Quick Book Notes

Some quick notes and news about the book!
As of now..
- WordPress 3.0 should be out before we know it. We will be updating the book of course, but we aren’t promising any particular timeframe for that. Probably “late summerish”. We just want to make sure we do a good job and revisit the entire book and update what is needed as well as write about all the 3.0-specific stuff at the end.
- We have about 50ish books left in this last run. After that, we’ll be stopping the sale of print books. Maybe not forever, maybe forever, we aren’t sure yet (PDF’s will always be available). We’re going to look into some print on demand services to help us streamline the process should we go back to print. If you for sure want a print copy, act now, this may be the last chance.
- We have also turned off international shipping. In our manual shipping process, international orders have been problematic. It takes 4 weeks at a minimum, sometimes double that. It is insanely expensive, sometimes making the total book cost $100. There have been problems of the books getting stopped by certain governments. There has been plenty of unhappy folks along the way which results in enough refunds that we’ve essentially lost money on international orders. If we go with a print-on-demand service or an outside shipping service which ships international, that would be great, but again no promises there.
Thanks to everyone who has purchased a copy! Its done amazingly well and we are grateful for that. Soon we’ll be sharing a sort of “what we learned” post that will hopefully be of interest to any other potential authors out there.
13 responses
In no rush to upgrade to 3.0 I guess it’s safe to assume also that by upgrading from 2.9.2 to 3.0 all custom mod’s and security enhancements will have to be reapplied?
I wanted a hardcopy version, but living in the UK did not want to wait for an international shipping so I got the pdf. Book’s worth every penny just wish I had the hardcopy… Print on demand would, I think, be a good choice on this side of the pond.
Printondemand-worldwide can do a 100 copies at £2.50 each which is a lot cheaper than shipping, dunno if they ship but worth looking into.
I’d like to own more hard copies of tech books, unfortunately shipping is expensive and takes a long time, especially where I live in Brazil. I bought the PDF version because I wanted it straight away. I bought the paper version of the smashing book, which took about 45 days to reach me! But it was to be expected.
Anyway, looking forward to the revised version!
Great book, great blog; looking forward to 3.0!
i got the pdf version, i suggest you contact Terry Dean(well known internet marketer) about print on demand, he’s done quite a bit in that area, and i get stuff from him all the time by postal mail and I live in The Bahamas.
Can you provide native ePub versions as well for iBooks on iPad?
Looking forward to the navigation & taxonomy upgrades.
This book is one of the best purchase I ever did! I’ve the pdf version and, with a little adjustment, is readable on my Irex liad( well it’s only in gray scale but for a thorough examination I read it also on my mac). Thanks a lot!
I bought the PDF version a while back – and I am very impressed by the amount of subjects this book covers. It really helped me along with CSS-Tricks.com in becoming a better WordPress developer. Great job!
waiting for the updates…
thanks for the amazing wordpress book.. -
Sorry to hear that about the print version and international orders.. I live in Australia and am so glad I ordered and recieved my copy before international shipping was cancelled. The pdf is great but nothing beats the hard copy which is great just to thumb through..