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Welcome everyone! Chris and I are very excited to finally have this site launched. This site is going to serve as an outlet for us both to share WordPress related articles, be it news, tips and tricks, best practices, in-depth explanations, new plugins, reviews, and anything else WordPress related! Feel free to explore the archives already, there are a few good ones in there already. We have plenty of stuff lined up too, but right away we’d like to ask:

What would you like to see?

Please let us know in the comments, and we’ll do our best to tailor some of the content around reader requests.

56 responses

  1. Site looks very nice. I wish you all the best

  2. Love the new site Chris. I especially love the favicon :)

  3. I’m very new to wordpress and I know there are a tone of plugins out there. When you’re new it’s hard to know what are the good plugins to start with.

    For example I need a site with a simple photo gallery plugin, but there’s so many to choose from! Maybe a weekly plugin review?

    Congrats on the launch! Looks good and can’t wait for more posts =)

    • I agree… that would be a great series of posts. I love round-up. Especially when there’s so many plugins out there to choose from

      BTW Owen, I’ve been using the NextGEN Gallery plugin for pictures and I love it so far ;)

      • Yeah Next GEN is awesome, give that a shot. I just read today that 0.025% of people that use it have donated to it =P, so if you use it and love it, consider that.

      • Cool, thanks Kerinne. I must check that out, and if I use it I’ll consider a donation.

  4. Great, can’t wait to see some more posts over here! I’m not a WordPress guy myself (Joomla! guy over here), but am interested to learn about the platform.

    Also, don’t forget to delete the “Hello World!” first post ;) .

  5. First post! Also, great site.

  6. congrats! Look forward to see a lot good stuff here ^-^

  7. The sites looks absolutely amazing. I can’t wait to see what in stores for us. Hope theirs many articles on Designing and Coding for WordPress (not to many though, don’t want to take away awareness of the book).

    ~Evan Riley

  8. Congrats on the new site guys.

    For me, I’d like to see some articles on using WordPress as a CMS. It has limited usage when used simply as a blogging platform, so this would be ideal.

    • Aye! I would like to please for that,too. Just spotted the css screencast (wordpress as cms) in itunes and found that very helpful. So a further little more documentation in the pdf would be very much appreciated! Btw: Did you consider adding screencasts to the pdf (maybe as an included or upgradable download) yet?



    • WordPress as CMS would be absolutely perfect!

      Thank you so much for all the great stuff on CSS-tricks. Can´t wait to follow this site as well.

      Greetings from Norway

  9. The little details on this site are beautiful – the out of the box post titles, 3d edges at the bottom of the page container etc. :)

    Good work, Chris and Jeff, I’ve been a reader of your blogs for quite some time, saw the post about upcoming book first on Jeff’s site and then on Chris’.

  10. I’m new to WordPress and the 1st issue I had was choosing which contact form plugin to use and I can’t get the updated Colorbox to work with WordPress 2.8. What do u guys recommend?

  11. I’d rather know what you can show us that other websites don’t show us already ;)

  12. I would love to see a tutorial for a nice sidebar design. That would be something special.

    Best regards,

  13. This is really cool – I’m really looking forward to the finished result. From a noob standpoint who is just getting in WP, I’m always looking for resources to figure out how to manipulate the basics. I’d rather fully understand the functionality on the back end than just cut and paste around code in a trial-and-error fashion.

  14. Hi, what a great idea and I love the layout!
    My question is borne out of running WP on my own server and having noticed server loads are quite high with WP, particularly when working in the ‘dashboard’, is it getting too bloated and therefore not so good a choice as it once used to be?
    Thanks guys! :-)

  15. Lauren Cooper

    I can’t wait to see what all y’all do here! I use WP a lot as well, but I want to learn more about it!!!

    Thanks for making this site :)

  16. I would like tutorials on why WordPress is better at creating dynamic sites using different pages – not blogs, as opposed to just delving into the HTML of your site.

    Loving the new site!


  17. btw just to be picky, in your sidebar the magnifying logo is overlapping the textbox in Safari 4.


  18. PimpMyWordPress

    Great news! You just got a new subscriber, me :)

  19. I too would like to see articles on using WordPress as a CMS. Also would like to know more about the different mobile plugins for wordpress and how I can make those work for CMS sites.

  20. Judith Spitzer

    I’m not a geek by any means but I have a wp site up – how do I install the new wp? I’m on a mac … help!

  21. I’m looking forward to your PDF. I hope you include some videos on this site as well since I love those much more than reading. However, a good book will not hurt me and usually does a better job going into the details.

  22. Eric Lightbody

    I would love to see articles on wordpress as a content management system and why it is / isn’t OK for that.

    BTW, excellent site, I can’t wait for more content!

  23. Hey Chris and Jeff, delighted to see such a great resource come online. Looking forward to the book too. Keep it up!

  24. Beautiful new site, I love the design! :)

    While I do most of my work in Drupal and MODx I use WP if the site is primarily a blog, so I’m definitely interested in WP development topics like how to build and customize plugins. Themeing is always interesting too. I’ve thrown my hat in the ring for the book preorder so I’ll be looking forward to the email!

    Kudos on the new site!

  25. That WordPress vulcan icon is classic!

  26. I am so glad you guys launched this site. I have really gotten into hacking WordPress the past couple weeks so a site like this is right up my alley. I’m looking forward to some great tips!

  27. Jeff and Chris together! It’s a dream come true! You’re both such wonderful teachers.

    I hope you’ll teach us neat WordPress tricks that are well thought out and robust enough to work in real-world use. And I would love to learn more about php and Apache along the way.

    I’ve subscribed and pre-ordered the book.

  28. Bjorn Sennbrink

    Please publish articles about: Plugin security (bad coding that pose a risk to the website/blog owner). “Cheat codes” and the use of conditional tags.

  29. I am so excited about this! All things WordPress in the one place! If CSS Tricks is anything to go by then this is going to be awesome!

    Can’t wait for the book! Good luck guys!

  30. Erik Lundmark


    Now, I’d really love it if you made a show stopper on the ” excerpt trailing ellipsis […] “, i.e. best practice, diff. solutions through functions.php and plugins (and perhaps by using jQuery), and why/if using the “more” function when posting is a better idea.

  31. Great site, I’d love to see some CMS stuff as well. Specifically something that’s been bothering me lately is stopping clients pasting content from Word and other sites.

    I know about the Paste from Word/Plain text buttons, but they ignore my requests to use them. Any solution to this would be amazing.

  32. Video tutorials

  33. Great great just great !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Can’t wait to start following this site as well…..All i want is tutorials and tips on building the basic on WordPress first….

    how wordpress thinks…what we should do…shouldn’t do n stuff…..problems u guyz went through …

    hats off to Chris and Jeff…!

  34. I’d like to see some stuff pertaining to eCommerce with WordPress. Like, what plugins to use, and how to get a little store up and running. I’ve only really used one plugin for WordPress eCommerce, and it would be nice to see other options, and to also see others’ process of setting it up.


  35. Really like to learn how to apply a custom template to WordPress, after uploading it to server. Really can’t find good tutorials on this!

  36. Hello, liked the site a lot. I am new to WordPress and have a great hope that this site will help me a lot.

    About this site, the only part which I did not like much is form. The brown color used for label is too dark.

  37. Hey chris and jeff, congrats on the site, wish you both the best.

    I would really love to see some tutorials on making custom theme options of all sorts. like setting colors, changing images, logo, themes, sidebar options and others.

  38. Thanks Chris and Jeff for this great web resource for WP.Good luck and I hope it is as successful as css-tricks, which I feel is one of the best sites out there for web designers/developers.

  39. I’d like to see a tutorial on how to use flutter with wordpress. I have been using and its really powerful in the right hands. I’m just having some trouble really taking advantage of it. Like getting my wp_query to query one of my custom fields.

  40. Love this, as a new to wordpress designer, I’ve used your tutorial Chris to get me started…so I am definitely looking forward to everything you might post..thank you for doing this!

  41. Hi Chris, I learnt CSS from your site, CSS-Tricks. Hope now I can learn wordpress from here too. I always wonder how to use wordpress from scratch. Though Css-tricks has a podcast tutorial about it, and there are also more out there teaching us how to create from scratch. However, I though no harm to have it once again here in more detail.

    Anyway, congratulation on the new site launch. I look forward to have a better wordpress skill from now onwards. Cheers

  42. Loops, loops, and more loops. I would love to see different ways to construct WP loops.

  43. What I would like to see is tons of make-your-wordpress better. Plugin howto’s, SEO, themes, all the things a “Digging into WordPress” should have, pretty obvious isn’t it? ;.)

  44. I would like to learn how to create a wordpress template and code it, what would be best practices and what would one have to consider.

    I know the begining of the work flow would be to design a layout in photoshop, I just don’t know what to do after that to make it a wordpress theme.

  45. I would like to see a tutorial about how to add a simple love rating system to the posts. So that people could click a heart.. and love a certain post of the blog. and then it would show how many people loved the article.

    thanks. and I loved the new site. :)

  46. Daniel Groves

    Woop! Great new site, already added to my Feed Smusher (and yes ased on your css-tricks tutorial)

    Thanks for this guys!

  47. Nice Site Chris
    Actually i need in wordpress
    more trick to customize it in layout,
    Customize as Portfolio , Cms, Gallery ..etc
    Wel what about Screencast , it’s will be cool about wp
    esp from chris :)

  48. Thanks for the site, for years I have always dabbled in web design, graphics, and what not. I finally have decided to really try and make some money at it.

    What I don’t get nowadays is the Search Engine Optimization crap. I don’t understand google analytics? Tricks, Tips of That kind of thing would be great….. You know anything really, cause I’m gonna read them all…

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