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CMS Your WordPress with These 10 Plugins

WordPress is a CMS out of the box, but sites that are really deep in page templates and hierarchies can benefit from some help on the back end for managing them all. This roundup of plugins do just that.

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New WordPress Search API (Plugin)

This looks promising. Runs MySQL Fulltext search, as well as integration with Google Custom Search Engine.

On the search results page you can refine your search by specifying whether to search posts, pages, and comments. You can also sort the results by relevance, date, or alphabet. The Advanced Search link leads to a form where you can specify author, categories, tags, and date range.

I haven’t tested it yet though, so I can’t officially vouche for it, but I’m really looking forward to playing with it. Built in WordPress search has sucked too hard for too long.

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10 Useful WordPress Hook Hacks

Smashing Magazine with a characteristically nice set of tricks for WordPress, this time revolving around hooks. You can attach your own functions to hooks in that funny file functions.php that everyone is raving about. Neat ideas including entering default text directly into the TinyMCE Editor, and putting entire Post contents into a PHP variable.

Remember though that functions.php is theme-specific, so in my opinion should be used for things that are specific to a given theme, while content and admin things should be left to plugins.

DiW Now Featured at Planet WordPress

We’re happy to announce that Digging into WordPress is now featured at Ozh’ Planet WordPress! Planet WordPress is an incredible WordPress resource, bringing together some of the Web’s finest WordPress contributors, plugin developers, and theme designers. The Planet WordPress feed currently features nearly 50 hand-selected WordPress bloggers and aggregates their syndicated content every two hours. As proclaimed at the site, Planet WordPress is “The Epicenter of Everything WordPress” — definitely a great way to stay current with the wonderful world of WordPress.

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How to Use WordPress Revisions to Go Back in Time

By default, all your Posts and Pages save revisions of themselves as you are writing them and editing them. This can really save your butt if you accidentally change or delete something you shouldn’t have and have no other copy. This is a quick overview of how to use this powerful feature of WordPress.

Editor’s note: 404 link removed.

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