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How to Publish Your Blog in Multiple Languages’s Franky Branckaute provides an excellent guide showing how to use the WPML plugin to easily publish your blog in multiple different languages. Seems like a great alternative to free translation services like Google Translate or Babelfish, and you can even publish each translation to its own separate (sub)domain. This complete step-by-step guide shows you how.

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Why Choose WordPress?

Alex Denning of asks 21 WordPress theme designers, developers and bloggers why they choose WordPress for their projects. This is the first of four questions that will posted over the next couple of days. Some very interesting responses so far, and a nice presentational style to boot!

Editor’s note: 404 link removed.


Enter a search query (normally a function or variable name) and you will get a listing of multiple results:

  1. Link to the page in the Function/Template Tag Reference from the WordPress Codex
  2. Link to a PHPXref page for your query (@
  3. Link to the phpDoc page at
  4. Finally, you’ll also get a list of resources and pre-populated search links to other Codex documentation and Google web search

Editor’s note: 404 link removed.

WP Questions

Ever had a “WordPress emergency” — your project is due tomorrow, but one line of code is breaking your site and you need answers fast?

WPQuestions is problem-solving community for WordPress, ideal for users seeking quick, succinct answers they can’t find in any WordPress forums. WPQ is also great for established WordPress developers who want to help problem-solve and be paid fairly for their efforts.

WordPress Podcast Merges with Press This

Charles Stricklin’s WordPress Podcast merges with Joost De Valk’s Press This. Should be all the better for it!

Editor’s note: 404 link removed.

Basic Maths

Premium WordPress theme, with heavy use of intellegent grids, from legendary designer Khoi Vinh. Perhaps a little pricey at $45, but may be worth it for some folks who salivate at perfect grids =). Other features include a robust archives page, shortcode functionalities, widgets, and color-based theme options.

Stay tuned for some similar and equally delicious functionality coming to some DIW themes near you!

75+ WordPress Tutorials in One Post!

This post was so huge I actually had to edit and post it using phpMyAdmin directly to the database — WordPress apparently can’t handle ‘em that big! Seriously though, it’s a great post with over 75 awesome tips, tricks, and techniques for improving your WordPress site. Just some of the leftovers from the book that were too juicy to throw away ;)

Geeky bits in WordPress 2.9

Automatic rel="canonical" support, query for posts AND pages, post thumbnails, optimized database tables, and more!

Jean-Baptiste Jung Reviews Digging into WordPress

Jean-Baptiste Jung, mastermind behind the popular sites Cats Who Code, WP Recipes, and the newer Cats Who Blog, reviews our new book, Digging into WordPress!

Major Upgrade for Ajax Edit Comments

One of the most powerful comment-editing solutions for WordPress just got a major upgrade. Ajax Edit Comments enables your visitors to “self-edit” their own comments, greatly improving the usability and “coolness” factor for your site. And with the latest upgrade, AEC gets even better, with a revamped popup box, easy “undo” options, comment-blacklist feature, new icon themes, increased security and tons more.

10 Things You Need to Know About WordPress 2.9

WordPress 2.9 should really be a nice release. Check out this article for some interesting stuff like the_post_image(), the trash can, image editing, oEmbed, and some other cool features and improvements.

Free Breast Cancer Theme

Tim Haslam shares a very nice theme called “One Day At A Time” designed to promote awareness of breast cancer. Check out the demo, grab yourself a free copy, and support a good cause.

Editor’s note: 404 link removed.

Q&A: WordPress & GPL

In this one we cover the GPL and how it benefits WordPress, why WP is under the GPL, commercial themes, how the GPL fosters innovation, creates value, and affects themes and plugins.

I certainly learned some stuff about the GPL. Like 1) You can sell/profit from themes that are GPL and 2) Anything built around an existing GPL product must also be GPL.

Feed Count Plugin

One of the easiest ways to display your FeedBurner subscriber count number in plain text is to use the Feed Count plugin by Francesco Mapelli. I have been using this plugin at Perishable Press for a long time, and it has always been great. Unfortunately, Francesco’s site seems to be suffering from malicious behavior these days, with tons of spam comments, weird files that are automatically downloaded to your computer, and even one of those scary warnings from Google: “Reported Attack Site,” or whatever it says.

In any case, the Feed Count plugin is too awesome to let disappear into the ether, so it will be hosted here at Digging into WordPress until Francesco’s site checks into a rehab center and cleans itself up. Hopefully that will be sometime soon. In the meantime, to download a squeaky-clean copy of the Feed Count plugin, simply click on the title of this post.

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