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Monthly archives: January 2012

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WordPress SEO Tips

Alex Denning interviews Nathan Rice, Alex Moss, and yours truly about WordPress & SEO. If you’re new to WordPress, SEO, and/or the whole online content game, this is a great article that explains what it is, why it’s important, and how to benefit for fun and profit.

WordPress CMS Plugins

WordPress CMS Plugins

To make room for new content for the DigWP 3.3 update, we’re “excerpting” this section into its own blog post. Here you’ll find an extensive round-up of CMS plugins for WordPress. This includes CMS plugins for better admin functionality, user-role management, custom content display, e-commerce and shopping carts, forums, newsletters, and a whole lot more. This isn’t a comprehensive list, so be sure to let us know of any awesome CMS plugins that we might have missed.

WordPress Smarter Slugs ~!@$%^&*()={}[]?

WordPress Smarter Slugs ~!@$%^&*()={}<>[]?

See those crazy characters in the title of this post? Now see how they don’t appear in the post’s URL? That’s one of the finer details of the WordPress 3.3 update: smarter permalink slugs.

Plugins for SOPA/PIPA Blackout

Plugins for SOPA/PIPA Blackout

The Stop Online Piracy Act and the Protect IP Act will make things worse online by imposing unnecessary regulation over the Web. To protest these two horrible bills, major websites (including Google and Wikipedia) will “blackout” their content on Wednesday, January 18, 2012. We’re joining in too, and will be shutting down on that day. You too can get involved and let your voice be heard! To make things easy, here is a list of stop-SOPA/PIPA plugins to help blackout your WordPress-powered site.

Goodbye Admin Bar, Hello Toolbar

Goodbye Admin Bar, Hello Toolbar

When the Admin Bar hit the streets in WordPress 3.1, people seemed to either love it or hate it. And rightly so, it was a significant change in the appearance of the WP Admin area, and if not disabled in your User Profile, the front-end of your site as well. Many tips, tricks and plugins for customizing the Admin Bar began appearing around the Web. And then just as the dust began to settle, BAM — the “Admin Bar” transforms into the “Toolbar” with the WP 3.3 update.

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