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Monthly archives: June 2011

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So really, don’t use just %postname% as your permalink structure.

So really, don’t use just %postname% as your permalink structure.

Update: This issue is FIXED in WordPress 3.3.

Here’s the really short version:

I used /%postname%/ as my permalink structure on CSS-Tricks for a long time. I have lots of Pages. My site went down. I changed my permalink structure to begin with a number. Now it’s fine.

Fun Edit Posts Link (✍)

Fun Edit Posts Link (✍)

Tiny little fun idea by Dave Rupert.

AnythingSlider Plugin

Jacob Dubail turned my AnythingSlider jQuery plugin (now maintained by a number of folks) into a WordPress plugin. It’s pretty neat. You create slides like you create posts, insert them with shortcodes, group them with categories, and control behavior and layout with simple backend user interface (rather than code).

Secure uploads, upgrade and other directories with .htaccess

Secure uploads, upgrade and other directories with .htaccess

It sucks, but a lot of plugins require certain directories to be set at CHMOD 777 for its file permissions. Of course, you should not use any plugin that requires 777 directories, but if you absolutely must, you can help protect the folder by adding a thin slice of htaccess. This works great for any directory requiring “loose-ish” permissions (i.e., anything greater than 755), and may also be useful for other key folders as well.

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