Book Giveaway!

To celebrate Thanksgiving, we’re giving away three copies of Digging Into WordPress! Winners will receive full access to the Members Area here at to download current versions of the book and all exclusive themes and bonus material.
To participate, just leave a comment on this post sharing something for which you are thankful. To kick it off, I am thankful for a free and open Web :)
Good luck!
79 responses
I am thankful for being first and internet contests!!! Lol
I am thankful to all good people with positive attitude
I am thankful for people being so kind and giving away free stuff :P
I give thanks to the open source community for all the amazing technology that it has seeded and nurtured – allowing thousands of people to making a living doing what they love.
I am thankful for the awesome community that supports WordPress. Thank you for making the web a better place.
I’m thankful for wordpress :-)
Been wanting to get into learning details — digging in, if you will! -
I’m thankful for the proliferation of open-source software on the web.
Thankful for so many things. Cliche perhaps, but true: family, friends, good health. And wine, yes, very thankful for wine.
I’m thankful for the beer and Github :)
I am thankful for my wonderful wife. And to DigWP for helping the community with WordPress.
great initiative… I’d like to win your ebook. thanks for the chance :)
I’m thankful for WordPress which is my passion!
I’m Thankful for WordPress and the lot of Snippets in the web and the tips here on the website. Have a nice day all together and greetings from good old germany :)
Thanks to help me to Dig Into WordPress !!!!
I am thankful for a 13 year old son who is already taller than me and can get stuff down from the top shelf of the kitchen for me.
I’m thankful for all the people developing WordPress in their spare time. :)
I’m thankful to the huge ecosystem of WordPress that allowed me to learn to build websites and make money from both making websites and talking about WordPress.
I’m thankful that there are so many brilliant people out there, constantly proving that the world is basically good, that people are basically kind, warm, giving, loving.
We benefit from that in the WordPress community, but we all benefit from it out there in the real world too. So often, when something bad happens people say “that’s human nature for you”. I am thankful that I am able to say exactly the same thing whenever something good happens, cos *that* is also human nature: to be selfless and thoughtful, to be good-natured and helpful.
I am thankful for a Google and Android
I’m thankful for all the people offering different types of WP support: bloggers, forum volunteers, free theme/plugin developers, etc… Thanks to everyone working together to make things easier for the rest of us :)
Thankful for family and friends and for people who write WordPress books!
I’m thankful to all the people who have put so much time and effort into creating and sharing WordPress, and for the opportunity that gives me to help small businesses succeed.
I am thankful for all of the folks that keep improving WordPress.
I am thankful to have learned about Shovels & Rope from Chris at a presentation at the Blend Conf. A little background music lubricates the programming muscles- fo sho.
Also, does it help that today is my birthday?
I’m thankful for the knowledge that designers/developers so freely share.
I am thankful for my new shovel to nibble in WP-Land ;-)
So thankful for WordPress! This awesome platform lets me run my own business and I couldn’t do it without all the folks who improve the WP community.
I like how there were so many thankful comments already!! I’m grateful for my family, and for living in a country that allows me so many freedoms.
Thanks for the book and a bunch of articles!
I’m thankful for Open Source
I’m thankful for an outlet to express my creativity.
2 awesome 10 year old sons keeping me young is what I’m grateful for :)
I’m thankful for the little things in life.
I am thankful for everyone I know and everything I have. I am blessed.
I am very thankful for the wonderful team at WebDevStudios, the awesome super powers of Sass, and our community that is more willing to share knowledge than any other!
I am thankful for the dedicated team at WordPress that keeps improving a great product.
I’m thankful for the printed word and those that share -> Kudos Team for words and sharing! cs
I am thankful that I was able to take a hot shower today with clean water, that I can walk down the street without the fear of being stopped by the police or an overzealous security guard, that I grew up in a time and place where I received a good education (even though I’m a girl), that there is food in my fridge just a few steps away, that I can use my brain to earn a living. I have it good and I know it and am very thankful for it. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you reading this. I wish you laughter and love and a full belly. :)
im thankful for ubuntu :)
I am thankful for my current job, my wife and all little things that sometimes i forget.
We all love to win things, maybe I could win this and improve how I deliver to students…
I’m thankful to live in a world where we can achieve whatever we set our minds to do!
I’m thankful for resources on the web, that allow me to learn all that I can.
I am thankful for being able to get a free book just by leaving a comment that i am thankful for being able to get a free book just by leaving a comment….
I’m thankful for everything, thanks!
I an thankful for all the developers out there who provide for free plugins and themes, tips and help for all us WordPress users out here who enjoy using WordPress put are not coding experts. Thank You Very Much
I am thankful
I am thankful for the opportunity to work in the design field and I get to interact with very talented people on a daily basis.
I’m thankful for my family first & WordPress which has giving me a way to make a living. How cool is that? Also my Australian Shepherd Daisy…she’s cool to.
I am thankful for all the ChrisCoyiers and JeffStarrs of the World (Wide Web ;), who share their knowledge so generously
I’m thankful for electrons, really
Thankful for WordPress which is my passion! :D
I’m thankful for the people in my life and for the ability to work.
I am thankful for the support of my blogging community. I have a copy of Digging into WordPress (and love it). Should I be lucky and win this contest, I’ll be giving it away on my blog. Thanks for the opportunity!
I’m thankful for the wonderful development community that supports WordPress. Thanks! Gobble gobble
Thankful for being alive at this exciting time.
I am thankful for the chance to learn WordPress for free.
I am thankful for having people like the members of this website, helping WordPress users around the world with their tips and strategies to make WordPress the success it is today.
I am thankful for all the open source software & community for there dedication
I’m thankful for my bike. Free, environmentally-friendly travel :-)
I am thankful to everyone who contributes to open source software
I am thankful for vegans everywhere!
I’m thankful for living in a beautiful country where people aren’t killing each other for political or spiritual reasons.
I’m thankful to be living in the age of the internet. Never did such opportunity exist!
I am thankful for the awesome community that supports WordPress. Thank you for making the web a better place.
I am thankful for life, for still having my sight because I am able to see the world and the internet evolve and css, i’m thankful for css. Thankful for this opportunity also
I am thankful we live in a time where we can learn anything we want just by being hooked up to the web. I learned, and am learning WordPress, that way.
I am thankful that as old as I am, I am still young enough to get my first college degree in Communication Design and I am completing my Web Design Certificate at the end of this semester. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity!
I am thankful for given me a chance to dig deeper into WordPress ;) – Resolution 2015
I’m thankful for all open source projects. :)
I’m thankful that I met you Chris Coyier & Jeff Starr on the net. Made me discover web coding and WP.
Cheers CC
I am thankful for the generous, creative, awesome WordPress community — and for open source software.
I am thankful for living in Ukraine and not be involved in war with Russia.
Thankful that the web presents us with infinite business opportunities!
I am thankful for WordPress and great wordpress community :)
I am thankful for my beautiful wife and our children.
I am thankful for all difficult people in my life, they have shown me exactly who I do not want to be.