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Monthly archives: October 2009

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Ideas for WordPress Plugins I’m Too Lazy To Write

Ideas for WordPress Plugins I’m Too Lazy To Write

… or slightly more accurately, ideas for plugins that I don’t know how to write =)

WordPress dashboard widget for PHP errors log

Steve Taylor takes PHP error-logging to the next level by making it easy for WordPress users to display the latest errors as a widget on the WordPress dashboard. Just drop the script into your functions.php file, configure a few variables, and enjoy tracking of your site’s PHP errors from your WP dashboard. Works great as-is, and looks like a great starting point for further development into plugin format.

Five Ways to Change Your WordPress Password

Five Ways to Change Your WordPress Password

With the dynamic nature of WordPress, creating, using, and maintaining strong passwords is critical. Passwords help keep the good guys in and the bad guys out, enabling you to run a safe, secure WordPress-powered website. In this DiW tutorial, we’re going to show you how to change your WordPress password in virtually any scenario: logged in, locked out, and everything in between.

Clean Up Empty Elements with CSS 3

Clean Up Empty Elements with CSS 3

By default, WordPress wraps HTML comments with paragraph tags:

<p><!-- --></p>

WordPress also employs various template tags that may, in certain situations, result in empty HTML elements such as paragraphs tags:

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