Javascript code specialy with jQuery. I’m located in Mexico.

  103. Educational Front-end and WordPress Developer. CSS, HTML, WordPress Training, Installation, online help.


  104. Business Name: Wiard Web Works – Mark Wiard
    Contact Information:
    What you do: I design, clean and functional websites that are easy to navigation, and do well in the search engines. I am fast and reliable and not too expensive.
    Relevant experience: I have been a website designer and developer for 15 years.
    Link to portfolio page:

  105. Name: Mario Aguiar
    Twitter: @emeaguiar
    Facebook: mario.aguiar
    email: info[at]

    I develop WordPress themes whether from scratch or from an existing design, over 3 years of experience in WordPress and over 5 on html//css. I also develop free themes. Fluent in English and Spanish. I’m located in Aguascalientes, Mexico.

  106. Christine Curran – Budding Lotus Designs
    Twitter – @buddinglotus

    I create WordPress websites and blogs for small business clients from start to finish. From installation to customized design, I create a site that meets all of the needs of the client. I integrate plugins and social media applications for optimized usability. I also train my clients to be able to manage their blog/website for added flexibility.

  107. Craig Allen

    Twitter: @openwavesdesign
    Custom WordPress themes: install/update/maintain.

  108. Justin Sternberg – DsgnWrks
    Twitter – @dsgnwrks, @jtsternberg
    Skype – jtsternberg

    Currently freelancing with WordPress development, & design. Capable in most areas of WordPress. For most current sites developed contact me, or see my portfolio.

  109. Business Website:

    I offer full-service web design and development and specialize in WordPress and the Thesis theme framework.

  110. Name: Waheed Akhtar

    Twitter: @BstInspiration | Crea8iveArt

    Work as web designer (full time) and as blogger (part time).

    Relevant experience:
    Designing: 9+ years
    Blogging: 2 years

  111. Conorp /

    Contact me by:
    Email –
    Twitter – @conorpegypt
    Skype – conorpp

    I am a WordPress developer specialising in customising commercial WordPress themes. I manage the WooThemes showcase and work with the themes daily.

  112. Leanne Borrowman
    Website Design and Development
    Wordpress / Usability / Accessibility / Design with function in mind!
    9 years+ experience

  113. Good Idea. I had to drop WordPress because the technical end completely overwhelmed the creative end and growth process as far as the vision.

    You guys should consider putting up a dedicated page here or something with everyone’s “cred’s” there is no resource where you can find a list solid of WP developers and managers and their contact information all in one place.

    I may need something myself in 2012 we’ll see how things go a good location to find people would be a real bonus.

  114. Daniel Tara
    Twitter: @onedesigns
    Skype: pseudoxiah

    I have a nice collection of free WordPress themes and offer creation of custom WordPress themes and web design from scratch.

  115. Thanks for the opportunity!

    Nathan Bierma

    WordPress theming, installation, customization, development, social media integration, information architecture, and more!

  116. davide berardino

    I bring wordpress to its limit, designing and developing wow effect websites, with a focus on accessibility, usability and conversions (because websites always have goals to be accomplished).

    I offer hosting, web marketing consulting and I partner with agencies for designing or developing wordpress related project.

    Davide Berardino
    Bryan Editoria e Comunicazione s.a.s.
    portfolio available @
    twitter @ dadeeee
    skype @ davide.31.12.1986

  117. James W Lane / Fueled By Dreams
    Wordpress Development & Design.
    Wordpress Consultant

  118. Joe Jenkins

    I create websites using the CMS functions of WordPress, creating a theme for each site designed. Though I do create blogs, I also create any site that is required – allways sticking to WordPress.

    I have been working with WordPress for sometime, and it still excites me, particularly as it allows high quality functioning websites whilst, at the same time, makign it simple for the end-user.

  119. Justin Lewis, Creator of Niche Optimizer

    I develop optimized niche websites for people looking to get into the niche marketing side of affiliate, ppc, and cpa marketing. In the recent week I have made over 70 sales and offer my services at an extremely cheap price versus my competitors in the same general area.

    I also try to be as transparent as possible to give people a real insight into what it is to be a niche marketer and web designer.

  120. Nice idea!

    Jan Brinkmann | luckyduck networks
    Twitter: @j_brinkmann

    My mission: I love working with PHP generally and have ~10 years of development experience. I’m also passionate about Linux and open source software as well. Even though I’m not a designer in the first place, I’ve a keen sense of good web designs. I have enough experience to rate themes.

  121. I specialize in creating simple websites using WP as a CMS for non-profits and small businesses on a tight budget. I do custom theme design using a theme-generator, so the code is not pretty, but it gets the job done. I also do training for clients on how to use WP–even by phone & Skype!

  122. Chris Sturm

    I build WordPress sites and focus on small to medium sized business who use WP as a CMS. Everything from custom themes to WP install, WPMU, and integration with CDNs and advertising. I also do a lot of WordPress site repair – fixing or upgrading themes, plugins, and general issues.

  123. Joachim Kudish

    I am a Web Developer who specializes in WordPress. Similar to others, I offer customized WordPress sites with a focus on business’.

  124. Name:
    nSiteful Web Builders, Inc.
    Jeff Cohan, President, Chief Cook/Bottle Washer

    Contact Information:
    Facebook Business Page

    What We do:
    I have been designing and building systems since 1983 and Web sites and Web applications since 1994. In 2010 we launched our Libra Program: affordable WordPress-based Web sites which Web-site owners build themselves – with setup, training, guidance and consulting from nSiteful. The Libra Program serves an important and growing market: entrepreneurs and others who need compelling and professional Web sites but who cannot currently justify the cost of full-scale custom Web development.

  125. Web designer, custom wordpress theme builder for CMS sites, blogs and e-commerce stores.

    Specialise in using the wp-ecommerce plugin.

    Get me on twitter: @boxadesign

    I am currently working on a redesign of my site which will be up by mid – feb.

    Thanks, Matt

  126. Name: Farid Hadi
    Twitter: @faridhadi

    I’m a freelance web developer with over 6 years of experience in this field. I specialize in WordPress Development, PSD to XHTML/CSS and custom built PHP & MySQL websites/apps.

  127. @webtopia

    What I do? I help designers translate their design to WordPress & build custom user friendly WP-sites for small businesses (live & work in Antwerp, Belgium).

    Take a look at webtopia dot be for my public portfolio, I also wrote a Dutch book for WP-beginners.

  128. Jeremy L. Knauff

    Great idea Jeff!

    Company: Wildfire Marketing Group
    Twitter: @wildfiremg

    What we do: Design powerful websites in WP that are SEO friendly, rank highly and convert effectively.

    Relevant experience: We’ve worked with the Hilton, small start-up companies and everything in between, to produce website that helped them reach their goals.

    Main page:
    Portfolio page:

    Let me know if you want more info.

    Jeremy L. Knauff

  129. Bold Perspective

    We provide solutions to your design problems. In addition to hand-crafting beautifully functional websites, we also offer a wide range of design services including Identity design, print design, illustration, mobile design, and more. We also offer ongoing Search Engine Optimization, SEO Consulting, and design consulting. Check out our design portfolio to learn more about our design work. (Yes, I took that from our about page. Recycling is a good thing!)

    We are based out of San Antonio texas but work with clients all across the world. Each member on our team has had years of experience in the web and design industry and we are all passionate about what we do.

    Check out our Portfolio

  130. Chuck Reynolds @ rYnoweb

    Twitter: @chuckreynolds
    Link to portfolio:

    Web Strategy, WordPress Theme & Plugin Development, On-site & Organic SEO. I organized both WordCamp Phoenix’s

  131. Steven Bradley
    Twitter: @vangogh
    Company: Vanseo Design

    I’m a web designer and developer who’s been building themes for WordPress for about 5 years and more recently working with BuddyPress as well. I’m also well versed in search engine optimization.

  132. LivelyWorks

    HTML5, XHTML, CSS3, WordPress Design & Development Flash Design & Development

  133. Mild Fuzz
    Email: John (at) Mild Fuzz (dot) Com
    Twitter: @mildfuzz

    Web Designer and developer, focussed on the WordPress platform. Based in Swindon, UK, I customise WordPress installations, including adding functionality and tweaking current functionality.

    Recent clients include a major London festival and a ballet academy. Links can be found on my website

  134. Ankit Sharma
    Twitter : @ankit_sam

    Working as a Freelancer Programmer/Developer from past 1+ year.

    Specialize in WordPress Theme Development.

  135. Rindy Portfolio

    Name / Business Name
    Rindy Portfolio / Crosscut Software


    What I do
    I can be your company’s part-time web guy. Let me sort you out with domains and hosting, web design and development, idea conception and execution, site maintenance and updates, email accounts, cloud storage and whatever else you don’t want to be distracted with. I will bring order to your web world.

    Relevant experience
    Check out my services and portfolio.

  136. ORDNUNG – Online Presence Management

    Jason Jeffers – Art Director/CEO
    Twitter: @Jason_Jeffers

    27 years experience as a graphic designer and 13 years spent in the internet domain.

  137. Ben Ryerson

    I design and build custom WordPress themes for many different applications. Recently, I designed and developed a sales system for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution newspaper to allow them to sell page and photo reprints.

  138. Jen Kooijmans

    Font-end web development & design nerd.


  139. Company: IvyCat Web Services
    Twitter: @ivycatweb

    What we do: We’re a small shop (currently three full-time employees) and we love using WordPress as a platform for creating effective, professional, websites for small and medium sized businesses.

    Relevant Experience: We’ve been building custom WordPress sites for six years, working with WordPress e-commerce solutions, building custom WordPress plugins, and providing consulting and marketing services.

    Main Site:

  140. Laurie M. Rauch
    Twitter: @lauriemrauch

    I’m a code nerd specializing in customizing WordPress – PSD to WP slicing, theme customizations, custom WP and BuddyPress sites, and WordPress coaching.

  141. Christian Pucci / miniMAC
    Twitter: minimamente

    Who i am: I eat plenty of fruits, especially the Apple! If I feel like, I design WordPress themes and have a lot of experience in custom Admin Panels.

    Experience: Freelance

  142. Micah Wood
    Order of Business, LLC
    Get in touch

    I am great with CSS and WordPress theming, thanks to Chris! My real forte is is in writing plugins to add custom functionality. I do some WP consulting and have worked with BuddyPress quite a bit.

  143. Company: BlogHelpr

    We are very very experienced on WordPress, PHP, MySql, Javascript, CSS. About 4 years of experience with WP, many customers satisfied with our work.

  144. Austin Passy Frosty Web Designs

    WordPress theme and plugin development.

  145. Anne Jan Roeleveld

    Name: Anne Jan Roeleveld
    Twitter: @freshter

    We do WordPress development, WordPress design and WordPress consultancy. We are located in Houten, the Netherlands.

  146. Christian Sisson

    Thanks for the opportunity Jeff :)

    Name / Business Name / Location
    Christian Sisson / Sisson Studio / Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

    Contact Information
    Website –
    Portfolio –
    Twitter: @csisson

    What we do
    We are a full-time Design & Art family. We build well-structured, effective and professional websites within WordPress content management system. Nice design, clean development, smooth websites.

    Visit our website to learn more about us :)

  147. Amir Ghazizadeh

    Name: Amir Ghazizadeh
    Age: 25
    Location: Iran
    Company: GFXParadise
    More Info:

    I do WordPress Design

  148. Name : Bledar Ramo

    I have been programming for over 4 years now and i am proficient in xHTML/CSS, PHP, jQuery and of course WordPress / Thesis Framework . Don’t hesitate to contact me for any questions or business inquiries you may have.

    My site and portfolio can be found at

  149. Hey guys,
    My name is Pete Johnston, I am a Senior IT Recruiter at Convergenz, LLC. I am constantly looking for Web Developers/Designers. Currently I have a pressing need for a Lead User Interface Engineer in Northern Virginia. A summary of qualifications can be found below. Please contact me at with a copy of your resume if you are interested in this opportunity. I look forward to hearing from you all soon.

    > 10+ years of professional experience
    > Experience Leading UI Development Teams
    > Expert Level Object Oriented JavaScript, CSS, X/HTML
    > PHP experience, specifically as it relates to the Drupal and WordPress web publishing platforms

  150. Marios Lublinski

    WordPress designer/developer
    Twitter: @dessignnet

  151. Company: Digital Recharge
    Twitter: @digitalrecharge

  152. Jean-Baptiste Jung

    Jean-Baptiste Jung

    What you do: Very experimented with WP, I can handle most challenges. Relevant experience: Worked with individuals, small and big companies since 2005. Link to portfolio or company page:

  153. Website =
    Phone = (651) 647-6767 – Kate Thomas, Owner

    + Website Design + Development since 1995
    + Search Engine Optimization + Social Media Marketing
    + Custom WordPress Websites
    + Experienced HTML5 Video Integration
    + WordPress THESIS Customization
    + WordPress CANVAS (Woothemes) Customization

    We specialize in websites + blogs + social media marketing for voice-over recording studios; video production + post-productions companies; and companies working in the advertising/entertainment industries. Lotus + Lama, Inc. is based in the Twin Cities (Minneapolis – St. Paul, Minnesota).


    All social media links from there.

    I’m a web dev consultant who loves WordPress, WordPress Multisite and Buddypress. I’m also an artist and love graphic design, I have some experience working with internet marketers as well and e-commerce sites. I always focus on implementing solutions rather than reinventing the wheel building from scratch (which I love as a hobby). I work in a way that empowers my clients to understand a lot more, which helps them develop their own project even further, with or without my help.

  155. INPSYDE

    Full WordPress services and custom solutions by Germany’s oldest WordPress service agency.


  156. <Sliced Web Designs

    We create stylish, professional and user friendly websites that utilize the power of WordPress. Around 6 years experience setting up, installing, developing and customizing WordPress websites.

  157. Web Designer/developer:

    I’m a designer/developer from Israel, i create hebrew rtl custom sites, using wordpress/flash/html

    Twitter: @felix007

  158. Dynamick

    Web designer (Photoshop), Web developer (PHP, Ruby on Rails) and SEO. See my self-presentation page.

    Website: Dynamick
    Twitter: Dynamick

    See my portfolio and projects.

  159. Carri Craver/Look Strategies


    WordPress training, theme customization and website development

  160. Web developer

    Passions: PHP, MySQL, Javascript, X/HTML, CSS, Webdesign, WordPress Plugin Development

    Private profile and contact:

  161. c.bavota

    twitter: @bavotasan

    Custom theme and plugin developer in Montreal, Canada.

  162. Studio Snapsize

    Studio Snapsize
    web design + development

  163. Connecticut Websites

    Connecticut Websites – Your Full Service WordPress Design & Developers

    Connecticut Websites provides high quality WordPress design & internet development services for local and national clients, including WordPress theme design & site re-design, e-commerce, graphic design, search engine optimization, hosting, applications for wireless devices, web programming, and more. Connecticut Websites takes great pride in providing superior site design and internet development to it’s clients. Contact us today for a free price quote – our rates are competitive with aggressive turnaround times.

  164. Catalyst Webworks

    Hey Guys, thanks for setting this up!

    Catalyst Webworks
    188 South Main Street
    White River Junction , VT 05001

    We offer complete WordPress development from themes to plugins to redesigns. We also offer comprehensive training on how to make the most of WordPress, and how to incorporate and build effective web marketing strategies. We have clients nationwide.

    Call any time! We’re always happy to help.

    Twitter: @catalystwebwks
    Skype: catalystwebworks
    Facebook: Catalyst Webworks on Facebook

  165. Consistent Image Web Design :: CIWD

    Portland, Oregon

    We specialize in WordPress website development and theme design for small to medium sized businesses and non-profit organizations. We use WP as a content manager, and we optimize sites for best SEO results and social marketing integration. If you are in the Portland Oregon area and need a website, please give us holler!

  166. Hi, Thanks for this fantastic idea.

    Mamdouh Samy / 103 Graphics

    I am a freelance web designer and developer with special interest in WordPress.

    – I do custom themes; design and coding.
    – Theme customization.
    – WordPress video tutorials.

    I’ve been doing this for three years now, and you can check my complete Portfolio here,

  167. WordPress Developer and Design in Brazil.

    Name: Caio Vncius
    Twitter: @caiovncius
    Facebook: Caio Vncius
    Web: WebArte studio

    thanks for the space.

  168. What I do: I’m experienced in WordPress design and development. I have 10+ years of experience in IT+Web design+Development+servers. My clients are businesses and individuals. I’m a co-founder of one of the largest Linux blog/communities in Portugal. I live in Florida.

    You can find me in twitter or in my blog.

    Twitter: @RicNunez

  169. South African WordPress Developer and WordPress Trainer/Consultant

    I’ve been designing and developing WordPress site’s for the last 4+ years, I’ve developed a WordPress theme development curriculum which I teach at and I use WordPress for 99% of my personal and client websites. I’ve also developed a WordPress training theme taking learners through the steps of WP theme development from scratch.

    Name: Nur Ahmad Furlong – aka: nomadone
    Twitter: @nomadone
    My Company:

  170. Kathryn Hathaway

    Kathryn Hathaway, Hathaway Designs

    I’m a freelance designer in Portland, Oregon.

    I have 4 other WordPress sites in development, and this is my personal wp blog:

    Contact page at Hathaway Designs:


    We also develop complete joomla or wordpress websites with optional hosting service, you can contact us to get a quote for your web project.

    skype: iworklab
    twitter: @kodlounge

  172. Luke Burford // Lunamedia

    Hola! I run a small but perfectly formed web concern from Cornwall, England with a very strong focus on WordPress design and development. I eat the small stuff like PSD to WP for breakfast, but my clients really love me for transforming their ideas into uniqued and usable interfaces that are a breeze to run on the back end. Check out my work at Lunamedia, and find me on Twitter.

  173. Dan Atrill / DJA Online Services / @djalondon
    Wordpress developers based in London

    Over 10 years professional web development experience. We’ve developed countless WordPress sites for clients, built bespoke templates for all of them. We provide training for users who need help understanding how to use WordPress and to get the most from it. Available UK business hours in and around London, England.

  174. Red Bridge Internet

    Ed Reckers/Red Bridge Internet (formerly Kliky.Com)

    Twitter: @ereckers

  175. i’m WP developer from Vietnam

    Over 2 years professional web development experience(WordPress, Drupal…). I developed wordpress themes for clients and help theme install or customize WP themes. If you need a helper for installing WP themes or Customizing, i’m happy to do that.

    My Facebook:

    tnks for reading

  176. Aleks Samoylov

    Aleks Samoylov, Oxygen Lab Creative Services

    Twitter: @oxygenlab

    Among other things, we offer professional web design and development services, and have done so for going on five years now. We specialize in original graphic designs, standards compliant web coding, and, of course, Custom WordPress theme development. WordPress is our preferred and most recommend blogging platform, and we have many years of experience installing it, configuring it, and, first and foremost, designing and implementing original WP themes.

  177. South Design Argentina

    South Design Argentina


    HTML5/CSS3/Wordpress Design/Development

  178. Christian Reed

    Christian Reed, RGB Fabrication

    We design and build sophisticated, maintainable, standards-based websites for exacting clients, and we excel at customizing the WordPress CMS to meet the specific needs of the customer. We also offer design, front-end, and back-end services to other developers. Feel free to contact us if you need extra bandwidth or expertise for a project.

  179. Bryce Wisekal & Kumar Sekhar

    Our Web Media:
    Twitter: @Wisekal

    Specialize in WordPress Development and Integrations, as well enjoy doing some other work with HTML, various Content Management Systems, PSD to HTML, HTML to WordPress, convert HTML into almost any CMS.

    Currently work for several authors on as a developer for buyer customization requests, as well collaborated services with Denoizzed on Theme Forest to convert an HTML template (KingSize) into WordPress.

  180. Aaron Rylaarsdam

    Two Black Labs Web Development

    We specialize in custom WordPress theme development.
    382-738-LABS (5227)

  181. Integrity Custom Web

    WordPress Code Poets from St. Louis MO. Content Strategy, Interactive Design and Expert Custom WordPress Theme Development.

  182. I am Web Designer sum developer.

    follow me on
    Twitter : @Ganesh_Veer
    Facebook: Ganesh Veer

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