DiW v3.0 Book News

We have been working diligently on updating Digging Into WordPress and finding the best print-on-demand solution. As we’ve covered before, the on-demand options we looked at previously left a lot to be desired. But thanks to your suggestions and ideas for book printing, there were many additional options to check out. So after sizing things up, we’re pleased to announce the following:
- PDF copies of DigWP v3.0 will be released near the end of August
- Printed copies of DigWP v3.0 will be available in September
We’re still working out the specifics regarding cost, shipping, and so forth, but the book will be updated soon and printed books are back on the menu. So that’s the plan at this point — no hard promises but rather strong goals for Digging Into WordPress version 3.0.
As always, stay tuned for more news!
24 responses
Already have the previous copy, but will we get the upgraded version for free? Just got it a while ago, but now with 3.0 out, a lot has changed.
Awesome work! Looking forward to its release :)
Yeah 3.0 by the end of August! Just in time for the Fall Semester.
I hope there will be the option to order B&W prints. It’s a lot cheaper, which counts a lot when ordering from abroad.
By the way. I would love to have some good info focused on multisite.
Yay! Can’t wait for the update. I hope everything works out well finding a good POD service – I have the PDF copy but will gladly order the new version in print form in a heartbeat if it looks anywhere near as good as the previous version
Way ta go, guys! Great news. Can’t wait for the printed version. Good job!
Your ebook has helped me understand wordpress much better. Since I’ve read your book I’m working on designing my own theme. I look forward to the new 3.0 version!
I’ve been waiting for this… I promise I will buy it this time!
I’d pre-order the printed version right away… Hoping for a european selling address :)
Excellent. Can we have a full explanation of the new (TwentyTen) loop?
heh, made my day! :)
Yes! I was just wondering about this. Cant wait! Thanks guys.
Thank you for your hard work… Loving the book.. Its firmly sitting on my desktop for a regular reference…
Look forward to version 3 when it comes out..
Hi, The book explains very well on many areas on wordpress. Still, Can we expect some more detailed information on making E-Commerce Themes and websites ?