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Sold Out

Sold Out

The first printing of the print version of our book is sold out. We are in the process of updating the book to add all the new stuff up to WordPress 2.9.1, as well as some new secret awesome bonus stuff. We’ve decided to hold off on the second printing until that is ready (next month). When it is done, everyone who has already purchased will of course be getting it as a free update.

If you are interested in only the PDF copy, you might as well buy it now since you’ll get the update for free. If you are interested in the print copy, you’ll have to wait until next month.

18 responses

  1. Glad to hear of the book’s popularity !

    Looks like the give-away really paid off in driving up the interest.

    That is very generous of you to send out the re-prints to those who’ve bought the first edition of the print copy.

    I’m already in line to buy the 2nd edition when it hits the press.


  2. Do you have a prepaid waiting list. Got the money and don’t want to hold on to it. LOL

  3. Congrats!! That is great news, at least for you guys. I guess I will have to wait until next month, but I’m sure it will be worth the wait.

  4. That’s awesome! Glad to hear that sales are going well. You guys do such a great job here, I’m happy to see that you are getting compensaated for your hard work.

  5. Seriously, you guys deserve the accolades. I have read the book, love it, and suggest it to anyone as a great resource. A much needed step above the “dummy” books out there. Can’t wait to see what you guys have in store for the next update. Keep up the great work!

  6. If we buy the PDF now can we add the 2nd edition print copy later for the price difference? I would like to have the 1st ed PDF now and the 2nd ed print/pdf later.

    • No, unfortunately, at this time your best bet is to wait for the 2nd edition if you want that for sure in print. If that changes I’ll let you know.

  7. I got the PDF now and I am going to wait and buy the second reprint! I like to feel the book on hand!

  8. I’m considering adopting it for a class that I am teaching at a college – can I get a teachers edition of it?

  9. I was just about to buy it. then I noticed it was sold out yesterday. Just my luck! Well gonna wait until next month then :) Awesome work anyhow!

  10. Well done! From the preview I looked at, it looks like an excellent book. If only I had the money at the moment to buy it.

  11. Just got my print copy in the mail yesterday. Can’t wait to dive into it in depth and for the updated PDF version. Best WP book out there!

  12. I purchased the pdf version before the print version was released. The last update email for the book that I have was ver 1.3 on (11-17-’09). It seems that I should have gotten another email to download the latest updated pdf? What do I need to do to get current? thanks for all your great work.

  13. Can’t wait! At that point I should be ready to buy it too.

  14. Great! I’ll be in line to buy the book when it’s out. Been wanting to get it ever since 1st Edition but had to save up the money first. Then when I have enough, it’s sold out :(

  15. Hey, guys when will it be reprinted and available again? Waiting anxiously, I am not a “on-the-screen” reader!!!

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