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Perfect Meta Tags for WordPress

🚀 Quick post to announce my latest WordPress plugin, Head Meta Pro! Easily dial in the perfect HTML tags with no code required. Define tags for each page-view, including posts, pages, archives, search, and more. Use shortcut variables like %%POST_TITLE%% to include dynamic, context-specific information with your tags. Head Meta Pro works with all custom post types, custom taxonomies, and post formats. Includes full support for Facebook and X (Twitter)! :)

Spring Sale!

🌻 Save 30% on our WordPress books with coupon code SPRING2023. Combine discount with any COMBO deals and save up to 50% on books. Shop books »

🌻 Bonus! Code SPRING2023 also good for 25% off all pro WordPress plugins, including BBQ Pro, Blackhole Pro, USP Pro, SAC Pro, and more. Shop plugins »

Discount code expires June 26th, 2023

Subscribers: Update Your Feed URLs

To our feed subscribers. In case you haven’t heard. Feedburner is dead man walking. As a result, we changed our RSS and Atom feed URLs to host them directly at So if you want to continue getting our awesome WP-related content delivered to your feed reader, take a moment to update your feed URLs. Our new (and permanent) feed URLs:

Visit the DigWP Archives for more feed options.

Migrating Book Accounts

Heads up! We’re migrating all book accounts to the new bookstore at Perishable Press Books. This will make it easier to manage everything under one roof. To transfer your account to the new site, send a quick email and let us know 1) the site/URL where you purchased the book (e.g.,, and 2) your registered username or email address. Thank you!

New Plugin: Simple Download Counter

Super pumped to announce two new plugins: Simple Download Counter and Simple Login Notification. The first is a lightweight yet powerful way to manage and count downloads. The second is a tiny plugin (only 20 KB!) that sends an email alert whenever an admin-level user logs in. Both of these plugins are lightweight, fast, 100% FREE and open source :)

New Plugin! Simple Ajax Chat Pro 😎

Launching my latest WordPress plugin: SAC Pro! Unlimited chat forms with tons of great features and no 3rd-party service required (most/all other chat plugins require 3rd-party service). Read the official launch post and get SAC Pro »

WPCodeBox – Code Snippets Done Right

Discovered an awesome code snippets plugin called WPCodeBox. There are plenty of code-snippet plugins out there, but this one goes above and beyond with features like cloud-based storage, a growing snippets repository, and a condition builder to control the location and timing of any code snippets. Check it out!

New Book! Wizard’s SQL Recipes for WordPress

Excited to launch my new book: Wizard’s SQL Recipes for WordPress. Optimize and manage your WordPress database. Complete chapter on optimizing performance. Over 300 time-saving recipes. Level up your database skills!

Happy 12th Birthday DigWP!

Digging WordPress serving the community online since May 27th, 2009 :)

BBQ Pro Review

Thanks to David McCan over at WebTNG for his in-depth review of my WordPress firewall plugin, BBQ Pro. It’s a pleasure to read and packed with plenty of awesome screenshots :)

Interview at ThemeIsle!

Thank you to the fine folks at ThemeIsle for the great interview. Always a pleasure talking about my work, WordPress, web dev and security :) Cheers!


TasteWP enables anyone to setup a test/temporary WordPress instance in seconds. So you can play around and do things like test plugins on a live site. I know this kind of thing has been done before, but I’ve never seen it made SO EASY. Like stupid easy. And FREE. Awesome tool.

Where to Learn WordPress Theme Development

Excellent in-depth article from Chris about all the ways to develop WordPress themes in 2021 (and beyond).


Nice to see ClassicPress still going strong! :)

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