Plugins for SOPA/PIPA Blackout

The Stop Online Piracy Act and the Protect IP Act will make things worse online by imposing unnecessary regulation over the Web. To protest these two horrible bills, major websites (including Google and Wikipedia) will “blackout” their content on Wednesday, January 18, 2012. We’re joining in too, and will be shutting down on that day. You too can get involved and let your voice be heard! To make things easy, here is a list of stop-SOPA/PIPA plugins to help blackout your WordPress-powered site.
SOPA Blackout Plugin
“This plugin allows you to set SOPA blackout dates for your WordPress website, as well as a variety of options on who the anti-SOPA is shown too. You can have it shown instead of your site for any visitor, you can only show it the first time then let your visitors continue to the site, plus a lot more. This plugin is SEO friendly with temporary redirects being used.”
SOPA Strike
“SOPA Strike will automatically redirect all users of your blog to the homepage on Wednesday, January 18th. It automatically adds your blog name and URL to a list of protestors which will be featured on the website.”
SOPA Blackout
“On the Tuesday 24th January 2012, the US Senate will vote on the internet censorship bill. Whilst it is an American law, it has far reaching repurcusions for the web as a whole. Sites such as Reddit have said that on January 18th they are going to go dark between 8am and 8pm. This plugin will let you join the cause. On 18th January your site will display a customisable page. Search engine rankings will not be affected as the plugin sends a 503 status.”
Stop SOPA Ribbon
“A black ribbon with the words “Stop SOPA” will be put on in the top right corner of your website, linking to the American Censorship website. Look at the screenshots to see how the ribbon looks. Check out the Help Stop SOPA/PIPA entry in the WordPress news too. Thank you for showing your support!”
Go Dark
“This plugin enables websites to ‘go dark’ on January 18th with a customizable message and start/end times to protest SOPA/PIPA and Internet Censorship. It enables you to customize the message displayed on the front end, and optionally display either a stylized ‘Censored’ sign or seal. When ‘dark’ your website will return a 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable status code so as to not damage your search engine rankings, as well as specify the length of time for the visitor to try back after.”
SOPA Blackout for WordPress
“The SOPA Blackout for WordPress plugin allows you to easily show your support on SOPA Blackout Day on your blog. Inserts the SOPA Blackout JavaScript file to your blog on SOPA Blackout day.”
Stop SOPA Widget
“Defaults to show the Stop SOPA message on January 18th from 8am-8pm EST (1300-0100 UTC). Uses cookies so the message is only shown once Loaded asynchronously (won’t block the rendering of your page or cause another point of failure). You can manually trigger the modal before the 18th by adding the hash #stopsopa to the end of any URL on your site. Works across browsers (tested on everything from IE6 to iphone). Our hosted version is served from a CDN for speed/global delivery. Supports SSL. Hackable! Feel free to modify and update however you’d like.”
“The plugin adds small protest box to your website. By default it’s collapsed, but once clicked, the Stop SOPA box appears. On settings page you can specify the position of the protest box: either at the right bottom corner or at the middle right edge. You also can turn on/off “Blackout Day” option. In this case website will show black screen (click demo link below to view the screenshot) and return 503 status (no problems with search engines) on 18th January 2012, 8:00AM – 8:00PM (server time). By placing this box on our WordPress websites we are protesting against of SOPA.”
“This plugin is essentially an “off switch” for your website. When activated, the site is mostly blacked out by a banner for the website. As the admin bar is left uncovered, all that is needed to reverse this is deactivating the plugin. Join many other WordPress sites in protesting censorship legislation being considered by the US Congress!”
Stop SOPA by Zachary
“The site will look dark and will have just one spot of light. This spot of light will move with the mouse cursor, and the message will revealed.”
Stop SOPA and PIPA Plugin
“an SEO Company developed this plugin which will schedule a temporary redirect for all your incoming WordPress blog traffic to the official Stop SOPA page, where people can cast their vote- Congress is about to pass internet censorship, even though the vast majority of Americans are opposed. We need to kill the bill – PIPA in the Senate and SOPA in the House – to protect our rights to free speech, privacy, and prosperity.”
More info.. popping up everywhere! The Google Homepage is a great place to start, plus here are a couple of other resources:
May the force be with us!
5 responses
I was just at your site a couple of hours ago (am Jan 18th) and didn’t see this. Sure wish it had been posted early enough to use these – I didn’t even think to search for an already been made plug-in myself.
Thanks for sharing Jeff. I saw these plugins on several blog sites that I went to today and I wanted to know what they were using.
I’m a french guy and I follow a french blog who proof the security of WordPress plugins. (Soon will proof the security of theme). He earns his money with such check. This guy says that the SOPA BlackOut Plugin v1.0.6 has a XSS matter, STOP SOPA v1.08 and Stop SOPA and PIPA Plugin and Sopa Blackout v1.4 a CSRF one. He says we have to use : simple sopa blackout – this one is safe.