The Book, in Print!

If you have been waiting to buy the book until the real print version is available, today is the day! The print version of Digging Into WordPress the book is now available here. We’ll probably talk more about the journey through the entire process of creating this book at a later date, but for now, let’s check out the book!

How much is it?
It’s $67, and automatically comes with the PDF version (more on that later). We realize that is toward the high end of the scale. There are a variety of reasons for this, including such things as:
- This is 400 pages of full-color printing.
- We aren’t printing in massive quantities. In printing, the less you run the more you pay per-piece.
- It has been a ton of work getting this all together. Aside from some very helpful folks who helped us find errors after the PDF went out, every inch of it has been done by myself, Jeff, or our friends and family. We don’t have the efficiency of a company that does this day in and day out.
Believe me, our margins are fairly tight on this.
We are shipping internationally. But as you might suspect, it costs a good bit more. I asked the post office for the cheapest possible way to get it overseas, and places like the United Kingdom and Germany were around $28, so that’s what we need to charge.
In the United States, shipping is closer to $5.00. Illinois sales are subject to sales tax; international sales get VAT.
Already have the PDF?
First things first, as promised, if you already purchased the PDF and want a print copy of the book, you are entitled to a discount. Here is what you do:
- Contact us. Either forward us your receipt or just provide us with the full name and email used when buying the book.
- We’ll send you a discount code you can use during checkout.
- The code will be valued at whatever you paid for the book plus $5 off. So if you paid the full $27 for the PDF, we’ll send you a code worth $32. So you’ll end up paying $35. This helps us keep our margins intact and not lose money on these print books.
My favorite… it’s spiral bound! For once, a tech book that will lay flat next to your keyboard.
Every page is full color!
And of course the slew of stuff we talk about. Perhaps most importantly, free updates to the PDF version for life. We already have plans in the works for updates. As a buyer, you’ll be emailed a free download link when those new versions go out.
How it affects the affiliate program
Our affiliate program for the book pays (a rocking) 50% for sales of the PDF. That part doesn’t change. But we obviously can’t afford to pay 50% for book sales. For book sales we are going to give 20%. What that works out to is basically the same exact payout for either purchase: $13.50 for a PDF sale, $13.40 for a book sale. Pretty damn good if you ask me. I’ve literally PayPal’d out thousands of dollars to affiliates.
Much love
Look at my family hard at work!
… and in case you missed it at the top, it’s available here.
47 responses
Looks awesome Chris :)
Hope to get this soon!
nice. when will it be available for order?
yay! it will be a happy new year
Nice one…Thankx
Is that whole warehouse filled with books? Did you have to hire the whole place to store them? Also – I hope your family are getting paid!
I believe I have read somwhere that Chris has mentioned that his background was in priniting and so was his parents’. so I would imagine that his parents either own the printing facility, and/or work there.
Also, as he mentioned that they are not doing large runs, I would also assume that the warehouse may be full of books, (more probable it’s full of printing materials.) but not the “Digging Into WordPress” book.
Of course I could be wrong. I like the price, especially since it’s 2 copies of the book in one, and free digital updates for life! Just wish I could afford it.
Hey Chris.- I just wanted to thank you for the offer, I bought my pdf copy and I certainly want my printed copy, unfortunately I can’t afford it now, maybe in a couple of months I’ll come back and buy it. And last but not least, I wanted to thank you for having your site always with new, really useful and free stuff, I have learned so much with your screencasts.
Thanks a million. -
I think that I will order one soon, like the layout format and want to learn WP anyway, it is quite interesting marketing decision that you would go to all the trouble to do an actual book, should sell like hotcakes, do prefer hardcopy to PDF, just easier to read.
HI Chris! I Just bought your PDF download for this! Thank you! I cannot wait to start creating my own WordPress CMS site! You’re the best!
I’m really excited about this book! I just got started with WordPress, and I’m attempting to teach my former high school’s robotics team about why it’s great as a CMS – but this will be an AWESOME reference for us both! (Now if only I could scrounge up $67….)
Chris Chris Chris… >.<
DiW is indeed a great prospect, but $95 to get a copy to the UK… holy cow that's a lot for a book! I hate PDF Books, but in this case I dont really have a choice. I’ve patiently waited for the printed version, but at this price I just can not justify it… bugger.
Got any coupon codes left for the PDF? xD
Actually its more like $110 for a UK version.
Its the $42 tax and shipping which kills it!
Weird thing is if I update my cart to include 2 books the tax and shipping doubles? Is this right? I was hoping to order 2 and save some cash with a fellow reader?
I’ll come back later hoping that it’ll be cheap.
$110 for the UK version is too much for me really.
Hi Chris,
you’ve done an amazing job with this book ! It’s a really great project.
I’m just sad to see that it would cost 110$ … about 76€ for me in france.But I understand that you can’t certainly do better with such little book quantities.
Congratulation for this project anyway man !
Congratulations on the book!
Planning to write a review of this, the moment I grab some time!
Hmm, money is tight but I know I wouldnt regret getting this. It sure as hell looks great though! Maybe once tax returns arrive ;)
Congratulations on the printing of the book! Unfortunately I was a little impatient and after buying the pdf, put it on a little flash drive and took it to a printer to have the whole thing printed out!
Just an fyi for anyone thinking of doing this….it’s going to be cheaper to get it through Chris! I had to hole punch it myself and put it into two binders….:-) and mine isn’t in color…. hmmm… might still have to get the spiral bound with the discount! :-)
Happy New Year!
Awesome book! I ordered mine today. Any estimates on when orders will be shipped out?
That looks so pretty!!!
I’m getting my check Friday and here I come!
just read through the sample pdf and ordered mine right away! hope to get it soon shipped to switzerland…! thanks for your effort to create this book! cheers, claudio
Chris, first off, the book (I own the PDF version) is wonderful. Anyone wanting to learn how to design WordPress Themes, sites, etc. must get this book.
I, too, had planned to purchase the printed version of the book. When I received your announcement today, I was floored by the asking price. Not that it’s not worth it; it is. However, I just can’t cough up that much money at this time (even with the PDF buyer discount). Yes, simply broke. Maybe someday before the book vanishes from availability.
I’d love to just enjoy the PDF version; save a few trees, help out the planet. But the printed word is still easier to read (and talk about the spiral binding, a great idea!).
Best wishes. Hope you sell ’em all!
order placed.
you wouldn’t believe how long i’ve been waiting for something like this.
I’ll have to wait till February, when the tax refund comes…. I just have two quick questions (well, one question and one concern) – I like the idea of spiral binding for the reason you mentioned, but I am a bit concerned if the whole book does not start to fall apart, kind of like a tear pad, notepad or a calendar. And the question: What do you mean by ‘updates for life’?
I’m not chris but…
The PDF file is updated, so that it will contain any errata, updates, etc. You will be emailed a link to the new version when it comes out.
wow, very cool book with blue color of cover
wow! hard copy. I like it.
I am really enjoying the PDF version and will be reviewing it on my site as soon as I am done. I am taking my time, since there is so much great content to absorb.
The hard copy looks great! Kudos.
I own the PDF version and cannot wait to get the book,
already used the contact form to get the needed info.Happy new year!
very very cool! sad to say that I only heard about the book now and that I will only be able to get the PDF – but get it I will. looking thru the sample chapter now. Awesome stuff.
wah, with 400 pages, its so great…
Smart idea with the spiral bound! Great to see some practical thinking about how a book like this is actually used.
hey, i just want to ask, what program you used to make the pdf version? because im thinking about making a pdf tutorial for my site!
Thanks, Chris. This book is a life saver, for us deadline driven freelancers that have wear both the designer and developer’s hat. This is the first book that doesn’t just cram a bunch of stuff on the page. It’s actually enjoyable to read. Great job!!!
Just Got My Book!!!!! Looks beautifully produced. Can’t wait to sink my teeth into the 400+ pgs…thank God you did it in color, Chris. Nothin’ worse than plowing thru a b/w bore! This looks far from that. Congrats and continued success! And thx for all your AWESOME csstricks. You’ve made me love programming. Something I thought I’d never do as an Ad Man and Print Designer.
Congrats Jeff and Chris! The design of the book looks great.
The pictures bring back memories of my days working in a print shop. I’ve certainly done my fair share of manual bindings, so I appreciate the work your parents are doing on project. :) -
Thanks Chris & Jeff for sharing your gifts and talents with the rest of us! Can’t wait to get my hands on the book!
Bought the book a few days ago. Wow! Tons of info…my head hurts. This will come in handy
Hi, I have some questions, is the same as the printed book that PDF? have the same content?. I would like to buy the pdf, but I wish I could explain the buying process and how it is that I download it or send me an email, thanks. Greetings from peru.
Finally purchased the print and pdf copy bundle earlier today. Only had time to browse through really quick but already made some smaller changes to my WP install. Can’t wait for finals to be over and DiW!
hello, if I just buy the pdf, I can access the updates that will have the book?, or do I have to buy the printed book?